New York Daily News: "experts disagree on whether 'vaping' is safe"

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[h=1]E-cigarettes gain visibility, but experts disagree on whether 'vaping' is safe[/h] [h=2]Electronic cigarettes mimic the look and feel of real cigarettes, minus the tobacco and smoke. But their safety has not been scientifically demonstrated, World Health Organization experts said.[/h]
Read more: E-cigarettes gain visibility, but experts disagree on whether 'vaping' is safe - NY Daily News

I couldn't resist commenting on this gem:

Yet the European Respiratory Society said this month it could not classify e-cigs as a safe alternative to smoking, and stressed the principle that tobacco users "should not trade one carcinogenic product for another."

as well as this:

A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (AJPM) last month said 80 percent of users questioned in the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia believed e-cigarettes to be less harmful than their tobacco counterparts.

My comment:

Let me see if I have this straight. The European Respiratory Society says that I should not trade one carcinogenic product (e.g. a pack of full-flavor Marlboros containing 137,900 ng of carcinogens) for another "carcinogenic product" (e.g. a day's worth of e-liquid containing 8 ng of carcinogens.) An FDA-approved nicotine patch also contains 8 ng of these chemicals, and the patch has never been linked to a case of cancer. I can tell you why users believe e-cigarettes are safer. It's difficult to deny evidence you experience personally, such as being able to laugh out loud without going into a coughing fit, not being kept awake by wheezing, the disappearance of the daily morning production of phlegm, and using the rescue inhaler less often. It sure feels healthier.
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