Newbie in Atlanta, GA

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So here we are ... day 25 of no analogs and feeling great! Both my wife and I made the decision to give the analogs and thought we would slowly transition ourselves into vaping. After we got our starter kits, we have not picked up an analog. The two packs of analogs that we bought to get us through the transition still sit in our cabinet unopened. I couldn't (and still can't) believe how easy it was to kick the habit. Smoked for over 20 years and tried everything to quit smoking from over the counter products to prescription medicines. Very happy to find something that could replace cigarettes, reduce our expenses and be so damn enjoyable. Have been leaning on this forum for the last few weeks to learn about things we were doing wrong, different mod's and just some guidance. Finally joined the community this morning and hope to meet others, continue expanding my knowledge, find out about local events and live happily ever after.


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Jul 24, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
You'll find it here, that's for sure. I still don't know a 1/10 of what there is to know but I feel like I know a library more than I did when I started, and it's only been a month. People here are great - this community has been a priceless resource for me and I know it has been for many others. Congrats on kicking the stinkies!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
There was just a vape meet in Atlanta last month. We had two in Lawrenceville back in 2011 and 2012. I liked the two in Lawrenceville much better because you could actually sit down and talk with other vapers, have a drink or something to eat. The one in Atlanta was just a bunch of suppliers with no real social aspect to it. There were suppliers at the Lawrenceville meets, also.
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