New to forum and vaping, few questions, thanks!

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New Member
Jan 18, 2014
Hi all. I've cruised the forum a bit and watched enough videos to know that there are practically an endless amount of configurations as to hardware. I've used my brothers and I like it, although the only discernible brand on his is the Kangertech Mini Pro tank II. I like how it smokes but I'm not sure on the battery that his is using as it is unbranded (he bought from a smokeshop). I personally cant just go out and buy something on a clerks word. I need research and opinions. I'm not so worried about the availability in my local area (SoCal) as I'm comfortable with purchasing online to ensure I get the right thing. I'm wondering what setup would be practical for me. I'm okay with buying a starter kit that I've looked at on several vaping websites. But I would like some opinions from some experienced users. What brand would be a solid buy as far as durability and reliability, longevity and relatively low maintenance (IE I won't have to replace the "cartomizer or atomizer" or the like every day or something)? I've used the Blu cigs and alike, the discardables. I would prefer this solution, and I love being able to choose exactly what flavor I want to smoke. Also any recommendations as to the brand of ejuice. I know it sort of all comes down to what I like. But I also know that there are some specifics to stay away from as far as brands and styles. If I were to purchase the Kanger Mini pro tank 2, what would be an ideal battery to go with it? I watched a video regarding Ohms and volts and watts, but lets just say I didn't take everything from the video to memory. Thanks in advance for any replies. I haven't smoked cigarettes in years but I smoke hookah now, but it is an expensive habit and all boils down to still being burning tobacco.
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