OLD Blu Review

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New Member
Jun 10, 2010
I have been vaping for about 6 months and after starting with a BLU I thought I would share what I have learned. I think it might be helpful to new users, esp Blu users.

DISCLAIMER: Almost every thing associated with Ecigs comes from China. The quality varies from day to day. What you read in any forum will apply MOST of the time for most folks but there will be exceptions. Also: reviews are very SUBJECTIVE. This is especially true for the standard vapor/flavor/throat hit review. I use several different e-cig devices (Blu, Volcano, 510, 801, atomizers and cartomizers) The flavor/vapor/etc for an e-liquid is DIFFERENT when using a Blu than when using the same fluid in an 801 cartomizer!

First! If you bought a package from BLU cigs, feel good! You did not get ripped off! (unlike many who start with expensive purchase from a mall kiosk)

But, you can do better if armed with a few facts. (REMEMBER: most of this is subjective)

Blu cigs are 100% compatible with Volcano cigs.

In my opinion (when ordering replacements)
- Blu batteries seem to do better than Volcano batteries
- Volcano atomizers seem to do better than Blu atomizers
- Blu cartridges are not as good as Volcano (for consistency, amount of vaping, and price - taste is subjective – I actually like most of the Blu flavors better) but neither are as good, or as cheap as buying liquid and filling your own

Other facts.

Blu/Volano atomizers are 100% compatible with 510 batteries. 510 batteries are almost as cheap as Blu batteries but are bigger and last much longer!

510 users can add a Blu/Volcano atomizer and have a great device for DIPPING. (you cannot dip a 510 due to it's basic design)

btw… A Blu/volcano atomizer/cartridge sitting on top of a 510 battery is the same length as an 100's cigarette. (very nice in a cigarette case) This reults in good vapor, long lasting and nice device to show others.

Blu/Volcano/510 can all be easily refilled.
- Remove the poly filler. Rinse with warm water and blot dry
- Replace and add E-liquid available from multiple suppliers.
- The poly filler can be replaced with... poly filler (you can buy it at sewing shops - it is the stuff they use to fill pillows and teddy bears or FLUVAL - fish tank filter available at pet stores)

MOST e-cig suppliers on the internet are excellent when it comes to price AND service
(I normally order on the west coast - pay less than 5 bucks for shipping and receive my orders from different suppliers within 2 - 3 business days)

Quality products, good prices and great service are available at:

Value Vapor

Mad Vapes

Rocky Mountain Vapor

(These suppliers are GOOD. Are there other good suppliers? YES! Are there even better suppliers? Probably YES but if not there will be!)

Good will and happy vaping
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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
Phillipsburg, New Jersey
I would add that the Blu/Volcano attys require a few days to break in. The weak vapor that someone is disappointed with on day 1 will be replaced by satisfying clouds once the atty breaks in. This is true for almost all e-cigs but the l88b attys take longer due to the smaller battery. Your experience will be the difference between night and day within a few days. Stick with it. If you have a passthrough or another stronger battery, this process can be sped up.
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