njoy king commercial.

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Dec 29, 2012
Nashville, TN
My girlfriend and I were sitting on the couch watching television (Im pretty sure it was a major network) and this njoy king commercial came on. It wasn't a bad commercial necessarily, you could tell they put some money into it. Anyone else by chance see it?

Those will soon go away. I didn't get to see it though. :(

Guess I can look it up on youtube!


ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
actually it seems the king commercial is trying to make the point that smokers finally have an alternative to tobacco without quitting. - saw it last night and unlike the blu and other commercials if i was just starting again i would probably be trying them. well done i think.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2013
Woodstock Ga
RIZE FROM THE ASHES!!!.....yeah ive seen it...and laughed at it whole heartedly until i thought of the exposure the ecig culture will recieve then i said "you go blu"...what ever gets em in the door to us right? plenty of people start with a blu or like units then realize there is hope and an adventure waiting for them.
the ecig culture takes good care of themselves ...this i have seen on this forum.


Senior Member
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Nov 13, 2008
Washington, D.C.
Hope this isn't too off-topic, but who knows of super mini ecig that has the same awesome throat-hit as the Njoy King, but is not a disposable; and one that has a battery recharge case that comes with it?

I'm a loooong time vaper, as well as a long time forum browser (not much of a poster). I use an Ego clone for daily vamping, but I always like to use the small analog sized PVs when I take "smoke breaks" at work. It helps trick my brain into thinking I'm smoking a real cig.

I really hope nobody responds and mentions the Colibri or, god forbd, the SafeCig Micro. Those units have very little vapor and absolutely no throat-hit.

If someone made a rechargeable version of the Njoy King, that someone would be the first someone to offer a true 1 to 1 replication of the real tobacco smoking experience. If there isn't a PV on the market like the one I want, then why the heck not? Certainly there would be a market for it. They just made a high production value commercial for the King, so product awareness has already been established.

Hmm, maybe I should've started a new thread for this. . .
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