New user and ego-t leak

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New Member
Jun 28, 2012
So I'm pretty new to this whole e-cigs thing, and just recently got a starter kit the other day. Been using it for the past three days, but I've ran into a problem or two in such during my course of use. First off, I should probably state that I bought a SmokTech 510 eGo-T starter kit from MadVapes, so that might help for my problem.

Anyways, this is my first e-cig that I've had, and I've ran into a bit of a leaking problem with them. I can't really tell if it's just excess liquid in the atty, which I've had flood a few times on me already, cleaned those out and they are okay. But I think it might be my tanks that are causing the flood, I've searched around for potential solutions to the problem, but there seem to be so many different things that worked for other people, and then there's that I probably wouldn't feel too comfortable 'modding' something that I just got unless it was really somewhat of an effortless process. I've seen a good amount of liquid leak onto the battery, as well as onto the outer perimeter of the atty, making the substance stick to my fingers and such. I'm not really sure as to the problem why, I was considering, maybe it could be my vaping technique, or just the tanks. I've had this issue on all the tanks that came with my kit, so I'm not entirely sure if the problem en lies there. Of course, I also get the problem on both of my attys as well, so it's not just one of them being awkward, or at least I think not.

On another note, I've had a pretty easy time switching over to the e-cigs, so I just kinda stopped smoking analogs the moment my kit arrived in the mail, have no real desire for a cigarette as of yet. On my fourth day vaping since I got them. As for my techniques that I've been using, I've used a lot of one that I read on here, saying that you should hold down the button and take a hard puff, then suck gently to get the vape you want. As well as the standard just inhaling normally, but for an extended period. Could any of these be attributing to the leaks that I've been experiencing, or is that not usually a problem?

I've been enjoying my transition to these cigarettes so far, but the leaking is a little off-putting, as it seems this liquid easily gets onto my hands and fingers just from vaping from the unit. Also, while I'm here, I wonder if anyone could suggest some flavors or sites with flavors that have a more 'heavy' feel to them, I ordered about 10 flavors from MadVapes with my kit, but none seem to give a heavier flavoring to them. Just something more akin to the taste of regular cigarettes for a standard use, perhaps. I picked up some of their Clove flavor, which is pretty good, but it feels kinda light in my opinion, and their Desertship one wasn't much better, either. I know there's quite the bit of process to finding out your favorite flavors, but just wanted a little bit of input from the community.

If there any more information that I might've left out to help anyone diagnose this problem, please feel free to let me know, and thanks for perusing my issue.


Full Member
Nov 7, 2011
Been having the same problem with my riva-510t kit. (the one with the two 2.0 atomizers)

Some people say that the wick gets pushed down the spike and causes the flooding, I got a pin and tried pulling the wick up but its a bit stubborn, not only that but I don't know if the plates on these atomizers can be popped with a screwdriver the way many do in YouTube videos.


Vaping like a boss
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Mar 27, 2012
Lincoln, NE
The tank system of an eGo-T/C isn't the most reliable or forgiving. You could try to adjust your technique to a smoother, longer draw and see if that helps. The tanks themselves have been an issue to many as far as the leaking goes. Some have tried the silicon caps instead of the plastic ones, with success, others still have the issue. You might grab some Boge 2.0 cartos and/or some clearos like the stardust; phoenix and fluxomizers, for a more reliable vaping experience, until you get the tank situation sorted out.


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Jun 3, 2012
vivi nova v2 is a new rebuildable tank. Try that out. I LOVE ego-t ... Been using for about 3 months and a friend has had his for a year with no problems.

Do others not have an issue with cartos making juice taste different? I dont like them.

I recently ordered another ego t atty and it leaks/floods etc like crazy. Im wondering if I got a knockoff fake atty sinces its performing nowhere near as well as my stock attys i received. Gunna go to ego t forums to see if theres a knockoff issue with these.

My stock atty has never flooded/stopped up etc for 3 months .. and I get this new one and BAM .. Massive issues.
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Jan 20, 2011
New Jersey
Odra, you mention popping the plate out with a screwdriver. do you mean the spike/plate? I haven't purchased an ego tank atty in about a year but if the design is the same I used to be able to use tweezers, preferred with a wide flat pincher rather than pointy, and just grab the spike in the atomizer and rock it back and forth while gently pulling to pop it out. The one time I used a screwdriver I didn't pay enough attention and I bent the tube so my tanks couldn't fit anymore. You don't need to pop out the spike/plate but it can make it easier to adjust the wick. If you guys try that you can pull the wick up a millimeter, roughly, and that may help the leaking. Back in the day I'd have to adjust the wicks occasionally - Dry hits = push the wick in -- leaking = pull the wick up. I strongly suggest to make these changes to the wick in tiny increments such as 1 mm at a time. As a general rule I found that I wanted the top of the wick at the bottom of the angle of the spike, sometimes a bit higher, and never coming out past the tip of the spike. To the best of my recollection that advice always served me well.


Full Member
Jun 14, 2012
Kansas City, MO
I will 2nd what PittBoss suggested until you get the tank figured out. I started out with a 510-t and ran into problems as well. I purchased the Boge Refillable 510 Cartomizers 2.0ohm as well as a E1 Clearomizer - ReVive - v2. These have made a huge difference in my overall vaping experience. I have not used the tank since. I understand the idea behind it but I had nothing but problems. Good Luck and congrats on quiting!!!:)
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