New member looking for first ecig

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New Member
Feb 1, 2014

New member here. I'm looking to quit smoking and start vaping. I've been watching studying up on custom builds but I figure a starter kit would be best for now. It seems like everyone has a different opinion on which is the best starter for new vapers. I want something that produces a decent amount of smoke but isn't too bulky or uses disposable cartridges. Thanks in advance for any recommendations! :D


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Jan 27, 2014
Hello, you'll get plenty of advice from more knowledgable folks than me about gear.

But I'll offer this ; I was in your shoes a little over a week ago, went to a local vape shop & left with a working starter rig & some juice.
Haven't had a cigaret since that evening & it's been surprisingly easy.
Best thing about visiting a shop is you can taste different juice. That's important if you're quitting cigs - it needs to taste good & be satisfying or you'll be tempted back to tobacco.

DO IT and don't look back !


Full Member
Jan 26, 2014
Denver, CO
Try a local vape shop. There they will let you try different flavors and depends on your budget, on the type of system you decide on. I made the mistake of buying online and got a cheap knockoff of a Evod starter kit. Once I found a vape shop it open a new world to vaping... If you really want to quit smoking, like me. Vaping is the way to go... I thought I would like the pen style of battery. So I started with that. Now I got the iTaste MPV 2.0 and love it. I can vape on it for 2 days without recharging the batteries. Smoke free for 2 and half months. :vapor:


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I'm a newbie too. No equipment regrets but the liquid is another story. I've spent way too much on liquids I won't use for one reason or another. Wish there was a local shop here where I could have sampled/studied up on them prior to purchase. Definitely visit a local shop even if you plan on ordering on line.
My personal suggestion would be to go with a good variable voltage battery like the Ego Twist or the Vision Spinner. They can be picked up for relatively cheap (~$25). For the tank, EVODs are a really nice tank, and they have a great price point too (~$10). If you're into something a little more spendy, I love my Kanger Unitank, and my Protank. The heads are compatible with the EVOD heads on both the Pro and the Uni so it's not so bad if you want to upgrade from the EVOD.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2014
I was going to say what others have said, juice is most important. I you don't like the taste, you're not going to stick with it. You have to look forward to a vape. Find a shop with a tasting bar. Your tastebuds will change the longer you don't smoke. I have light flavor juice that I couldn't taste on some days. Then I use a stronger flavor on those days.

I say keep it simple to start so you don't get frustrated. That will be your backup later or give to a friend.
I'm a newbie too. No equipment regrets but the liquid is another story. I've spent way too much on liquids I won't use for one reason or another. Wish there was a local shop here where I could have sampled/studied up on them prior to purchase. Definitely visit a local shop even if you plan on ordering on line.

Definitely can't stress this enough. I too have spent too much on wasted liquid. Fortunately, one of the vape shops here in town carries Nicvape liquids so I get to try most of their flavors before I buy them online.


Full Member
Jan 19, 2014
New York
I agree with most, go to a shop that you have heard good things about and try some out. Definately go with a variable voltage mod. It wl allow you to mimic the heat and vapor(smoke) you get from analogs. So much to learn that it does get confusing by well worth it. Started just a few weeks ago (after smoking 1pk a day for 26 yrs) and haven't looked back. I purchased the vision x-fire at first and liked it but the battery wears down and doesn't hit as good as a fully charged battery. I waited 1 week to see if I would continue to vape and I did so I went right to a provari and a aspire nautilas tank. It was expensive but I love this set up. If you don't get a mod/tank setup you like the chances are you will not be happy and that could make you revert back to those stinkin cigs. Good luck!!!


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
Well, things do change around here. I vaped for a year back about 2 or less and then jumped back on the cig wagon. Not because of vaping, that helped me stay off for a year plus. No, because of not being able to have enough will power and then the old circumstance gig. None the less, I don't recall ever hearing about most of what folks here are talking about brand wise outside of a few standards (i.e. ego). However, the part about juice can't be stressed enough. If you don't have a local vape shop, like I don't, then spend no more than a few bucks on different juices. All the way from sweet sounding to drinks you like to darker ones. Just a couple each tops. Then you'll know what sort of juice you like and then can expand out. Down the road you'll possibly get into making your own as did, though I can't recall how right now, and then go from there. Just don't go hog wild on juice at first, as many do (incl. me), as you will be doing what I'm doing right now, vaping up your old juice you DON'T like just to get rid of it. But, even if you don't like something at first, hang on to it. You may like it down the road. Good luck and stay on this list as these people are the best thing you can have in order to quit the cigs. (sorry for the long reply)


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Nov 24, 2013
Houma, La, USA
I started 3 months ago. Started with the Halo Triton (meh), quickly upgraded to 2 Vision Spinners 1300 mah (very good beginner rig), then went to 2 Itaste VV/V3's (very nice little variable wattage set up, but had to charge way to often) and have now moved on to the Itaste MVP (great variable wattage set up with a battery that lasts for a couple days between charges) I use my VV/V3's for back up but I almost never have to use them. Personally I wish I had gone right to the MVP from the start, it would have saved me a bunch of money. If you aren't afraid of a box mod you can get it fairly cheap now days. But if you don't want to go that route the Vision Spinner 1300 mah is a really good place to start. I gave mine to my wife and she loves them so much I got her 2 more. I agree with the others that a good juice the most important thing though.

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Full Member
Dec 26, 2013
Just do yourself a favor and just get this: Innokin iTaste VV/VW V3 - Black Edition - Shopping

All you need then is a couple EVOD tanks to start you off: Kanger EVOD eGO Bottom Coil Clearomizer

Grab some replacement heads:Atomizer Head for Kanger Protank, EVOD, Unitank

And some amazing juice (Try the Papa Smurf):

The truth is you are going to love vaping. Most everyone does. Why get going with egos when you will be wanting a solid awesome Variable Wattage/Voltage device after a couple of weeks anyway? Just jump right the hell in properly!


Senior Member
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Dec 23, 2013
Manassas, VA
I'm a newbie too. No equipment regrets but the liquid is another story. I've spent way too much on liquids I won't use for one reason or another. Wish there was a local shop here where I could have sampled/studied up on them prior to purchase. Definitely visit a local shop even if you plan on ordering on line.

It is all about the liquid. That is the hard part.

Supposedly, in time, you will like your liquid purchases from the past. They say that. I am skeptible.

I like the Mt Baker Vapors Cinnamon Roll and NeckBeard's Nectar. Everything else is just Ok at best. I might have to go DIY. I have been doing this a month. How many flavors could I have tried?

Me and a buddy quit and we visit the same B&M. I turned him on to Cinnamon Raisen and he likes it and he tried all the flavors at the local B&M and he didn't like anything better. You can believe in B&M, but infinity is better.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 27, 2013
Lawrenceville, Ga.
Personally, I recommend starting with a fairly inexpensive EGO or EVOD kit. Most people starting don't want to invest heavily into ecigs because they're afraid they might be wasting money. a good low priced EGO kit can do wonders, and many people don't go past the EGO sized battery. The toppers (atomizers) you will get several opinions on, but I try to use the KISS method. (Keep It Simple Silly). With the price of atomizers on the decline, you can get an atomizer with a replaceable coil almost for the same price as a regular stardust that most of us started with. I try to recommend something that fits streamline with the EGO battery, something like this CE5 is what I started with and what I recommend to others to start with. You might also pick up a bottom coil clearo like this one. If worse comes to worse, buy one of each and let him decide which one he likes better, since both have their advantages and disadvantages.

The E-Juice is highly subjective per person. let them try some of your juices to see if there's any they like. If there is a local brick and mortar shop, they usually have it where you can sample some of their juices. For his first juice selection, I recommend the Brick and Mortar one, but make sure he/she realizes that online prices can be cheaper and to experiment buying small quantities at first.

Good luck, and see if you can get them off the stinkies. :)
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