New to Vapor

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Hi all, just wanted to do a quick introduction(and attempt to get my newbie posts out of the way).

I smoked Camel Menthol Lights for a little over 20 years, around a pack per day habit. I've tried quitting before, always unsuccessfully.

I bought my first e-cigarette kit two weeks ago on a whim after seeing one in a restaurant. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, or throw it in the garbage can before I finished my first cartomizer.

All I can say is, wow! I'm totally blown away! I can't believe how much more I enjoy vapor over smoke.

I carried a half pack of cigarettes around with me for the first week, kind of a security blanket thing I guess. Now that pack has been sitting on my desk for the last week, and I don't even want to touch it.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, since I plan to hang out here for a while.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2010
South Jersey/Philly area
Welcome to the forum. I'm not as new to vaping as my banner indicates...just didn't go analog free until recently.
This forum weeded through my novice confusion and got me well on my way to where I am today. My newbie advice to newer-bies- Setbacks can happen. I have had days where it seemed futile to me. My learning curve has been something of a roller coaster. But forum members got me through those times.
Enjoy. I hope vaping accomplishes for you what you are setting out to do.
Thanks, Dean. You sort of touched on a question that I wanted to bring up to former smokers that have switched to vapor.

I kind of did things backwards, I bought an e-cig on a whim without much research. I guess I got lucky and got a decent setup that works well for me (KR808D1 style from V4L). I didn't even discover this forum until I'd been using it for about a week.

So, my question is, what type of setbacks have former smokers encountered as they switched over? I haven't wanted a regular cigarette pretty much since the first time I picked up my e-cig about two weeks ago.

Should I expect to have bad days ahead?


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Apr 22, 2009
Coral Springs, FL
I kind of did things backwards, I bought an e-cig on a whim without much research.

Welcome to e-cigs and the forum! I did it exactly the way you did it. I heard a news story on NPR and bought the first one I found. Two days later I smoked my last cigarette, but kept a pack around for a long time "just in case." You made a great choice in the KR808; I think they are a great one to get started with.

As Skyler mentioned, make sure you get some extra cartos, juice and batteries - for peace of mind if nothing else. The biggest hurdles will still be the cravings now and then for an analog that the ecig just doesn't seem to satisfy. The good news is that with the ecig it only takes a little bit of will power to get past these cravings. And you CAN get past them!
Awesome suggestions, I really appreciate them. I originally bought the starter kit with two auto batteries, a wall charger and a usb charger.

I bet it would really suck to be caught with a good supply of spare carts but a dead battery!

I was already planning on ordering a manual battery with my next purchase, mostly to satisfy my own curiousity after reading about the differences between autos and manuals.

Now I'm thinking I might order two manual batteries and an extra usb charger to take to the office with me.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 28, 2009
Awesome suggestions, I really appreciate them. I originally bought the starter kit with two auto batteries, a wall charger and a usb charger.

I bet it would really suck to be caught with a good supply of spare carts but a dead battery!

I was already planning on ordering a manual battery with my next purchase, mostly to satisfy my own curiousity after reading about the differences between autos and manuals.

Now I'm thinking I might order two manual batteries and an extra usb charger to take to the office with me.

Good idea! Most do like the manual batts. I switched over once I tried it just one time.
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