njoy classic or generic penstyle? opinions

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ey guys just me again. ok been tryin to do my research so i dont screw myself in the a** again with another waste of money and time ecig. from my impressions of reviews, njoy is no good, and a generic would be better. but that is considering the huge price difference. i have a choice of getting either a generic penstyle for $70 or an njoy classic for $80 (Australian $ that is). now with such little margin in price i'm finding it real hard to pick one. but at the same time i've already had a terrible experience with my first ecig (supermini). money is no issue as i want the best i can get so i'm not spending more time replacing and fixing and fiddling around than actually smoking. i'm not sure exactly which generic penstyle it is, i'm assuming all generic penstyles are the same just different branding/packaging? would i be right in that assumption? sorry if i'm not i'm new to this. if they are all the same then this generic would be the RN4072 i guess. which in that case has an alright review history, unlike the njoy. ahh so many choices what to do. any opinions would be greatly appretiated as you all have alot more experience than me. cheers guys (and gals too):thumb:
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