New study confirms e-cigs far less hazardous than inhaling smoke, but prohibitionist authors misrepresent findings

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
tobacco Control publishes study confirming e-cigarettes contain nonhazardous levels of propylene glycol, glyceryl and nicotine, but prohibitionist authors misrepresent and contradict their own findings, existing evidence and public health goals by concluding: "While the current attention on traditional tobacco products is important, it is also necessary to focus on novelty products like ENDS, which may encourage maintenance of tobacco usage behaviour and slow down the impact of national smoking control programmes. Tobacco control policy makers and professionals are seriously urged to find ways to address the gap in the scientific understanding and the legal framework of such products, as this gap may impede efforts at curbing tobacco use."
Electronic nicotine delivery systems: regulatory and safety challenges: Singapore perspective -- Cheah et al. -- Tobacco Control

Mike Siegel: New Study Suggests that Electronic Cigarettes May Encourage Maintenance of Tobacco Use

Mike did an excellent job of critiquing this junk science propaganda.
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