New member, recently switched from cigs

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May 29, 2017
Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to vaping. But I've got the bug big time. I quit a pack a day cigarette habit of 28 years just 4 months ago.

I started at 12mg nic 4 months ago, and within 2 weeks dropped to 6, and for the last month I've been down to 3mg. I figure by the end of summer I can be down to zero nic.

I started with a kanger subbox mini, and started using the rba deck after going through several coils, but the kanger just wasn't satisfying me as far as getting a Consistent vaping experience.

After some research, I settled on a proper mod.

I'm currently using a wismec predator 228 mod and plan on getting another mod in the future. I haven't had an issue with my 510 connection on the predator at all.

I have 4 tanks
Pharoah Rta
Vaporesso Gemini rta
Vaporesso Gemini mega rta
Wismec Elabo

I have a bunch of premade coils I got in a kit I use those in the Pharoah. Which I run 3mm coils kanthal and at 62.5 watts usually.

For the Gemini mega, I use 26g ss316l twisted tightly and 7 wraps 2.5mm in dual coil mode running at .2 ohm usually run in power mode at 50 to 57.5 watts

The normal Gemini I am running dual 26g 10 wrap 2.5mm at .42 ohms in tc mode and vaping around 20 degree Celsius and 45 watts

I have not used the Elabo tank. Just kinda like building coils.

I got a coil tool kit with the pliers , tweezers, ohm meter and all the other tud bits.

I have two rolls of wire, kanthal a1 in 26g and ss316l in 26g

So far my coils are lasting forever. I just changed the coils in my Gemini units and used those both through several tanks of juice and they were still going strong. The pharaoh I've had for a month and still on my first coil and several tanks and it's still working fantastic.

I've had minor leaking from time to time but overall very happy with my tanks.

Next tank I'll buy will probably buy will be the azeroth rta, it looks great.

I use master of clouds Japanese cotton

I have 4 batteries I use.

2 lg hg2 and 2 lg he4. Batteries work great and I can vape all day and still have half power left by the end of the day.

I've recently decided to try an RDA so I ordered a geekvape peerless RDA in stainless.

I also have an aspire cf sub battery in the mail and an icare 1.8ml 650 mah coming in the mail. Will try the aspire battery out which is I guess a simple mech just to see how it works. For $5 couldn't pass it up.

The icare I plan on giving to my mom to get her off the cigs. And it seemed like it would be super easy for her. Deal was great, got it for $10.

I gave my kanger to my younger bro and he has already cut down from a pack of cigs a day to a pack a week, which is huge.

I've been using juice from e-liq, strawberry, mango, cotton candy, and strawberry water melon, but it's not the best, but it works for now i tend to mix the eliq flavors together. They have great prices but flavor and quality is not fantastic. Their juice is a bit harsh overall.

I also love naked 100 berry belts, sour sweet, and amazing mango. Their juice is super smooth.

I've recently gotten into a strawberry milk as well.

I decided to start mixing my own juice so I've ordered 19 different flavors and 500ml of pg and 500ml of vg, and 48mg nic to start mixing. I based my flavors off several recipes on e-liquid-recipes site that sounded good to me. That will arrive in a few days and I'll start making my own juice. I'm excited to do it. Should be fun!

I haven't gotten into building my own Clapton coils and such, but I'm sure I will at some point.

Well that's about it for now. Looking forward to getting some great info in here, rather than just from you tube reviewers like zophie, Mike vapes, rip trippers and vaping biker as well as others. I do like the reviews and the build videos have helped me, but I know a community like this will give me great knowledge.

So hope I get to interact with you all and learn from you all.

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Full Member
May 29, 2017
I feel you on the ashtray part. I'm sure you'll love diy juice. A great site to check out is eliquid recipes dot com. Register a user name there and you can save your mixes, add notes, copy other mixes and so much more.
Already did that, favorited some recipes and based my flavor ordering based on those. I should be able to make a ton of juice!

I've Def been doing my research!

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Vaping Master
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Jan 20, 2013
Concoction Creating Cave
Welcome to ECF, it sounds like you're well on your way and even getting others into vaping is great. Happy to have you here and I wish you and your family members that you're getting into vaping the best of luck. There is a member here called anthonyvapes who does reviews that I highly recommend. He buys his own mods which I like so you know there isn't any motivation to push a mod that isn't worth it. He does great in depth reviews including taking them apart sometimes to show how well or not they are built . He convinced me to get my Smoant Battlestar and it was exactly what I wanted but didn't know it existed. Sounds like you know what your doing so I figured I'd suggest a reviewer you didn't list to help you along. Thanks for joining us and I hope you enjoy your time here.
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Full Member
May 29, 2017
Welcome to ECF, it sounds like you're well on your way and even getting others into vaping is great. Happy to have you here and I wish you and your family members that you're getting into vaping the best of luck. There is a member here called anthonyvapes who does reviews that I highly recommend. He buys his own mods which I like so you know there isn't any motivation to push a mod that isn't worth it. He does great in depth reviews including taking them apart sometimes to show how well or not they are built . He convinced me to get my Smoant Battlestar and it was exactly what I wanted but didn't know it existed. Sounds like you know what your doing so I figured I'd suggest a reviewer you didn't list to help you along. Thanks for joining us and I hope you enjoy your time here.

Thanks for the info, I'll check that out!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
I decided to start mixing my own juice so I've ordered 19 different flavors and 500ml of pg and 500ml of vg, and 48mg nic to start mixing. I based my flavors off several recipes on e-liquid-recipes site that sounded good to me. That will arrive in a few days and I'll start making my own juice. I'm excited to do it. Should be fun!
Welcome and glad you joined. You should find DIY a hand full, some folks recommend not to start DIY until you vaped for more than 6 months. They feel that as a recent vaper, your still have your hands full getting off analog chemical dependencies and finding your way. You appear to have it together, go for it.
Might like to read the following compilations:
dannyv45's blog | E-Cigarette Forum
diy_beginners_guide - DIY_eJuice
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