Notice of FDA Action

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2009
I'm with ya mwa102464.

MotorCity57, I would take a valium but those were seized by the FDA as well :)

Jaybird, when did yours get seized???

Same here JoeJokin :( Maybe I'll move to South Africa and try my luck there.

Natura, YES I'm 100% sure that a .... is medical.

To think that I'm not going to call them tomarrow because I might get red flagged or whatever is just plain crazy. Thats why we have all these problems to begin with in this country. People are so chicken when it comes to standing up for themselves and for whats right in fear of being red flagged by our system.

I smoked a pack a day for the past 20 years, tried everything to quit, and have been smoke free for over six months now. I lost my mortgage company last October while the big guys with big lobbyist got billions and I got to shut my doors on my office building and the door on my American dream. Lost my house on the golf course to boot. Quiting smoking has been one of the few good things thats been happening in my little world and to have it threatend by another power hungry selfish bureaucrat,,, well that just pisses me off. :) Lets just keep selling the bad cigs that have been proven to kill hundreds of thousands of people and squash the ecigs that haven't killed a sole yet and are giving hope to us people that have been mind ****** by big tobacco and still might die from their profiteering and our governments inabilty to protect us in the past. I remember as a kid all those big tobacco heads in congress sitting at that big table on national tv saying that cigarettes are not harmfull and do not cause cancer.

Read Judge Leons remarks. You can tell by his language that this pisses him off as well.

I forgot who said it but it has stuck with me through the years. "Government is there to protect the government not the people." I would modify it a little bit and say "Government is there to protect the government and anyone that has the money to hire a big time lobbyist,,, common hard working peope need not apply for refuge."

LOL I'll shut up now. Thanks for letting me rant!!!


By all means give them a call.. I am just trying to save ya some time and anger. They will tell you the same thing the letter says. I can tell you what has happened to the handful of orders that I called about, THEY DIDNT GET SHIPPED BACK TO CHINA. The stack of letters on my other orders that I didnt call about, got sent back to china. If they do get shipped back, most suppliers will ship them again to you at your expense. But once again, they most likely will go through chicago :nah:


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2009
US, Midwest
By all means give them a call.. I am just trying to save ya some time and anger. They will tell you the same thing the letter says. I can tell you what has happened to the handful of orders that I called about, THEY DIDNT GET SHIPPED BACK TO CHINA. The stack of letters on my other orders that I didnt call about, got sent back to china. If they do get shipped back, most suppliers will ship them again to you at your expense. But once again, they most likely will go through chicago :nah:
I have been in touch with another supplier here and they are saying the same thing except that if we call the FDA and tell them to ship back it may get shipped back faster. I also contacted my supplier in China and who knows how that is going to go. They will try to re-ship even if you ask for your money back and it will again get stopped by customs. So my question to you Jayhawks is when does this cycle end?


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2009
I have been in touch with another supplier here and they are saying the same thing except that if we call the FDA and tell them to ship back it may get shipped back faster. I also contacted my supplier in China and who knows how that is going to go. They will try to re-ship even if you ask for your money back and it will again get stopped by customs. So my question to you Jayhawks is when does this cycle end?

So far I have not seen it end and I dont see anything changing soon. I have been dealing with this problem since last May... Hell even stuff that I order from China that has NOTHING to do with ecigs, have been arriving with the green "inspected by US Customs" tape all over it. I am shocked they didnt take the packages.. They were small shipments of sunglasses for my nephews and their college buddies.

Its all a fricken mess


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2009
US, Midwest
Man Jay that really sux!! SUNGLASSES!! Come ON! I have yet to recieve a letter and I'm really anxious. My shipping info was unavailable this morrning and came back on this afternoon stating the same thing it did before. Mail came and no letter, no packages either. I'll keep posting..


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 6, 2010
Silicon Valley, California
So far I have not seen it end and I dont see anything changing soon. I have been dealing with this problem since last May... Hell even stuff that I order from China that has NOTHING to do with ecigs, have been arriving with the green "inspected by US Customs" tape all over it. I am shocked they didnt take the packages.. They were small shipments of sunglasses for my nephews and their college buddies.

Its all a fricken mess

Clearly they are sending a signal...DONT BUY FROM CHINA! What can you do!
OMG . .I thought that it was a victory for the e-cig industry in general when NJoy and Smoke everywhere won that ruling. To discover that it only protected them is hard to phathom considering the language in the ruling referred to electronic cigarettes as a generality. But, to find that that may even be a moot issue due to appeals court continuing to allow seizures is disheartening. It's hard enough to start a business today without fighting the FDA, Pay Pal, Google and even my local paper that allows for free advertising who banned my ad.
I'd be interested in seeing how the FDA's attitude would change if the big tobacco companies started supplying the electronic cigarettes under their brand names. . .Do we really think that the health of the nation is their primary concern????

Ps. thanks AngelsLuv . . I'm actually in the process of updating the web site . .it will have a new look within the next couple of weeks.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
Lake Ariel, PA.
I'd be interested in seeing how the FDA's attitude would change if the big tobacco companies started supplying the electronic cigarettes under their brand names. . .Do we really think that the health of the nation is their primary concern????

Ps. thanks AngelsLuv . . I'm actually in the process of updating the web site . .it will have a new look within the next couple of weeks.

I know that you know, that all of us on the forum know, that the FDA is getting kickbacks from both the Tobacco Companies Lobbyist and the Pharmceutical Companies and their Lobbyists...

E-Ciggies are made of the same stuff that's in the tobacco cessation patches.. If a person doesn't use a patch, or the gum, or the inhaler, and instead uses the e-ciggie, then the pharmecudical companies make no money.. If the person doesn't want to quit, but decides to use an e-ciggie instead, the tobacco companies make no money..

The FDA does not care about anyone's health although they claim to.. It's a corrupt association who is in bed with many.. How many drugs have the FDA approved, but later it ends up that people either develop medical problems or die from???

It will be nice to see the updates.. When I can get some money together, I've got to buy some stuff from you.. I think the HTML of your site is gorgeous..
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 1, 2010
I'd be interested in seeing how the FDA's attitude would change if the big tobacco companies started supplying the electronic cigarettes under their brand names. . .Do we really think that the health of the nation is their primary concern????

Ps. thanks AngelsLuv . . I'm actually in the process of updating the web site . .it will have a new look within the next couple of weeks.
I'm thinking that might just be whats going on. After they get banned and all the vendors are shut down, then Big Tabacco and Pharm. will get behind it, get it reversed and start marketing their own products.
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