'Nother fng

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New Member
Jul 21, 2011
Gotta dump the 'analogs'.
Lungs talking to me in a bad way.
"Dude, you better knock it the f off or you'll be hauling an air tank/nose hose along to get to the grocery.."
Chantix gave me nothing...not even the wonderful 'dreams' they're supposed to produce...

E-cig looks like my best bet to keep my nic jones satisfied without the tar and co2.

I'm familiar with vaping, having worked an Iolite with (ahem) vegetable matter...;)

Excellent info here, tons of decent, relatively 'civilized' folk here with good takes on various points.

Many hours of reading forum threads till now.
Daunting task.
2 plus years of e-cig development with upgrades/downgrades on one forum.
Full of niche market 'best ever', 'new and exciting', 'that don't work no more'...
And the lingo/components...auughhh :)facepalm:)...vg/pg/og/cartos/attys...lmao.
Just like the photography forums I've been on.

Need a bit o' direction from y'allz at this point.

I'm a road warrior for work; tons o' miles driven throughout NorCal on a frequent basis.
(Asbestos/lead hunter.)
Many hours of windshield time on a day-to-day basis.
(When there's work...niche market woes...)
I ingest the 'contractor 4 food groups': caffeine, nicotine, sugar and carbohydrates.
(What? You've never heard of this? They didn't teach THAT in schoolz, did they??? :D)

The rest of my times are spent mostly in front of a computer screen...

When do I smoke?
While on the road or at the screen...
'Bout a pack 'o day, plus/minus.
(Went from Camel 'homps' to filtered...cheaper that way and maybe I'd quit sooner???...lmao...)

juice ME, baby!!! :2cool:

I'm looking for a manual batt, deep tank puffer that won't run out on me at high mph in traffic.
(Doesn't everyone try to do 80 on 80??? [mph/state highway])
Don't care about the looks of it, just that it will work consisitently. (If maintained properly.)

I get it: gonna need enough supplies to do this right.
Gonna have to spend some jing.
Fair enough.

The 510 manual caught my orbs...but then there's the Eco...and all it's variations...crap...

Need a good, current, up-to-date, starter kit; with available accessories for hours of road travel.

Don't want to have to break the (broken) bank to set up and roll.
I'm adept enough to figure out dripping and such.

I get the mail order/supplier gig.
Curious about local tobacco shops (Sacramento, CA); do they have starter kits?
Hands-on visuals work better for me, but if not available...wellll...

Can y'allz help a mawg out here?

Thanks for reading, hope to hear from someone (or more???) soon...



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 7, 2010
Welcome, pjl! All vapers have different opinions about the "best" ecig, and you will soon be barraged with well-meant advice. I'll start - skip the small stuff and get a big-battery juice-feeding mod, like an REO, Red sky, or Grip. They don't look like cigarettes, but they work really well, in that they have big, long-lasting batteries, and a juice feed system that requires a minimum of fiddling.


Super Member
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Jun 29, 2011
Punta Gorda Belize / NJ
Welcome to ECF and good luck. My first introduction to vaping was also on an Iolite for testing purposes only of course. :blush:

Anyway given your needs I think you may be best served by skipping the starter kits and looking at the mods. Yeah the really pretty ones can cost some serious cash (like an Iolite) but you can get some basic ones to get started pretty cheap. A bottom feeder would probably suit you well for all of the driving you do as you can vape all day without changing anything. You can pick up a Boge Revolution for quite cheap just to see if you like it. Doubt if it's durable enough to stand up to 'contractor abuse'.

The Roughstack at MadVapes is supposed to be very durable and if you pair it with a tank mod or XL cartomizer / tankomizer you whould be set for a day as well. You should check out the Modders Forum for better information than I can offer though.


Supporting Member
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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
I suggest a bottom feeder mod for your needs and skip all the little kits. I say this because if I'd started with one myself, it would have saved me hundreds of dollars and tons of almost maddening frustration...and I also say it because you drive a lot and it would be extremely useful to you. I use a Hog mod, it's in my avatar.

6ml bottle of liquid inside the mod, push the bottle through a cut out in the door and it feeds the juice to your atomizer or cartomizer, no need to refill or "top off" while you're driving, just push the bottle and keep vaping.

The battery is a protected 18650 size with mAh up to 3000 (though that might be a bit ambitious...some of the AW batteries claim to be 2900mAh and might be more accurate than the Trustfire or Ultrafire 18650 brands). A battery with this kind of mAh will get you through that 6ml bottle and then some.

Low Resistance 510 or 306 atomizer, or even the 2ohm Boge cartomizers are popular with these mods (I've tried a ton of cartomizers, the Boges feed well with the bottom feeders and aren't as harsh on your battery life as say the Dual Coil cartomizers or the 1.5ohm cartomizers), though you'll get many opinions about different atomizers being the "best" for flavor, vapor, etc. It's all personal choice and mine is LR Joye 510 atomizer or 2ohm Boge cartomisers.

If you're completely against the bottom feeder mod, you might look into something like the Echo kit as it has a high mAh battery and fairly high capacity cartomizers (I think they claim to hold 3.5ml).

Best wishes on your new journey! :)


New Member
Jul 21, 2011
Tanks to all so far for the quick responses!
Good directions for me to look into.

Definitely gonna be some trial and error ramp ups.
I kinda figured I'm looking for different/modded stuff and don't want to blow through vast dollars to find out.
Done that already with the camera gear...:p

I'll trundle off to the mod zone and see what's shakin'!
If I could just put my hands on the computer screen and absorb all the lingo, I'd be in better shape...


Supporting Member
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Jan 27, 2010
North Carolina
Tanks to all so far for the quick responses!
Good directions for me to look into.

Definitely gonna be some trial and error ramp ups.
I kinda figured I'm looking for different/modded stuff and don't want to blow through vast dollars to find out.
Done that already with the camera gear...:p

I'll trundle off to the mod zone and see what's shakin'!
If I could just put my hands on the computer screen and absorb all the lingo, I'd be in better shape...

What lingo do you need help with? We'll help you! :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
A standard size 0.36" x 1.987" dual coil cartomizer (dc) will hold enough juice for about 2 hours of heavy high quality vaping.
I normally have a few topped off so I'm good for all day w/o topping off.
It is easy to switch flavors by switching dc.
DC requires a strong device because it's a power hog; basically 2 carto guts in one tube.
DC can also be used on high current capable bottom feeders.
DC cost about $2 each; cheap to try.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 14, 2011
Tampa, FL
Whatever model you get one thing is for certain...you absolutely will NEED a car charger and will probably want a USB passthru battery. Having to mess with filling tanks on the road will be messy and inconvenient so you might actually want to get one that uses big cartomizers that you can refill and carry extras and will hold a lot of juice that you can easily swap out on the road. If you have a model that doesn't look anything like a cigarette you might end up getting pulled over and have the police think you are smoking something illegal rather than vaping...so that is something to consider. You should watch as many youtube video reviews on models to see which will fit your needs best.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 9, 2009
Whatever model you get one thing is for certain...you absolutely will NEED a car charger and will probably want a USB passthru battery. Having to mess with filling tanks on the road will be messy and inconvenient so you might actually want to get one that uses big cartomizers that you can refill and carry extras and will hold a lot of juice that you can easily swap out on the road. If you have a model that doesn't look anything like a cigarette you might end up getting pulled over and have the police think you are smoking something illegal rather than vaping...so that is something to consider. You should watch as many youtube video reviews on models to see which will fit your needs best.

Funny you should say that.
I feel a tad paranoid vaping roughstack in public.
Like what I would tell poilice or how I would hide it if pulled over.
I don't feel paranoid vaping jazz cartopipe because it looks like a harmless tobacco pipe.
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