Nicotine is good for some....

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Full Member
Feb 26, 2010
I'm in a profession where there is a lot of medical and psychological research done everyday. While doing a research paper on the effects of Nicotine I ran across a lot of info stating the beneficial aspects of the drug. I didn't realize that it was such and amazing chemical!

I suffer from ADHD. The meds for ADHD will help me focus, but they also come with some nasty side effects. First, you hyper focus and don't want anyone to bother you while you are on task. Also, irritability, anger, agitation and general anxiety are all raised in most people that take stimulant medications. But Nicotine has been proven to work as good, if not better, than the stimulant medications with completely different effects.

Nicotine will help stimulate the frontal lobe of the brain and at the same time lower anxiety, irritability and anger issues! Nicotine actually makes one more social by lowering the common causes of social phobia. Have you ever went out to smoke a cig so that you would get jacked up? NO! You go out to relax and chill... maybe talk to some other smokers while you enjoy your nicotine fix.

Nicotine treats/helps a bunch of psychological problems, but the big tobacco/pharmaceutical Co. don't want people to see the information.

Depression: Yup, it helps with depression as well. I know first hand how it works on depression, because it thrust me out of a black hole that I couldn't seem to make my way out of. After getting a divorce I spiraled int a very deep depression. I even had thoughts that I would end it all. I fought with eating right, exercise, and thinking positively. I tried the pills (which all seemed to shrink my boy down to a wet noodle) and finally gave up on believing anything would help. I knew that caffeine could help in the short term, but had nasty side effects when it wore off. I used that as a crutch while looking for other alt means to end the pain. I had no reason to feel bad, just had a chemical issue that wasn't healing on its own. Note: ADHD side effect can be mild to major depression.. its a deficiency of stimulation in the frontal lobe, which just so happens to be a cause of depression. Anyway, I wasn't going to take the pills, nor the ADHD meds, and caffeine wasn't consistent enough to help day to day with the depression.

Then I remembered my research about nicotine and ADHD, Depression and other metal healthy related issues. BINGO! I went to the store and bought myself some patches and started my new Nicotine therapy. MY DEPRESSION ENDED WITHIN 6 HOURS OF TREATMENT! I'm going to type that again...It is important... My depression lifted like a fog within 6 hours of having the patch on. Later I decided that I wanted to have more or less in me depending on the situation and switched to the Blu.. then the Tornado. I've been happy ever sense.

I still fight with regret about my divorce, but when things get too hard to think about nicotine seems to wash the pain away where I can think more clearly. It really is an amazing drug... IF YOU HAVE A SAFE WAY TO GET IT INTO YOUR SYSTEM. Thanks to e-cigs.... I have that new safe way.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2009
Wallaceburg ON. Canada
Actually I have too! But most people will not take it seriously. In fact that is what cause me to vape in the first place. Most people think I am an idiot. I also took it to prevent Azlhiemers, and Parkinson's diseases. I have no problem with depression. I'm too much of a fighter. My problem was my temper. I still have it but its now controllable. Lets hope more people in National Health, get over their prejudice against nicotine, and start looking into the benefits. But like all things it must be used in moderation. Too much nicotine can cause damage to the brain.


Ultra Member
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May 12, 2009
Neither here nor there
Yes, nicotine has therapeutic benefits for some conditions.

I have ulcerative colitis, and the three times in my life I have had "flares" were the three times in my life I had quit smoking. Unfortunately, the nicotine I get from PVs did not abate my current flare, which sent me to the doctor fearful of something I don't even want to mention. Anyway, I got a definitive diagnosis this time. I do register as nicotine positive on a cotinine urine test, but I'm sure my absorption is not what it was when I was a smoker.

My brother self-medicates by chain-smoking. He has schizoaffective disorder. I have recently introduced him to PVs as a method of harm reduction, becuase I believe he NEEDS nicotine.

Aunt Cranky

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 15, 2010
:thumbs: Oh hell yeah!! I posted similar sentiments in the "why do you vape" thread.
I've been dealing with mild ADD since I was a kid. Accidently discovered that pseudophedrine actually helped me focus and made me feel slightly sleepy. However, it has that nasty side effect of being short-lived in my system and making me very dehydrated.

I was smoking on and off for many years, and always had better concentration, a clearer mind, and a slightly sunnier disposition when I was smoking vs. not.

I am very happy to have discovered vaping, because this method of stimulant (nicotine) delivery has far fewer side effects for me than any prescription or non-prescription "stimulant" medication, causes greater improvement to depression symptoms than any SSRI I have been on, and doesn't require a prescription, signing my name to a registry (like with purchasing pseudophedrine), and just adds to my overall quality of life.

Definitely might be changing my "Cranky" moniker :p

... the only downside is that I do engage in hyperfocus a lot more now, and need to watch the clock so I remember to go to bed at a decent hour.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
I'm in a profession where there is a lot of medical and psychological research done everyday. While doing a research paper on the effects of Nicotine I ran across a lot of info stating the beneficial aspects of the drug. I didn't realize that it was such and amazing chemical!

I suffer from ADHD. The meds for ADHD will help me focus, but they also come with some nasty side effects. First, you hyper focus and don't want anyone to bother you while you are on task. Also, irritability, anger, agitation and general anxiety are all raised in most people that take stimulant medications. But Nicotine has been proven to work as good, if not better, than the stimulant medications with completely different effects.

Nicotine will help stimulate the frontal lobe of the brain and at the same time lower anxiety, irritability and anger issues! Nicotine actually makes one more social by lowering the common causes of social phobia. Have you ever went out to smoke a cig so that you would get jacked up? NO! You go out to relax and chill... maybe talk to some other smokers while you enjoy your nicotine fix.

Nicotine treats/helps a bunch of psychological problems, but the big tobacco/pharmaceutical Co. don't want people to see the information.

Depression: Yup, it helps with depression as well. I know first hand how it works on depression, because it thrust me out of a black hole that I couldn't seem to make my way out of. After getting a divorce I spiraled int a very deep depression. I even had thoughts that I would end it all. I fought with eating right, exercise, and thinking positively. I tried the pills (which all seemed to shrink my boy down to a wet noodle) and finally gave up on believing anything would help. I knew that caffeine could help in the short term, but had nasty side effects when it wore off. I used that as a crutch while looking for other alt means to end the pain. I had no reason to feel bad, just had a chemical issue that wasn't healing on its own. Note: ADHD side effect can be mild to major depression.. its a deficiency of stimulation in the frontal lobe, which just so happens to be a cause of depression. Anyway, I wasn't going to take the pills, nor the ADHD meds, and caffeine wasn't consistent enough to help day to day with the depression.

Then I remembered my research about nicotine and ADHD, Depression and other metal healthy related issues. BINGO! I went to the store and bought myself some patches and started my new Nicotine therapy. MY DEPRESSION ENDED WITHIN 6 HOURS OF TREATMENT! I'm going to type that again...It is important... My depression lifted like a fog within 6 hours of having the patch on. Later I decided that I wanted to have more or less in me depending on the situation and switched to the Blu.. then the Tornado. I've been happy ever sense.

I still fight with regret about my divorce, but when things get too hard to think about nicotine seems to wash the pain away where I can think more clearly. It really is an amazing drug... IF YOU HAVE A SAFE WAY TO GET IT INTO YOUR SYSTEM. Thanks to e-cigs.... I have that new safe way.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 9, 2009
S. Indiana
Good for you Dude!
Here's a link to a somewhat dated article I found about Nicotine and the Brain, Pain, Weight Gain, and it's future.
Nicotine as Therapy
I think in 10 years nicotine will be the new wonder drug. Which makes me wonder if we will be able to get it without a prescription. Guess I better learn how to grow it.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 22, 2010
Good for you Dude!
Here's a link to a somewhat dated article I found about Nicotine and the Brain, Pain, Weight Gain, and it's future.
Nicotine as Therapy
I think in 10 years nicotine will be the new wonder drug. Which makes me wonder if we will be able to get it without a prescription. Guess I better learn how to grow it.

Not hard, i have plenty of seeds. :) hard part is curing and whatnot. but wouldnt need to do all that just to extract the nic out of it ;)

Nicotine also helps with tourettes syndrome. I know first hand.
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