New to RBA- will Lemo work OK on a Provari

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
  • Apr 1, 2014
    Kennesaw, GA. USA
    Ive got 2 Provari Mini's and several Aspire Nautilus tanks that I've been vaping on for a year.
    I'm tired of buying coils, they don't last. I go through at least 3 a week, heavy vapor I suppose.

    I'm wondering if I can use RBA on my Provari's? If so, would a Lemo be a good starter for me?

    I'm pretty handy for a lady and have an impressive work shop. Making coils just makes sense to me. Ill never give up vaping so I'd like to be doing it the smartest way possible.
    Tthank you in advance for your input.


    ECF Guru
    Supporting Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jan 3, 2013
    Halfway to Paradise, WA
    Just keep your coils in the range that your Provari (or any other regulated mod) needs, and you'll be fine.

    You might also look at the Kayfun types. I have both, and while the Lemo has the capacity for higher air flow - necessary if you sub/low ohm vape, but you'll not be doing that on the Provari! - I generally run it about as restricted as my KFs. Both are good choices :)
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