No News Yet, but be prepared when the USPS adds E Cigarettes to their Tobacco Restrictions

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2012
Clearwater, Florida
So is it the happy, well balanced homes that are creating the obese children?

Obviously My opinions of whats wrong with this world are not going to be everybodys opinions. I am being backed into a corner here where I am coming off as sounding like I think my wife and I are some kind of superheroes. That is certainly not my intention. WTS, my daughter, 12 the oldest knows how to read labels and make proper decisions when it comes to what to eat and not to eat. None of my kids are overweight, nevermind obese. Do we have a well balanced home? You betcha. Do we have obese kids? Nope. Are all 3 of my kids on the honor roll and the principal's list? Yep. Do teachers that do not know me come up to me at school functions when they see me with my kids and say " thank you, I wish there were more parents like you guys in this world"? This has happened at least 3 times in 4 years. I am a boy scout leader for my 2 oldest boys, my wife is my daughters girl scout leader, and we are quite the active, well balanced family. So, now that I'm finished telling you how great we are, dont you think if this country had more families like ours and a divorce rate lower than 80%, we would have less smokers, drug addicts, crime, etc?
You asked for it and there you go. I am proud of the fact that I can go 12 rounds about why my kids will never smoke.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Obviously My opinions of whats wrong with this world are not going to be everybodys opinions. I am being backed into a corner here where I am coming off as sounding like I think my wife and I are some kind of superheroes. That is certainly not my intention. WTS, my daughter, 12 the oldest knows how to read labels and make proper decisions when it comes to what to eat and not to eat. None of my kids are overweight, nevermind obese. Do we have a well balanced home? You betcha. Do we have obese kids? Nope. Are all 3 of my kids on the honor roll and the principal's list? Yep. Do teachers that do not know me come up to me at school functions when they see me with my kids and say " thank you, I wish there were more parents like you guys in this world"? This has happened at least 3 times in 4 years. I am a boy scout leader for my 2 oldest boys, my wife is my daughters girl scout leader, and we are quite the active, well balanced family. So, now that I'm finished telling you how great we are, dont you think if this country had more families like ours and a divorce rate lower than 80%, we would have less smokers, drug addicts, crime, etc?
You asked for it and there you go. I am proud of the fact that I can go 12 rounds about why my kids will never smoke.
I suspect once your kids start to turn 16 you may well be in for quite a shock somewhere along the line.
I know you don't believe that for one second, I'm just saying don't be too surprised.

I'd tell you my story, but I'm sure it would be worth multiple infractions.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
SW Florida
I have a job so i am 110% against requiring a signature for delivery,i refuse to use any company for anything if they require a signature if i can get it from another that doesn't require it. As for kids smoking i along with my friends grew up in a nice small town and were all raised to be polite and taught how bad smoking and drugs were and most of us had family members that had health issues due to thier previous smoking. We pretty much all eventually started smoking and several of them became heavy drug users including h*ro*n,i'm just saying this because it seems that the kids that grow up in households where the parents are always preaching how bad everything is usually are the one's that leave for college and go wild,if they don't start by the end of college. I think it's good to teach kids the dangers of smoking,drugs,etc,etc but at the same time parents need to be carefull not to over do it. Just my 2cents and not meant to offend anyone(i am a parent also)


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Feb 16, 2012
Garland, TX

I am sure that you are a wonderful Daddy and that your wife is an awesome Mom and I commend you both on your parenting skills and your involvement with your children - and that is a sincere compliment and it is NOT to be construed as sarcasm in any shape, form, or fashion. I also agree with you that if there were more families that had healthy relationships, (regardless of if they are married, or not), then the children that they raised would be much more likely to be healthy in mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

Having said that, however, I would like to point out that the vast majority of children, once they reach a certain age, (I refer to them as 'meanagers' - for good reason - once they pass beyond around age 13), will rebel in some way against even the very best of parents. The kids donot do this to just piss the parent off, nor do they do it to hurt the parent - they do it because they are trying to figure out who they are as individuals. They are becoming separate beings from their parents and are no longer our 'babies' and they will have their own opinions and thoughts and those opinions and thoughts will generally not mirror their parents opinions and thoughts the vast majority of the time. And they will express those thoughts and opinions quite strongly - with much gusto - and, at times, they will express them quite offensively. They will pull away from you to some extent, (some to a great extent), and their friends will, sadly, become much more important to them, (for a time), than you, the parent are. And trust me, it hurts like Hell when this happens.

Sometimes, they will pull so far away from you for a time, that you may feel as if they actually hate you. In reality, they don't hate you - they just believe that you don't understand them. They will think parents just don't have a clue. And you know what? It will not matter to them that not so long ago you were their age too, so you understand, precisely, what they are feeling and going thru now. In those little hormone warped brains of theirs, only their friends "get them". You? Um, well, you will become rather superfluous at this point in their lives unless and until they need money, need a ride somewhere, or else there is something that they want from you enough to 'butter you up'. And this 'meanager' stage can last for several years and it sux - it really, really sux for us as parents because we see that we are losing our babies. They are becoming adults and they are stretching their wings and pushing boundaries - and this will hurt you many times over.

Eventually most of them will outgrow this stage and they will become the strong, well rounded individuals that you, as the parent, have laid the foundation for them to become. When THAT happens it will then be the time for you to congratulate yourself on just how awesome of a Daddy you were - and how terrific of a Mom your wife was. Not before. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for terrible disappointment.

Right now, they are the clay and you are the potter. All you can do is try to shape and mold them by doing the very best possible job of parenting that you know how to do. And sadly, sometimes no matter how good of a parent you are, things just will not turn out as well with a child as you hoped for because kids just don't come with instruction manuals tattooed on their butts at birth.

And then, finally, there will come a time when they actually really do 'get it' and then they are not just paying you lip service and telling you what they think that you want to hear. You can see it in their faces when they really do 'get it'. You will know by their demeanor when they really 'get it'. Most of all, you will know that they 'get it' because they will actually tell you that they now 'get it'. And you know what? Then they will actually thank you for being the awesome parent that they you were during their formative years.

For my kids, this 'getting it' always seemed to happen between ages 19 to 21. I will never forget when my eldest, Sissy, called me just sobbing her heart out shortly after she had moved out on her own and into her first apartment. "I am SO sorry I was such a rotten kid. I hurt you so many times and I see it now - and I am so, so sorry - will you forgive me for the all of the hurt that I caused you?" Of course, she had already been forgiven many times over for each hurt, or disappointment that she gave her Daddy and me over the years because that is what parents DO - they love unconditionally.......but I cannot express, in words, how wonderful it felt to know that she now truly 'got it'.

All the best to you,


Obviously My opinions of whats wrong with this world are not going to be everybodys opinions. I am being backed into a corner here where I am coming off as sounding like I think my wife and I are some kind of superheroes. That is certainly not my intention. WTS, my daughter, 12 the oldest knows how to read labels and make proper decisions when it comes to what to eat and not to eat. None of my kids are overweight, nevermind obese. Do we have a well balanced home? You betcha. Do we have obese kids? Nope. Are all 3 of my kids on the honor roll and the principal's list? Yep. Do teachers that do not know me come up to me at school functions when they see me with my kids and say " thank you, I wish there were more parents like you guys in this world"? This has happened at least 3 times in 4 years. I am a boy scout leader for my 2 oldest boys, my wife is my daughters girl scout leader, and we are quite the active, well balanced family. So, now that I'm finished telling you how great we are, dont you think if this country had more families like ours and a divorce rate lower than 80%, we would have less smokers, drug addicts, crime, etc?
You asked for it and there you go. I am proud of the fact that I can go 12 rounds about why my kids will never smoke.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Jan 23, 2012
Clearwater, Florida
Look I did not mean to sound like I think I have perfect children. Also I believe I clearly stated that I do not think my wife and myself are better than anyone, or superheroes. This thing took on a life of its own. I never should of used my situation as an example. Bad Idea, just like the title of this thread. I understand "life happens". I also dont believe in tempting fate. I felt strongly about making a point and I went about it the wrong way. Everything I said was true and I meant it but this is not the time or place for this conversation. So, if its ok with all parties involved, I would like to drop this here and now. Obviously if someone wants the last word, please be my guest.
Thanks for the go around and good luck to all.


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Jun 1, 2012
The last time I had an USPS Priority delivery that had "delivery confirmation" on it, the mailman just knocked once and split. There was no confirmation.

So, even if you had that plan in action, in real life, it'd never work.

I have to have a USPS delivery as Fedex and UPS can't get in my building and I don't drive a car to be able to get to their centers miles away. I've had Fedex leave packages at the icecream shop and the beauty salon across the parking lot w/o any prior arrangement....yet they were "delivered". Bah!

At least with USPS, I know they will leave it at my apartment door if nothing else.

It should be up to the vendors who are selling the gear to screen for age, not the delivery guys.
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Apr 6, 2011
Not that I sugest to do it all the time but when I order an exspensive mod or place a high $ order I always request signature if possible. I have lost a few orders already with one of our usps guys and no amount of complaint has helped in that regard.
He is always pi... off because he needs to get to the door but I do not care.


CASAA Activist
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Whenever I see someone standing outside, lighting up a tobacco cigarette, I comment: "That's so 20th century!" Then I pull out my eGo and start happily puffing. "This is the 21st century," I say. I smile when I say it and so far, nobody has been insulted. If they haven't seen one before, they are usually in awe. Then I hand them a CASAA card.


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Oct 17, 2011
Warsaw, Indiana
I'm not even going to bite on that one.... I have 4 kids and I guarantee none of them will ever light up never mind will I find my wife or myself throwing away their cigs. We are raising an anti tobacco generation. In this country anyway. Yes there will always be those rebels from broken homes who will smoke and do a whole lot worse, but the majority of responsible parents raising kids the right way will produce healthy young adults who wouldn't even think twice about lighting up. My oldest 3 will never forget the past 3 years while they were old enough to remember arguing with me almost daily to quit. Just the fact that they have to wrap their heads around why dad does/did something that is known to kill people, will stick with them enough to keep them away. Nevermind the fact that they are being raised to know better, weather I was a smoker or not.

The only issue I have with this post is your comment 'rebels from broken homes'. I was a rebel and was not from a broken home. You are welcome to say and believe what you want but I can promise you that many rebels come from 'good' homes, too, lol.
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