New study confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes pose minimal health risk

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May 10, 2013
Raleigh, NC
A study just released by Professor Igor Burstyn, Drexel University School of Public Health, confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) pose no health concern for users or bystanders. This is the first definitive study of e-cigarette chemistry, and finds that there are no health concerns based on generally accepted exposure limits.

News Article



Super Member
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Apr 13, 2013
New Joisey (aka NJ)
Good stuff.......thank you for posting.
I don't want to jumnp the gun with erroneous info and conclusions before reading the entire study in detail, but it appears that the good Dr. is, (although he does not appear to be too concerned about long-term effects) recommending further study and attention to the long-term exposure to PG & VG in the 'novel' amounts that vapers are exposed to them. (Please correct me if I am wrong.)

Very encouraging!


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Aug 19, 2010
USA - Arkansas
Very good. I take it to say, that second hand vapor is basically harmless by the usual standards and, if vaping is harmful to anyone at all, it's to those of us that do vape and, that is very different than any harm to bystanders - it is our choice to use nicotine and, inhale rather large quantities of PG and/or VG vapor and, it's still a lot better than smoking for us.

Now if further studied bear that out, it's a live and let live situation. If it harms us at all, it's our choice and, we aren't harming anyone else as we were with our second hand smoke when we smoked (or would be if we had chosen smoking over vaping for those that never smoked.)

Pretty much what I figured anyway and, I doubt they will find any long term exposure problems given the prevalence of both PG and VG in so many other, commonly used products that have been in use for decades. Okay so we inhale more of the stuff but, I'd bet that it is easily possible to get just as much into your body one way or another without vaping. (Eating, using air fresheners and sanitizers, lotions, cosmetics, beverages, etc...)

josie wales

Senior Member
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Jun 30, 2013
Very good. I take it to say, that second hand vapor is basically harmless by the usual standards and, if vaping is harmful to anyone at all, it's to those of us that do vape and, that is very different than any harm to bystanders - it is our choice to use nicotine and, inhale rather large quantities of PG and/or VG vapor and, it's still a lot better than smoking for us.

I take it to say for the person vaping also. From the article.....

"Dr. Burstyn was able to determine that the levels of contaminants e-cigarette users are exposed to are insignificant, far below levels that would pose any health risk. [/B] Additionally, there is no health risk to bystanders. Proposals to ban e-cigarettes in places where smoking is banned have been based on concern there is a potential risk to bystanders, but the study shows there is no concern".
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