New york sales ban next steps

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May 12, 2009
Long Island
Plus, pigelty, being "tobacco products" does not automatically mean taxes are imposed and collected. Each individual class of tobacco product is taxed independently, by means of both state and federal tax legislation. Cigarettes, for example are taxed according to their own rate, set by the feds and by each state according to their own particularized taxing scheme, and smokeless products by their own rate, and cigars by their own rate, etc, etc.

Before ecigs could possibly be taxed in NYS under its tobacco taxation scheme, they would first have to be declared tobacco products for purposes of NYS law. And then a whole new tax law reaching ecigs would have to be passed in NYS as well.


Everything is such a process with so many controversies and loopholes.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The whole tobacco products labeling opens another can of worms and posibly another battle. When you apply for insurance you're asked if you use/have used tobacco products in the last n months... if they don't explicitly call out e-cigs, your answer might depend on what state you live in when you purchase the policy.
As long as insurance companies keep testing for cotinine, I don't think it will matter much.
At some point, hopefully we will be powerful enough to make them test for something other than cotinine.

Until that day, we will continue to get screwed for using nicotine...
Regardless of the delivery method, and regardless of what they are called.


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Sep 12, 2010
New York
ok not sure where to post this...just got this email from my nys congressman......(opposed)

Dear Constituent,

This is in response to your letter regarding Assembly Bill A1468. This bill seeks to ban the sale and distribution of items containing or delivering nicotine that are not currently classified as tobacco products or approved as tobacco use cessation or harm reduction products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and also to prevent minors from purchasing these products. Thank you for taking the time to write and advise me of your views and concerns.

I do not support this bill in its current form. I voted against it in Health Committee and unless amendments are made to it, I will be voting against it should it come to the floor of the Assembly for a full vote.

If either my staff or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 845-463-1635 or via email at

Thank you again for writing.


Joel M. Miller
Member of Assembly
102nd Assembly District


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I received the same email reply today. If it takes five months to send out a form email reply, they might not get around to voting in my lifetime!

ok not sure where to post this...just got this email from my nys congressman......(opposed)

Dear Constituent,

This is in response to your letter regarding Assembly Bill A1468. This bill seeks to ban the sale and distribution of items containing or delivering nicotine that are not currently classified as tobacco products or approved as tobacco use cessation or harm reduction products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and also to prevent minors from purchasing these products. Thank you for taking the time to write and advise me of your views and concerns.

I do not support this bill in its current form. I voted against it in Health Committee and unless amendments are made to it, I will be voting against it should it come to the floor of the Assembly for a full vote.

If either my staff or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 845-463-1635 or via email at

Thank you again for writing.


Joel M. Miller
Member of Assembly
102nd Assembly District

Mark Linehan

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ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
Salem, MA
I sent this response to that response. I hope they read it, and I hope it makes sense. I get really P*&^%ED OFF and sometimes forget that people don't know all about e-cigarettes and I forget to mention key points just because I know them already.

----below is my response----
This is not a meaningless rant! Please read this entire message and THINK FOR YOURSELF! PLEASE!!!!!

I can not believe that you are going to vote against bill a1468. You want to ban electronic cigarettes because they deliver nicotine?!?!?!?!?! Yet you are not trying to introduce a bill that would outlaw cigarettes which have addicted and killed millions of people. This is the most blatant case of big tobacco influencing our government that has ever happened. I am thoroughly disappointed in any member of our government that bows down to a corporation, or worse still, to money in general, in the form of taxation at the expense of our actual lives.

The FDA no longer want to classify them as a drug delivery device. They are simply an alternative to smoking one of the deadliest consumable products on the market today. Electronic cigarettes have allowed me to finally stop my 2 pack a day habit that started when I was 13. Now, because I am no longer addicted to a product that contains hundreds and hundreds of toxins, carcinogens and poisons I am able to walk more than a half a mile for rehabilatation and exercise to help recover from back surgeries, breathing difficulties and diabetes.

I am begging and imploring you to please, stand up against the tobacco industry and let them know that enough is enough. That they will not be allowed to use their massive fortunes, obtained while killing so many addicted victims, to disallow the most effective smoking alternative EVER! Think of your loved ones who smoke. Think of all those deceased people. Think of all the lives you can help save!!!

If you help e-cigarettes remain available to addicted smokers, you will be a party to saving these lives. If you ban e-cigarettes... Well, anyone who dies from returning to cigarette smoking, you would be a party to that. I am sorry but that is just the cold and hard truth.

I quit smoking cold turkey the very day my first electronic cigarette arrived in the mail almost a year ago today, and my health has improved vastly since then. I can not prove e-cigarettes are safe, but I consider myself living proof. The only tests that have been performed had the results disposed of and/or skewed to look unfavorable. There are more tests finally being conducted by independant parties, and if you could just wait for these results before anything gets banned, I am sure you will finally see the truth about electronic cigarettes, rather than the propaganda and outright lies backed by the tobacco industry.

All I can say is, if you are going to ban e-cigarettes because people will get their nicotine from them and minors might get them, then you better ban real cigarettes because it is a lot easier to get them, use them and for minors to access them. Also, e-cigarettes are not sold to or marketed to minors. Tobacco companies have a past of paying to glorify cigarettes to all age groups in all forms of media. The most that should be allowed is for electronic cigarettes to be controlled in the same manner as cigarettes. If the government is just afraid of losing tax revenue, then TAX E-CIGARETTES! I would rather pay more for an e-cigarette than lose them because our economy can not take the loss of cigarette taxes.

In many ways e-cigarettes can be a boost to the economy. If for no other reason, they would help boost ALL companies financially because there would be a considerable boost in the productivity of many workers who smoke because they would not be running off to a suitable smoking area and delaying work schedules. E-Cigarettes have no second hand smoke just VAPOR, so workers could be vaping (e-cigarette create simple vapor, so it is called vaping not smoking) while they work instead of taking frequent nescessary smoke breaks because they are addicted to smoking so strongly they can not go for hours without smoking.

PLEASE HELP SAVE LIVES! DO NOT BELIEVE THE LIES OF BIG TOBACCO!! I am just a private citizen. I do not make any money from the sales of electronic cigarettes. In fact, I make simple e-cigarettes for my friends and family for the cost of parts alone to insure my loved ones can quit cigarettes. I have no agenda beyond trying to get as many people to stop smoking as I possibly can! I have watched far too many of my family members die gasping for air with fear in their eyes to sit back and watch the evil heartless corporations stomp on the best smoking alternative to ever come along. Addicted smokers can get their nicotine without the smoke, without the danger of fires, without the poisons, without the carcinogens. They can also completely control the amount of nicotine they get. If that isn't the best means of smoking cessation ever, I will eat my hat.

If you have any questions, I would be happy and eager to try and answer them.

Mark Edward Linehan

----that is it, if it is any good, I will save it and send it to anyone I hear going to make any sort of negative vote on e-cigarettes----
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Nov 18, 2008
Rochester, NY
Mark, while I truly appreciate your taking action, and loved the passion of your letter - A1468 is the bill intended to ban sales of ecigs. So a vote against it a vote we definitely want. So I don't quite understand this line in your letter: "I can not believe that you are going to vote against bill a1468".

The latest info on the NYS bills situation is here:


Super Member
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Jan 10, 2011
St. Louis, MO
Mark, while I truly appreciate your taking action, and loved the passion of your letter - A1468 is the bill intended to ban sales of ecigs. So a vote against it a vote we definitely want. So I don't quite understand this line in your letter: "I can not believe that you are going to vote against bill a1468".

The latest info on the NYS bills situation is here:

yeah thats GOOD, we WANT him to vote against it lol. although judging by some of the above responses, they may never get around to voting on it period, which is also good.

Mark Linehan

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2010
Salem, MA
Mark, while I truly appreciate your taking action, and loved the passion of your letter - A1468 is the bill intended to ban sales of ecigs. So a vote against it a vote we definitely want. So I don't quite understand this line in your letter: "I can not believe that you are going to vote against bill a1468".

The latest info on the NYS bills situation is here:

Only excuse is a brain fart on my behalf. Just reversed my wording for some reason should have said FOR not AGAINST obviously. :p

Sorry guys. Well, I have made my gaffe for the year then. I am sure the guy is intelligent enough to know that I reversed my wording, but I will send an apologetic clarifying follow-up just the same. Show him that it was a mis-wording and not a crack addled blathering rant.

....or was it.... :D

Mark Linehan

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Sep 15, 2010
Salem, MA
Okay this is the response I got this time. So he changed his mind now??? I am lost..

June 8, 2011

Dear Constituent,

This is in response to your letter regarding Assembly Bill A1468. This bill seeks to ban the sale and distribution of items containing or delivering nicotine that are not currently classified as tobacco products or approved as tobacco use cessation or harm reduction products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and also to prevent minors from purchasing these products. Thank you for taking the time to write and advise me of your views and concerns.

I do not support this bill in its current form. I voted against it in Health Committee and unless amendments are made to it, I will be voting against it should it come to the floor of the Assembly for a full vote.

If either my staff or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at 845-463-1635 or via email at

Thank you again for writing.


Joel M. Miller
Member of Assembly
102nd Assembly District



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Jul 21, 2009
sullivan co. ny
after all these years dealing with the govt of nys, does anyone really believe they will stop the sale if theres one penny to be earned in taxes , not going to happen, this govt of nys cares for one thing there pockets and what whores they can be with nothin else, ive sent a letter to gunther my rep she said no way she vote for it ,but she did , dam liar like all the others, ive lived in this ....... of a state way to long, theres nothin to worry about from my point of view, not unless the corruption in this state stops, but that wont happen in my life time, and neither will a nys ban


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Oct 12, 2011
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