New Member, Thanks to ECF

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Full Member
Jan 25, 2011
Hi all!

Thanks to the members of this forum - specifically those in the ECF chat - I've been smoke free since March 3rd. Not one cig, not one drag. Done.

What's more, I talked one of my best friends into getting one (smoker for FORTY years) and bought one as a belated birthday present for another friend who has also now quit.

All hail the ecig! Damn thing probably saved my life and the life of 4 of friends.

Thanks ECF for helping me select such a satisfying alternative to those foul analogs. I can't even imagine picking one up again =)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
Congrats on your success!

Sure wish I could get my buddies to vape. They think it's neat, but won't commit...

They do keep asking "How many days now?". So there is hope.
Good for you! Keep it up.
I have been vaping for almost a year now and am also still smoking analogs-&@$?!!- strange I know right? I have since day one, cut my smoking from 50-75 percent so I still feel happy knowing how many less analogs I have smoked. I was a heavy smoker of 2 packs a day. In the last few months I have helped one married couple completely quit by vaping as well as my brother having quit from the first day I got him to try one. I love vaping
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