newbie diy juice help

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Full Member
Sep 29, 2014
Pittsburgh Pa
I have a bottle of 30/70 pgvg no nicotine 250ml and a bottle of 50/50 pgvg 12mg/ml 1000ml 30oz. The question is that I bought the 30/70 thinking it had nicotine in it which I see now doesn't. I want to make a 10 ml bottle with 12mg nicotine somewhere between 30/70-50/50 so the bottle with out nicotine doesn't go to waste. Is there a way to use both of those together or am I out of luck. Plz help anybody.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Are you planning on vaping flavorless? If not, by the time you add flavor your 12mg/ml base, your nic level will be diluted. Same goes for using the 30/70 no nic with the 50/50 nic base.

For all things DIY head on over to the DIY ELiquid Forum. Make sure to read all the "stickies". Also check out the blogs by ECF members Hoosier & dannyv45.

For a juice mixing calculator consider using eJuiceMeUp
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