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Full Member
Jun 14, 2013
Niagara Falls
Hello everyone just wanted to post and say hello my name is Jen from Niagara Falls Ontario new to vaping started several months ago found my personal favorite to vape a month ago and have been quit analogs for a month now and I'm enjoying my adventure in my smoke free life I decided to venture down this road as quitting was always in the back of my mind but never thought I could actually do it as I have enjoyed smoking for many years my dad inspired me to try e cig as he had been a heavy smoker for far to long and he kicked it like nobody's business so here I am and so proud to say I'm done with analogs and very happy my dad has been quit for over 3 months now....Just wanted to share abit of my story :)


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May 23, 2013
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Full Member
Jun 14, 2013
Niagara Falls
Thank you everyone my body is already loving it and well I actually love vaping trying new flavors new batteries tanks the only bump I have come across is I ordered from MLV and had a reaction to there juice bad heart burn physically ill tummy never did figure it out my dad raved about there juice they have good reviews but honestly it was nasty to me I kept sampling and trying and would get the same reaction every time now stuff with allot of liquid I refuse to touch

Bill's Magic Vapor

Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Feb 8, 2013
Congrats on Quitting Smoking and welcome to ECF. Fabulous forum and community to help you with your amazing Journey. Like you, I almost can't believe that our e-cigs satisfy me to the point that I could quit analogs, after trying so hard, so many times in my previous, nicotine-stained-fingers, life. Enjoy the ride, you've come to the right place. Good luck to you!


Full Member
Jun 14, 2013
Niagara Falls
Thank You this does seem like the right place to be and to ask questions as it is hard to figure out with out burning a hole in the pocket book I have had some guidance from my brother who got my dad to start the process but I think I have spending issues lol I want to try everything to see what is best and what is not so good lol


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Hello everyone just wanted to post and say hello my name is Jen from Niagara Falls Ontario new to vaping started several months ago found my personal favorite to vape a month ago and have been quit analogs for a month now and I'm enjoying my adventure in my smoke free life I decided to venture down this road as quitting was always in the back of my mind but never thought I could actually do it as I have enjoyed smoking for many years my dad inspired me to try e cig as he had been a heavy smoker for far to long and he kicked it like nobody's business so here I am and so proud to say I'm done with analogs and very happy my dad has been quit for over 3 months now....Just wanted to share abit of my story :)

Congrats on making the change, your Dad is a good influence :)

Enjoy vaping!
I feel the same as you do Jen. I just quit for the 1st time after 24 years smoking and never wanna use analog again. I actually enjoy e cigs better lol. now i'm all addicted to this and the hobby part of it is fun too. I never tried quiting and the moment I got an eVic I never looked back.

Oh yes the evic is the bomb of mods I love mine to


Wandering life's highway
Supporting Member
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Aug 11, 2011
Welcome to ECF smileyjen45!

Congrats to both you and your dad! :toast:

I hope you find your visits here informative and fun. We have a huge community here that can be incredibly helpful in your journey. Feel free to ask any questions, as I'm sure there will be many with an answer for you! :)

Please see the links in my signature below for New Member information, as well as informative forums and threads on CASAA (Consumer Advocates for Smoking Alternatives Association) and the latest legislative news and info.

Again, welcome to ECF!! :vapor:



Full Member
Jun 16, 2013
I used to smoke for about 2 years and the addiction was only getting worse. Bought a simple starter kit and loved it for the first vape! Later on I upgraded to eGo devices, which I have been using for maybe 1,5 year now. Looking forward to the next upgrade which will hopefully be a GP Paps X and a GP SnP tank which I believe should cut out the constant fiddling part of vaping to get it to work just right, which is so common with most devices.

I think vaping is the simplest and most effective way to get off cigarettes and you and your dad made the right choice!


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May 17, 2013
Dover, Delaware, United States
The way that I thought about quitting, was to not think about it as quitting. I wasn't stopping smoking, I was switching.the way i "smoked." I have always been a gadget freak and fiddling around with electronics and mechanics always appealed to me. The mindset of switching saved me from quitting (with all the bad mood swings, shakes, headaches, etc.)
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