Noob Here / B&M in LA?

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Jun 7, 2013
Miami, FL
First off let me start by introducing myself. I have recently decided that throwing away my money on smelling like crap was annoying me so I decided to pick up vaping(to spend more money of course ;)) to help in easing the transition from analogs to digitals lol. I bought an ego/vivi nova kit, a bit overpriced as I made an impulse purchase from a local B&M(VaporShark Miami) which I regret but at the end it has served its purpose and has kept me pretty much analog free for the last 2 months. I still have some lapses usually no more than 2-3 sticks a week. Since then my add/ocd has kicked in and I have become obsessed with vaping and the joys of having clean smelling fingers ;).

I have been lurking these forums since my first ego and have since decided to transition into an actual member. I have recently made several purchases and currently dipped a toe into DIY ejuice, purchased a VW(Sigelei Zmax v3), an RSST and AGI, some evods and Protank. Currently waiting on a Sigelei 19b to try my hand in mechanical mods and hopefully not lose my face in the process :facepalm: but am pretty confident in my skills and have spent hours researching batteries and mech mods. Any recommendations are welcomed :). Lastly have some juices from timelessvapor coming in(my DIY attempt wasn't the greatest) and some Kanthal 30awg for my new mech :D. That is pretty much me and my start of my new vaping life, hope it wasn't too boring....on to the question....

I am travelling to LA next week and as there are not any worthy Vape Stores in Miami(only headshops with re-branded egos), I am planning on visiting some Vape Shops in LA. Does anyone know of any B&M locations in LA worth visiting? Looking for a nice Juice Bar and general vape accessories(not just ego and vivi). I have done some searches and found some locations but would like some opinions from those who have actually been to these places.

Hi I'm new. Any good B&M Vape Shops in LA?

Thanks for reading...................


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Sep 1, 2012
Where in LA? When people say they're going to LA, they usually are saying it in a broad sense. They refer to LA as the whole southern CA. Like what mooshi said, there's a lot of shops here and we'll be glad to point you to all of the spots we've encountered. We just need you to specify where you will be at, maybe a zip code would be a great start and where you will be roaming around here.


Full Member
Verified Member
Jun 7, 2013
Miami, FL
This should get you started on your search.
Thanks for this...

Sorry I was not more specific, the details are filtering in today as this trip was planned last minute and still trying to figure it all out. I believe I will be staying around Melrose but will be renting a car to drive around and do Cali stuff :) so yeah any suggestions around there or not too far would be great. Thanks guys!
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