New to my DSE-801 HV, and hating it so far. Help?

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Verified Member
Nov 19, 2010
Georgia, United States
Yes, it would be better if it were manual. Now after a few hours of using it, I am topping it off a lot. It is not a drive in the car type e-cig but it still has a hit and vapor that makes it worth it for home :) One last note, LiteCigUSA may not be quick with their emails but I placed my order Feb 27th which was a Sunday, they mailed Monday and I received it today. Pretty fast shipping! I ordered from two other places over the weekend and also received their stuff today too! I am picking good vendors recently (Liberty Flights and Vaporbomb)


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, Il
Well I've done a total 180 ... I hated it when I first got it ... It burnt everything ... And I put it away. Since I pulled it back out and figured out how to use it, I can't get enough. The throat hit is better than anything I've tried. The vapor is great, and has an almost velvety feel in your mouth. The flavor is actually great for me - very smooth. The batteries last longer than I expected ... Maybe 2 or 2 1/2 hours (that's almost twice as long as my 510s). Probably because the hits are shorter and I don't have to take as many to feel satisfied. It uses up juice very, very quickly and I have to drip. I never have had the patience to drip with anything else, but it seems worth it to me. I've found a good balance - 3 or 4 drops gets you 6 to 8 hits - maybe a few more. I've figured out that you can take a couple of hits back to back, but be careful and make sure it is wet. I've learned how to tell when it needs to be refilled - it will have one hit with less flavor before it begins to taste burned and dry. If you overfill, it will leak. The automatic switch is the most sensitive/workable I've used. It comes on instantly when I start to puff. I've been using an ego with type b LR atty and mega carts for work - no fuss. But the same juice works so much better in the HV PV. I've really had to restrain myself not to buy another one ... I get excited about all my new toys, and I'm trying to wait at least two weeks to be sure the novelty doesn't wear off.

I've had the opposite of what Suzette mentioned happen to me ... I'm now so used to the 801 that I have to remember to take longer drags off of the ego to get it to work ;-)
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Vaping Master
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Oct 11, 2010
East Coast, USA
Contacted ivape. "No longer carrying the 801 HV do to poor performance." Figures...grrr And litecig has yet to answer any emails. Anyone have one they want to part with, dont have cash but do have a mod to trade.

I have a complete set with 2 new batteries, HV charger, and 2 new attys.. PM me regarding the mod you want to trade. I may be interested.. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I just ordered the DSE-801 HV from LiteCig USA. I have an abundance of batteries, 510, 910 and KR808's (including Smoketip, which I still love) and I wanted to try an HV. I do not have a voltmeter but I will give my review and see what I can find out after I receive it. Wish me luck!!

This is a poor choice for trying HV. It will actually burn "too hot' and not give you a good representation of HV vaping since the "sweet spot" for vaping is 4.5v to 5v. Plus it only comes in auto batteries which makes it virtually worthless, IMO.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Oct 11, 2010
East Coast, USA
This is a poor choice for trying HV. It will actually burn "too hot' and not give you a good representation of HV vaping since the "sweet spot" for vaping is 4.5v to 5v. Plus it only comes in auto batteries which makes it virtually worthless, IMO.

It vapes well enough for me... Enough so, that I had posted in IkenVapes forum awhile back to request that he design various ohm 801's with the HP's threading. (The threading is different to prevent lower ohm 801 attys being used)

Unless you have actually owned and used one, you have no basis to say that it will burn too hot, since the resistance can be raised on the attys to prevent burning..I just metered a new one @ 4.5 ohms.. Also your opinion of auto batteries is purely YOUR preference... I like auto batteries once in awhile... This is coming from someone who has owned and used many of the top performing mods available... To each their own.... ;)

EDIT: From the LiteCigUSA description:

The DSE-801 HP Vaporizer uses a HIGH POWER battery rated at 7.4volt.
The HP atomizer is designed at a higher resistance to handle the 7.4v battery, and give the user a true 5volt experience.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
I don't know if my 801 is HV or not, but I know I love it. As to the frequent dripping, I've discovered if you tap the end on something (preferrably soft to keep from breaking the plastic "cig-cherry" cover, it forces the liquid down from the cartridge into the wick and let's you draw a few more times. I usually do this on my leg to the beat of whatever music is playing on my radio in my truck lol. Much easier than refilling and driving ;)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2009
Around OKC, OK
Bad news is no USB charger. Good news is that batteries on the wall charger charge in less than an hour. If you have 2 batteries, you can get one fully charged quickly while you use the other one.

While the light on the wall charger does turn green in less than an hour, I'm told that you should still leave them on the charger for the full 4 hours as they are still actually charging even after the light is green. You may not be getting a full charge if you take it off before then. I could be wrong as I haven't really taken mine off before then. I have a cheap timer I plug in that I can set for 4 hours so that it automatically shuts off for me so I don't over charge.

Also, I do have a USB charger. 2 of them actually. One that the battery screws in, and the other that has a cheap clip to hold it in place. The clip isn't worth much but the screw in is pretty nice. I don't use it cause I don't have a timer that shuts off my usb port after 4 hours lol.

USB battery charger
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Full Member
Verified Member
Nov 19, 2010
Georgia, United States
I love the throat hit and ease of use of the HV so I did not want to give up completely but I smoke when I drive so topping off is a pain in the you know what! I came up with a solution that I wanted to share. I put a small piece of blue foam directly on the atomizer and it works!! I can drip a lot more liquid without leaking or flooding and I can actually take several more hits before having to top the thing off again. Let's see how long it takes me to kill the atomizer but for now, I am happy!


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2011
Chicago, Il
I love the throat hit and ease of use of the HV so I did not want to give up completely but I smoke when I drive so topping off is a pain in the you know what! I came up with a solution that I wanted to share. I put a small piece of blue foam directly on the atomizer and it works!! I can drip a lot more liquid without leaking or flooding and I can actually take several more hits before having to top the thing off again. Let's see how long it takes me to kill the atomizer but for now, I am happy!

Great idea!!! Can you tell me more? How much of the atty do you fill with foam? Snug fit or loose fit? I took a blue foam plug from a 510 cart and slid it down inside. So far, brilliant!! Last question ... How many drops do you use?

I've gotten to the point that this is the only PV that i actually enjoy using, but dont take it to work with me because i have to drip. This will hopefully solve that problem - if i can get 20 or 30 good puffs, Ill be thrilled. Thanks, again.
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