New Member from India

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Just starting on the vaping journey. Hoping to quit on the regular cigarettes soon. Have to get some good gear. Right now using these Cigo cartridges that are available in India. But these don't seem to be doing the trick. On my journey to understand what is out there and where to buy it from.

Leaning towards a Vamo V5 or a iTaste VV/VW 3.0 with a Protank II mini. Any suggestions?

Will probably have to buy from China. Stuff here in India is priced 2 to 3 times. Looking at fasttech, HealthCabin and GreenHouseOne. Have to research which is the safest for delivery to India.

And then comes the liquids! Have no clue on those yet. Will probably buy those from China too.

Kanger Areotank or Aspire Nautilus are good beginner atomisers. As for a mod in my option any vv and or vw should be a good start just find one you like the look of that's affordable. Both of these atomisers are good because you have the adjustability in how tight or loose the draw is and obviously with vv/vw you can adjust how hot or cool you like your vape.
hi and welcome aboard.

i noticed on another forum your elected officials want to make every thing e-cigarette related illegal internet or otherwise.
is this true?

Hi mike,

Thanks for the welcome. I have not heard about it being made illegal. But have to say that very few people vaping out in the open. Quite a bit of confusion about carrying e-cigarettes in hand-baggage on flights. Have faced problems in a small town airport but not in the metros.


Hi Calysoo, Bringing stuff in as personal baggage is one thing. These days not much problems at customs wrt personal baggage at most large airports in India. Importing stuff by air-mail can be a different story. Have seen different experiences described by people on various internet forums. But can't seem to find anything recent.
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