Newbie question

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Nov 19, 2012
Northern New Jersey
Hello all. Looking into starting DIY juice. I have been reading up alot before hand. How do you guys dilute your nicotine? I like 18mg and am thinking of getting the 48mg nicotine as a begginer. However it asks for pg/vg ratio for the actual nicotin. Isn't that what the side PG and VG is for plus the flavouring? To cut it down to desired strength? I like my ratios 50-50 is that what I should get it at? Any info, link would be greatly appreciated to get a better handle on it.



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Oct 16, 2012
Philly Burbs
If you buy your nic at 48 mg/l, you would dilute it down with PG and VG (you would also need to buy those, too). Your flavorings would also have a minor dilution effect. You could use a calculator to determine how much of each you would need in your mix. Take a look at this thread for some suggestions:

To further clarify, your nicotine comes in a carrier fluid; PG, VG or a blend. Since you are shooting for a 50-50 split in your final product, you may want a nic base that is 50 PG-50 VG to start with, and then dilute down with pure PG and VG. Other blends of the nic base would also work.

For example, if you mixed equal amounts of a nicotine base that was 50 PG/50 VG @ 48 mg/l, pure PG and pure VG, you'd have a 3 part mixture that would be 50 PG/50 VG @ 16 mg/l. Effectively, you are diluting down the nic base (1 part) with 1 part PG and 1 part VG; 48 X 1/3 = 16.
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