Not Promoting The Use Of Drugs (VIDEO)

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Harry Crazington

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2009
Las Vegas
Who knows if the hemp oil works or is hype.
I am not buying the hemp oil conspirecy theory.
If you've ever researched the history of hemp you should know that at least 5,000 years of recorded history tells us that hemp was, and still is, the most valuable resource on the planet. Jack Herrer's book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and his video The Emperor of Hemp, and Rick Simpson's web page Cure Cancer with Hemp Oil - Phoenix Tears are a good start. If hemp oil is pretty much a cure all it would put a lot of money grubbing scum out of business and save millions of human lives. Which is more sensible? It's long overdue to remove the goverment ban on the plant that can save the planet, in so many different ways!
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Aug 24, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
If you've ever researched the history of hemp you should know that at least 5,000 years of recorded history tells us that hemp was, and still is, the most valuable resource on the planet. Jack Herrer's book The Emperor Wears No Clothes, and his video The Emperor of Hemp, and Rick Simpson's web page Cure Cancer with Hemp Oil - Phoenix Tears are a good start. If hemp oil is pretty much a cure all it would put a lot of money grubbing scum out of business and save millions of human lives. Which is more sensible? It's long overdue to remove the goverment ban on the plant that can save the planet, in so many different ways!

Im likeing the input from you guys ... Didnt know about Phoenix Tears ...I will have to look that up ...Thanks for that.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 15, 2009
Long Island, NY
Did you guys also know that hemp can be used to make a biodegradable plastic? I used to have a pocket scale made out of hemp-plastic.

But then it bio-degraded :-/

No, only kidding, I forgot it at some guy's place (I didn't really know him I just came by to drop something off) and when I called him the next day to ask when I could come pick it up, he told me that I didn't leave it there. I was certain that I did though, because as soon as I got back to my place I realized that I left it right on his counter next to a bottle of vodka. He had some girl with him though so I didn't want to bother him that night, so I waited until the next day to call him. I had heard that he was a dirt-bag but at the time I just felt that money was money, no matter who it came from.

So yeah, hemp-plastic...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2009
North Carolina
My 2 cents, its not opinion anymore there are more than enough studies done if you'll google thc/cancer together. I can't post links, but i used the library of congress to search for medical studies and journal references. The info does exist and its legitimate science. They're not saying smoking up kills cancer, as the carcinogens that exist in tar and such are still there with smoke same as analog cigarettes, and there are the obvious immuno effects but given immunosteroids(generally given in conjuction with chemo) it can be easily countered. These studies generally aren't done in the USA b/c currently GW pharmaceuticals has the patent on Sativex which is a 99% pure thc oral spray but has solution form as well. The fda demands research but wont grant permits for research. But the most recent studies have been not just on the slowing effect of THC on tumors, but on intratumorally injecting thc. Even our synthetic endocannabinoids altered good cells whereas the natural thc was shown to actually destroy tumor cell's abilities to survive and leave the good cells intact. Interesting science, but application and execution are key. Cancer's a horrible disease, but adding another tool to the arsenal of treatments with such demonstrable results seems obvious. btw those intratumor injections had no noticeable psychoactive effects, so no worries about making people "high"


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 3, 2009
North Carolina
no you misunderstand the science of what the Spaniard's experiment pointed to. THC was injected intratumorally and didn't get people high. its not the same as it would be via vaporization, i was just pointing the little kernel of truth in the smoking weed kills cancer thing, wrong. These were 2 human patients with brain GBM cancer, and they simply measured the autophagy, or pace at which cells(the cancer ones) died, before and after injections. but the draconian policy currently in effect prohibits us from even exploring such options here in the states.


Full Member
May 8, 2009
Great videos!

I support medical use of marijuana and it's derivatives.

When my aunt had cancer her appetite had dwindled down to nothing as she was going through treatment. She was prescribed marijuana to stimulate her appetite. Not only did she gain her appetite back, but it also had alleviated some pain.

I feel that without the benefits provided to her by marijuana she would not be in my life today, neither would my wonderful cousin whom I consider my sister.

Harry Crazington

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2009
Las Vegas
It has went a bit slow now !!!

Most people are afraid of the cure I guess. If I were on my deathbed with an incurable case I think that I'd try ANYTHING, and I would not care if some bureaucrat said it is illegal or not! While Rick Simpson's method of rendering the plant down to a thick highly concentrated syrup may be best for someone already known to have terminal cancer, or any other disease, maybe the Green Dragon method would be just as effective as a preventative for anyone else. The Green Dragon method is similar to those of us trying to extract nicotine from tobacco products except you do not need to evaporate the liquid down at all, or not as much. You could just drink the H laced alcohol beverage, providing you use drinkable alcohol for the extraction, not isopropyl alcohol, naphtha, or butane. Google Green Dragon for more info and read this too >> How to Make "Green Dragon"


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 2, 2009
east coast
I have serious back issues and chronic pain. I see a pain doctor and i am prescribed 80 mg of oxycontin, 750 mg vicoden 3 times a day and other assorted "legal with a prescription" drugs that are probably going to do more harm in the long run but legalize marijuana!! Oh no would Big Pharm make any money if we could all grow our own..great videos rustylug and point well taken

Harry Crazington

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2009
Las Vegas
Very Intresting Harry.
Can you buy this Green Dragon drink in shops then?

The only shops that I know of are in California, but you need a medical maryjane card from the State and proof of residence, otherwise ya have to brew your own I guess. Oh yaa Amsterdam too.
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