New Zealand pharmacies selling E-cigarettes - Merry Christmas

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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
That's interesting.

"New Zealand’s Ministry of Health ruled Ruyan e-cigs under the Medicines Act and they cannot be sold without a prescription"

Worldwide Legal Status of E-cigarettes | Power To Smoke

Sounds like there is a change in stance, the government is going to abandon its stance or some pharmacies are going to get raided.


Ultra Member
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Sep 23, 2010
Rochester NY
Nicotine free?

Giving a long-term smoker a "Nicotine Free" E-cig for Christmas
is like throwing a tic-tac to a hungry whale!

Not always. The wife started on zero nic and is still on zero today. Very happily, actually (since she rifles through all my DIY supplies and pays for nothing...LOL).


CASAA Activist
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I posted this comment:

No nicotine? Hmm...I thought the idea was to use the e-cigarette to replace smoked cigarettes. What is the government of New Zealand thinking? Are they perfectly satisfied with the current success rates of 2 to 10%? Professor Riccardo Polosa, of Catania University, leads the only clinical study in Europe on electronic cigarette effects. He used a low dose of nicotine (7.5 mg) and achieved a 20% success rate. Surveys of European, Canadian, and US e-cigarette users reveal sucess rates hovering around 80%. These users purchase whatever level of nicotine works best for them. The average is 24 mg. The government may think they are being cautious by banning nicotine, but every year they persist in this policy, for every smoker who does manage to quit, seven more could have quit had they switched to an e-cigarette for nicotine maintenance. That's a lot of lung disease, heart attacks, and cancers perpetuated by government policy.


Super Member
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Nov 12, 2010
Perth, Australia
New Zealanders just like Australians (and others)...
will order the liquid from Internet suppliers.

Sure will...and my next order goes in today!!!

In Australia we are allowed to purchase up to 3 months supply of nic juice for personal use. The legislation that allows this is outlined below:
Personal import scheme for unapproved medicines

Don't know if USA has something similar, could come in handy if everything goes pear shaped.

I also agree with JonnyVape re the device. It is just a battery and an atomiser that can be used for many purposes. It's only when you add nicotine into the equation that everyone starts to get antsy.

The really crazy bit about this story is that Elusion cannot sell nic products in NZ but it sells nic carts into Australia. The rationale being that they are exporting it from NZ so they haven't broken any of their own laws by selling to New Zealanders.
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