Obligatory Intro Post

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Oct 18, 2014
Portland, ME, USA
Hey all,

I'm new to the forum, and to vaping. Jumped in pretty quickly, and am learning that I prolly should have done more research, but hey, here I am :) I'm in Portland, Maine. I started out with a disposable, cheap cig-a-like a few weeks ago, in an attempt to quit smoking. It had to be the nastiest thing ever, and it didn't really help at all. Then, last week I went into a local head shop and bought a evod type pen (I think that's what they're called). I was super impressed with how much better the quality was. A few days later I went back and bought a Vamo v5 kit, which I'm starting to realize I was likely way overcharged for. But, I'm loving it, and loving the ability to play around with the voltages to find just the right power for different juices. I'd like to say that I'm going to save some money vaping over smoking, but I'm seeing how this can quickly get out of control. I want to buy all kinds parts, and try different mods, etc. I'm loving reading through all the posts on here, and am looking forward to learning a lot more :)

Nice to meet y'all!


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Congratulations on your journey to quit the ciggys and welcome to the forum! What you're experiencing with your gear is commonly known as 'shiny-itis' ;) I think most of us have started on one setup and quickly replaced it... and replaced it... and maybe replaced it some more... ;)

Good luck to you! :)


Full Member
Oct 14, 2014
Welcome. I too have sank a pretty good amount of cash into vaping (especially at first). But most of the time my thoughts were "I'm gonna save money in the long run". Then I realized that by making my own juice and building my own atties and such, I COULD save money, but every time I realize how inexpensive it's gotten, it gives me the urge (excuse) to upgrade something or try something new. In other words, this addiction has become an all out hobby for me that's well worth the money and time I've invested. So while the initial investment might seem a bit pricey to you, keep in mind what a carton of analogs cost and that once you get set up, you will be able to spend a lot less feeding your addiction. Or you can spend that money saved on a cool/fun hobby like DIY vaping.


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf daniboi1977. So glad you are here. I have been here for over a year and I'm still learning new things everyday. Just a wonderful place as far as I am concerned. I think that is how most are at the first but then you find what really makes you happy and seems to slow down a bit. Good luck to you and continued success. Have fun.
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