Nicotine and HDL

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Dec 16, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Anyone know if Nicotine, not smoking cigarettes just nicotine aka - vaping, can lower your HDL? (Good Cholesterol). I went to the doctor last week and they drew some blood. Called me today and said my overall cholesterol is fine but my HDL is very low. I'm wondering if the vaping has anything to do with it as I've never had this problem and my lifestyle hasn't really changed except for the vaping. I use about 2 - 3 ml @ 24mg a day.

Maybe I just need to get my lazy ... up and do some exercise. :)


Vaping Master
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It appears that:

- Increase of alcohol consumption can raise HDL
- Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality

Seems to me the fix is obvious and highly agreeable - take more [delete as appropriate*: wine*/whisky*/beer*] with your vape. Doctor's orders. OK, stroll down to the store to buy your bottles of course - this gets the exercise thing out of the way.


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Dec 16, 2010
Charlotte, NC
It appears that:

- Increase of alcohol consumption can raise HDL
- Moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower cardiovascular and all-cause mortality

Seems to me the fix is obvious and highly agreeable - take more [delete as appropriate*: wine*/whisky*/beer*] with your vape. Doctor's orders. OK, stroll down to the store to buy your bottles of course - this gets the exercise thing out of the way.

I like the way you think mate. :)


Ultra Member
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Jan 16, 2012
Pep, I'll give you one thing, you sure do come up with some interesting subjects.

I don't know the answer to your question, but here is my experience over the span of 10 years:

Cigarettes, no vaping, no statin, little exercise = low (<40) HDL
Cigarettes, no vaping, statin, medium exercise = 42-45 HDL
Cigarettes, vaping, statin, medium exercise = 52-54 HDL
No cigarettes, vaping, statin, medium exercise = 62 HDL

I have no idea what that means, but it sure looks like a big improvement.


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Dec 16, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Yeah Bluesman. I can thank my crazy doctor for making me think about these things. It's just weird that my HDL was actually higher when I was smoking. I was a bit more active but still. For my HDL to drop below 40 is unheard of for me. I thought it was maybe the nicotine and i should drop down to 18 from my current 24mg. Maybe I'll still do that. Can't hurt. Thank you for your input. If nothing else at least I'm not so worried now. They called me and mentioned freakin heart disease and my mind went a bit overboard. I really do need to get out more now that the weather is getting nicer.

Stay tuned...I'm sure I'll come up with so more wacky stuff.


Ultra Member
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Jan 16, 2012
Hey, Pep, keep the wacky stuff rollin'. I'm enjoying it. I mean the liquid, carto, VV, clearo, drip tip, exploding battery, FDA stuff is good. But we need something different every now and then. You do a good job in providing that. I'm all in.

There are so many things that can affect those numbers. I do have heart disease and the removal of cigarettes was the big one for me. Vaping has not had any negative impact on my health. I like the 18mg level but do back off to 12mg equally. The food I eat, I think, makes a difference as well.


CASAA Activist
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Well, my HDL is nice and high (in the low 60s).

No smoking, vaping, Niacin (500 mg 2x a day), MegaRed Krill Oil, no exercise.

I also take estrogen, but I wouldn't recommend it to you guys. You might lose the hair on your legs.

Oh, and the LDL has dropped. Total cholesterol used to be about 230 when I smoked. It's 177 now.

Cyrus Vap

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Dec 8, 2011
Bay Area, California
Just to improve the numbers, fish oil for better ratio of cholesterols, drop as much body fat as you can, exercise, perhaps moderate booze

Smoking likely consumes HDL via inflammatory pathways. Nicotine, I dunno. The snus studies maybe relevant here but I don't know that they specifically looked into HDL.

The bad news is, your cholesterol from the point of view of a lab test is less important than what your body decides to do with it

Getting older will drop your HDL also.
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ECF Guru
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Apr 23, 2011
Boston MA
It's an interesting question. (Big picture reminder: Smoking doesn't improve any aspect of your health.) Since I see a cardiologist whose specialty is statin drugs and is .... .... about the LDL/HDL numbers I will be sure to ask about this. My GP thinks vaping is so much more placebo than anything else he wouldn't agree to check my nic levels and those other associated "nicotine things" when I asked him to do so.


Vaping Master
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Sep 24, 2009
ECF Towers
There is some info that would be useful to us if you care to get it, please: vape heavy for a good period before going in to see your doctor. Ask him for a blood plasma nicotine test because you want to see if you have reached the average 20ng/ml nicotine level that smokers have.

That would accomplish two things: tell you how much nic you are actually getting; and provide information for your doc about the placebo or real value of ecigs. It is also of interest the community as there is a shortage of published results on this subject.

Note that a urine cotinine test is of no interest.

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