ONE YEAR!! Thanking the Good Lord, Family, E-cig & this Forum

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Full Member
Aug 15, 2010
Wow... One year ago today I smoked my LAST analog! It's been a hard year & my struggle is still daily, but I take one day at a time. Between the Good Lords strength, my family's support, E-cigs & this forum I was able to do it. I smoked for 38 years, 2 1/2 packs a addiction was horrible. My life revolved around them. I made appointments around them, couldn't ride a plane more than a hour flight then would panic what if something happened I had to stay on the plane longer. I passed a FREE trip to Vegas several yrs ago. I've made the dentist take a break on dental work so I could go out & smoke. I smoked all during the night. I lived w/ a kidney stone in horrible pain & almost lost my kidney because I wouldn't go to the hospital because I couldn't smoke. Then watching my mother die from smoking (we were best friends)., just to tell a few things on how my life was my analogs. In this year I had alot of health issues (I've been pretty healthy all my life)..I finally went to the lung spec.. I had a spot on my lung which they're watching but has not grown, along w/ diag of R.A & my chemistry was all messed up and diverticulitis w/ micro perferated bowel. I was able to go to the hosp w/out panicing how I was going to smoke! So, this year was a ROUGH year. My MD which I've been going to for years was shocked. He said I was the one person he thought would never quit, because my addiction was soooo bad. He said if I could do it, ANYONE can! Now let me tell you about my E-cig. It never leaves my side. Call it my security I guess. It's always in my hand or next to me. During the night I sometimes have to find it, it will end up in my bed. I told my husband I could never go back to analogs because I'd burn the house down :vapor:.... I just wanted to share my story, even if it helps one person to know you're not alone in the struggles. Addiction is a terrible thing, no matter if it's drugs, alcohol,food, gambling or smoking. I have 3 toddler grandbabies & one on the way that I care for so I have to be here for awhile :p


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2011

I'm glad you have had the success that you have. I'm glad that you have taken the time to write your story about your addiction. It serves as a great reminder of how important e-cigs are for some of us. I've just ended my 20 yr addiction myself and hope to reach the 1 yr mark as you have.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2010
Thank you everyone for all your uplifting comments..Just remember you're not alone in your struggles. When something triggers a rough day or moment, I personally think of a little blonde haired boy (my son 21 yrs ago, crying that I went back to smoking)..& one year ago, that same son when I told my kids I quit grabbed me crying, hugging me... I will always remember that & it helps me hang on ;)..Good luck to all of you & we CAN do it!!
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