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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 29, 2009
Interesting thread, i normally smoke 30ish real fags a day but on a bad day at work that can creep up towards 50! and that does scare me if i am honest.

With my first E-Cig (Awaiting Delivery) I have ordered what i classed as a normal vape 2.4 X High and then what i thought as a lower dose for more heavier vaping sessions 18mg High, i thought X High and High would be about right for me as i smoke so many real fags but im not so sure now after reading this thread.

Thnx for making this thread as before i was not really aware of how dangerous it can be if you are not responsible with it.

First of all i would like to ask is there any warning that you are taking too much like a gradual thing or is it more of a sudden overdose hospital situation? Are there warning signs to stop vaping?

And my last question, i just want to make sure i have this right. If it does turn out to be too strong i can buy glycerine and use it to dilute my juice to make it weaker rather than wasting it. Or prolly better still to buy the same juice as a no nicotine version and mix the 2 to half the dose.

Cheers Lee.


Vaping Master
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ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
I've found that vaping too much (which is mercifully hard to do) results in a "tight" head and a headache. When these symptoms present themselves I stop vaping and am usually back to normal in half an hour. I would not recommend thrashing away on 36mg liquid as you could vape more than you required very quickly. However, 36mg liquid is great for a quick hit and also for cutting with glycerine. These are just my views and personal experiences btw and should not be considered as advice - different people can react wildly differently to the same things.


New Member
May 16, 2009
Well I had 3 lovely links showing why and how nicotine is already freebased in manufactured cigs but the bloody forum says I'm not special yet.

Smoking manufactured cigs means you are already freebasing nicotine, they added the ammonia to them when nicotine levels were regulated. It enhances absorption by up 100x.

My first post. Might I also recommend someone do a sticky thread on comparative ecigs. I've browsed for several hours and most of it was in the "WTF are they talking about" category. 501, 801, 901, I still don't know WTF the difference is. 8-o. Of course the makers don't help either as I've browsed their sites after reading about different ecig. They show different models but don't explain a dang thing about what the differences are. I make my own smokes and really don't plan on quitting soon, but the ecig would be helpful I believe for when I'm out doing sales calls and don't want to smell like a mobile ashtray. :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 4, 2009
Fresno, CA
Can someone tell me if you can oversmoke Glycerine - I just cut my 11mg nicotine in half (I think), used 50 drops of nicotine (11 mg) and 50 drops of Glycerine, plus 2 drops of distilled water. Just wondering if anyone knew how bad Glycerine is for you in a half and half solution with nicotine
Thanks for any info


Full Member
ECF Veteran
May 1, 2009
Bowling Green Ohio
I like to vape. I love hitting on my ecig all day long. My first bottle of juice was 11 mg and 18 mg nic. I found that I have been getting light headed, vertigoish feeling often. I just recieved my bottle of 6mg today(also ordered a small bottle of 24 mg to try out some recipes and cutting). Hoping that I won't get the light headedness from the 6mg and can still vape all day. I was smoking 2 packs or more a day(granted I was smoking lights/ultra lights). Blows my mind to see that some people vape on the 36mg all day long.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Just a quick summary of some of the things we know:

Ruyan research says we get 300 x 35ml puffs from a cartridge (1ml?).

A forum poll shows that most voters get less than 60 puffs from 1ml (so the discrepancy with the Ruyan claims would be in the measurement of an average puff).

Commercial brand nicotine potency varies from zero - 48mg per ml

Ruyan research suggests that a cartridge (1ml?) lasts 1-4 days

A forum poll shows 2-3ml per day being more usual

Initial results from 9 participants in blood nicotine level tests by Ruyan show that five minutes vaping of 16mg eliquid gives about a tenth of the blood nicotine level as smoking a cigarette. Nicotine absorbtion from vaping research

Some people think they can overdose with vaping and some don't.

Some people have been diagnosed by medics with nicotine overdose from vaping.

Tolerance levels seem to vary a great deal, making subjective comparisons difficult.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2008
the Netherlands
Good summary, Kate. I'll make some remarks if you don't mind to perhaps help shed some more light on some of the above.
Ruyan research says we get 300 x 35ml puffs from a cartridge (1ml?).

A forum poll shows that most voters get less than 60 puffs from 1ml (so the discrepancy with the Ruyan claims would be in the measurement of an average puff).

Commercial brand nicotine potency varies from zero - 48mg per ml

Ruyan research suggests that a cartridge (1ml?) lasts 1-4 days

A forum poll shows 2-3ml per day being more usual

Initial results from 9 participants in blood nicotine level tests by Ruyan show that five minutes vaping of 16mg eliquid gives about a tenth of the blood nicotine level as smoking a cigarette. Nicotine absorbtion from vaping research
- They are going from a V8 (ruyan) e-cig - that one indeed has the usual pen-model cartridge, so 1 ml would be the correct conclusion.
- The V8 when working as it should has a quick cut-off. Meaning you simply can't take the kind of puffs/inhalations that I am seeing on most video's of e-smokers from this forum. I think this might account for a lot of the difference in how much is inhaled (in millilitres vapor) per puff.
- Also, the V8 has big pauses before working again after a cut-off. Perhaps this accounts for the difference in how much is smoked 'per hour'... using one single V8, it could well not be possible even if you tried to get more in per hour, due to quick cut-offs followed by long pauses (I don't own one myself that is working as it should, they have a failure-rate in producing the V8's with the cut-off and pause afterwards as meant, and I have only had, on purpose, those failures... - so I can't do any measurements to check this said here; but I can imagine this to be the reason for the ruyan-outcome)
- perhaps the above means that you also need 1-4 days to get one cartridge empty? (not sure, but sounds reasonable given correct V8-workings?)
- If a lot of the results is due to the V8 being used, this would mean that our (users of other cigs without the cut-off and pause) results for this test would have to give a higher blood-nicotine-rate (though there will be a tapering down of the curve, given the fact that nicotine breaks down in a relatively short time). Sound right?
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 24, 2009
I've found that vaping too much (which is mercifully hard to do) results in a "tight" head and a headache. When these symptoms present themselves I stop vaping and am usually back to normal in half an hour. I would not recommend thrashing away on 36mg liquid as you could vape more than you required very quickly. However, 36mg liquid is great for a quick hit and also for cutting with glycerine. These are just my views and personal experiences btw and should not be considered as advice - different people can react wildly differently to the same things.

I agree with pipeman. When I start getting the TIGHT HEAD I stop right then.


Moved On
Jun 26, 2008
Thanks Katink, that makes a lot of sense, different devices are sure to perform differently. I'm not sure that I understand the science yet but am still convinced that some of us can and do overdose.

The best advice I've heard for nicotine dose is to start with a low and gradually go higher if it doesn't satisfy. Use the measurements and calculations as general guides only and be alert to signals from your body.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 14, 2009
Oldsmar, FL
I hate to state the obvious, but you can OD on nicotine from smoking analogs as well. When stressed out and working I have "over-smoked" on more than one occasion to the point where I had to lay down for a few hours to get back to feeling normal.

Over-smoking or over-vaping, neither one is good for you. At least with e-cigs you can cut your nic level to what works for you.


Super Member
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Verified Member
Dec 3, 2008
Over-smoking or over-vaping, neither one is good for you. At least with e-cigs you can cut your nic level to what works for you.

I dont know, just reading this thread shows that cigarettes seem to be managed much easier then e-cigs. i think cigs are more consistent and has a certain start-end point to each cigarette. With e-smoking, no one even really knows what kind of nicotine they are actually getting. With a cigarette u kind of know. They seem to have consistent levels and are absorbed the same in everyone. With e-cigs tho. U hear different things all the time

And does anyone ever think that maybe the dizzy symptoms or whatever from e-smoking is not necessarily the nicotine? Maybe its a flavor or some other chemical?


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
I think that, looking at your avatar, you'd be MUCH better off vaping. Don't forget all of the other horrific chemicals found in cigs - ammonia, benzine, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde - and that's without mentioning the major carcinogens - oh , all right then: 4-aminobiphenyl, nickel, naphythlamine...there are lots more. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 3, 2008
Yeah but many of the chemicals in cigarettes are at such low amounts that its insignificant. It is just one of the many scare tactics being employed by the anti smoking era. I wish the facts and dangers about smoking were kept at a more real level. The more you exaggerate the dangers of smoking, the more the E-cig is going to look better compared to it. It is doing an injustice to everyone. Cigarettes are not good for you. I agree, They can kill you, or give you disease, I agree with that too. But cigarettes are not as toxic as being claimed.

I say this because for you to die of cigarettes on average, you would need to smoke 2 packs a day for many years. Usually at least 25 to 30 plus years for serious damage, again on average. And there are many things in this life that can kill you if you used it to an extreme for decades. I believe if cigarettes were not so addictive, they would not be as dangerous as they are. I truly believe what kills people is the addiction to cigarettes more than anything. And that is why I am interested in e-smoking. because i am very addicted to cigarettes. but for those who smoke like 3 cigs a day. Dont even bother vaping, Probably in the end, vaping would be more harmful for you than 3 cigs a day. I honestly think u could smoke 3 cigs a day and live till 100.
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Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Yeah but many of the chemicals in cigarettes are at such low amounts that its insignificant. It is just one of the many scare tactics being employed by the anti smoking era. I wish the facts and dangers about smoking were kept at a more real level. The more you exaggerate the dangers of smoking, the more the E-cig is going to look better compared to it. It is doing an injustice to everyone. Cigarettes are not good for you. I agree, They can kill you, or give you disease, I agree with that too. But cigarettes are not as toxic as being claimed.

I say this because for you to die of cigarettes on average, you would need to smoke 2 packs a day for many years. Usually at least 25 to 30 plus years for serious damage, again on average. And there are many things in this life that can kill you if you used it to an extreme for decades. I believe if cigarettes were not so addictive, they would not be as dangerous as they are. I truly believe what kills people is the addiction to cigarettes more than anything. And that is why I am interested in e-smoking. because i am very addicted to cigarettes. but for those who smoke like 3 cigs a day. Dont even bother vaping, Probably in the end, vaping would be more harmful for you than 3 cigs a day. I honestly think u could smoke 3 cigs a day and live till 100.

Perhaps you could. I used to smoke a pipe. Have you seen the filth that comes out on a pipe cleaner? That's what goes into your lungs. I'd rather vape any day of the week, and I feel much better for it. Your mileage may vary.:)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Ah, e-pipeman. You're not supposed to ever inhale a pipe. That tar you see when you clean a pipe is actually the very stuff that gives tobacco its taste. And your mouth or teeth never looked like your pipe cleaner, did they?

As a kid, I liked chewing on tar "icicles" that hung down from newly tarred roofs. The stuff is tasty. Just don't suck it into your lungs.:)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 11, 2009
but for those who smoke like 3 cigs a day. Dont even bother vaping, Probably in the end, vaping would be more harmful for you than 3 cigs a day. I honestly think u could smoke 3 cigs a day and live till 100.

I doubt that vaping is more harmful but I agree with you that those lucky, lucky people who can consistently keep to low quantities (say 2-3 per day), are probably doing themselves so little harm that it's statistically insignificant.

For those people [assuming they prefer the taste/texture of smoke over vapour] because of reliability and cost, they might as well smoke.


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
Ah, e-pipeman. You're not supposed to ever inhale a pipe. That tar you see when you clean a pipe is actually the very stuff that gives tobacco its taste. And your mouth or teeth never looked like your pipe cleaner, did they?

As a kid, I liked chewing on tar "icicles" that hung down from newly tarred roofs. The stuff is tasty. Just don't suck it into your lungs.:)

Interesting childhood, Bob! I realise that you're "not supposed" to inhale a pipe - but I often did and I know that many other pipesmokers do. As for mouth and teeth - well, they're regularly cleaned.My tongue is a much healthier feller now that I don't smoke. :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2009
Yeah but many of the chemicals in cigarettes are at such low amounts that its insignificant. It is just one of the many scare tactics being employed by the anti smoking era. I wish the facts and dangers about smoking were kept at a more real level. The more you exaggerate the dangers of smoking, the more the E-cig is going to look better compared to it. It is doing an injustice to everyone. Cigarettes are not good for you. I agree, They can kill you, or give you disease, I agree with that too. But cigarettes are not as toxic as being claimed.

I say this because for you to die of cigarettes on average, you would need to smoke 2 packs a day for many years. Usually at least 25 to 30 plus years for serious damage, again on average. And there are many things in this life that can kill you if you used it to an extreme for decades. I believe if cigarettes were not so addictive, they would not be as dangerous as they are. I truly believe what kills people is the addiction to cigarettes more than anything. And that is why I am interested in e-smoking. because i am very addicted to cigarettes. but for those who smoke like 3 cigs a day. Dont even bother vaping, Probably in the end, vaping would be more harmful for you than 3 cigs a day. I honestly think u could smoke 3 cigs a day and live till 100.

I dont belive that, 1 or 20 dosent matter . If your body is sensetive or you have other problems its just as dangerus. Plus secund hand smoke can give you cancer then one cigg a day can too.


Vaping Master
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2008
Brown Edge, England
I dont belive that, 1 or 20 dosent matter . If your body is sensetive or you have other problems its just as dangerus. Plus secund hand smoke can give you cancer then one cigg a day can too.

The big question there is whether second hand smoke can give you cancer. Let's not forget that there are many vested interests out there trying hard to discourage tobacco smoking in any form. Fair enough - let's all vape in peace. No-one is saying that vaping or second-hand vaping cause cancer (yet).
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