Old e cig smoker coming back again ... Help

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ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Ok guys and gals . . . Ive been away for awhile and went back to the "darkside" and Im now again looking for the light . . . Ive been researching for the past few days and I wanted to ask all of the forum members as well . . . I know everyone has a different opinion and it has alot to do with how much you smoked analogs and so on so I will diverge that info first. I smoke about a pack a day and my main gripe with the ecigs and the overall the reason I went back to analogs was just the inconsistency of it all. I started with an 801 (penstyle) and it was ok but just wasnt giving me the monstrous vapor that I wanted. I then moved on to the Janty 510 . . . it gave good hits but the batteries were a JOKE. After my researching I was going to order a dse 905 (which is what was referred to as a screwdriver in my e cig day) and i couldnt pass up on the Ego because of the fact that it uses the 510 attys. I wasnt much of a dripper in my day and used carts alot but Im starting to think that maybe dripping would have been the better way to go as far as gettin the consistency that im looking for. So . . which device is better the 905(SD) or the EGO ?? Price is no object but im not looking to getting into a whole lot of mods tho, but I am open to some modding. Please point me in the right direction . . . again ! Thanks
IMO the ego...and cartos FTW.. It helped hubs and I quit.. I like attys still but the ease of cartos are great. Welcome back, and take ur time if need be...dont put pressure on ur self

Ok guys and gals . . . Ive been away for awhile and went back to the "darkside" and Im now again looking for the light . . . Ive been researching for the past few days and I wanted to ask all of the forum members as well . . . I know everyone has a different opinion and it has alot to do with how much you smoked analogs and so on so I will diverge that info first. I smoke about a pack a day and my main gripe with the ecigs and the overall the reason I went back to analogs was just the inconsistency of it all. I started with an 801 (penstyle) and it was ok but just wasnt giving me the monstrous vapor that I wanted. I then moved on to the Janty 510 . . . it gave good hits but the batteries were a JOKE. After my researching I was going to order a dse 905 (which is what was referred to as a screwdriver in my e cig day) and i couldnt pass up on the Ego because of the fact that it uses the 510 attys. I wasnt much of a dripper in my day and used carts alot but Im starting to think that maybe dripping would have been the better way to go as far as gettin the consistency that im looking for. So . . which device is better the 905(SD) or the EGO ?? Price is no object but im not looking to getting into a whole lot of mods tho, but I am open to some modding. Please point me in the right direction . . . again ! Thanks


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Apr 12, 2010
Welcome Back! Good luck to you on your adventure.
IF it were me I would get the eGo from bluegrassvapor.com The only thing that seems to be different is you would need a second "cone" if you wanted on. The "cone"/cover really isn't NEEDED and you would typically not be using both batts at the same time so, for the sake of same kit, but a better value - one cone The bluegrassvapor kit is virtually the same for about 17.00 less. AND free shipping. You can pick up a cone or 5 if you choose and even different color covers from the link UntamedRose posted for about 5.99 each under the Joye eGo "spare parts" category. Just my 0.02 Good luck finding your sweet spot. Once again Welcome back! Here is the link for them now: http://www.bluegrassvapor.com/index...ath=14&zenid=7ab0b156327a9727f4fabfc1cb78b0d2
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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Thanks for the info again. Im looking at these cartomizers and they were not around when i was vaping ?? Question ?? Do these things have filler or do you just put in liquid and go ?? Someone either give me a run down on these or post a link to something that will explain it . . . is it just basicially a better cart or is it a cart and atty or what? Im kinda lost

Are cartos the way to go now ? I do work during the day and fooling with dripping and refilling carts every 5 or 6 puffs from the small standard 510 cart is a bit of a hassle. how long does a fully filled 2.5ml carto last for approximately ??


Vaping Master
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Aug 21, 2009
Echo Beach
The carto is a combination atomizer and cart. It has filler to hold the juice.

Post 1206 by Scottbee on this page will show you the insides and a bit of info


I have an Ego I think its about 3.1v.. The Riva is about the same. I think you may have to modify the cartomizers to fit on the Riva though.

The only pain with these big cartos is you have to fill em through the mouthpiece with a needle. That thread has some info on filling them
and i think modifying the Rivas if you can wade through the posts.
A bunch of the suppliers carry them now.

There's some real experts on that thread if you want to shoot them some questions.
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Apr 17, 2010
I am a big fan of 3xAA box mods the batterys last all day for me and it's a true 3.7v device unlike the ego. It's also very easy to build. The only person I know that sells one is Ken at Box Mods, the only downside is that it's a recessed atty (which I don't like and that he uses hot glue which doesn't last very long. You could ask him for a flush mounted atty and maybe epoxy it later on if the hot glue goes.

He sells everything that you would need there and with the drip tip. PV, attys, batts, and charger would probably cost less than an ego kit.

You can always contact him here buy you'll get a faster response at his website.
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