New member and vaper

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Sneaky Chicken

New Member
Sep 29, 2014
Hey all! I'm new to vaping and stumbled upon these forums while researching my first purchase, a cherry crush flavored Blu disposable e-cigarette. I was quite surprised to see that several of your members had generally negative to mixed feelings about the Blu disposables, seeming as so far I am loving it. Note though that I am not a regular smoker of traditional cigarettes, I've only ever smoked about 5 cigarettes in my life (usually at social gatherings where everyone goes outside for a smoke break), so that may have something to do with it.

I'm in love with the strong cherry flavor accompanied by the pleasurable design of the e-cigarette itself. Eventually I'd like to get into the more complex vaping scene (rechargeables, customizable kits, etc.), but I'm probably going to stick to the disposables until I'm 100% sure it's for me. I also picked up a menthol Blu because they had a deal going where they were $8.99 individually or 2 for $15.

Some general questions I have about e-cigarettes:

- How long should my battery /cartridge last? I'm a light smoker and probably will take 10-15 puffs a day.
- What is generally considered the best disposable (in the range of $5-$15)?
- Which brand offers the widest variety of flavored disposables? I'd be more likely to enjoy fruity flavors or strong flavors like coffee or mint.

Thanks in advance! Look forward to chatting with you all!

P.S. Anyone have any experience with Citizen E-Cigars? The clerk was trying to hard-sell me on one today when I got the Blu, it looked interesting but I didn't want to drop $30 on my first purchase, especially a brand I'd never heard of.

The Ocelot

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
Hi and welcome!

Congratulations on considering an alternative to tobacco!

Hey all! I'm new to vaping and stumbled upon these forums while researching my first purchase, a cherry crush flavored Blu disposable e-cigarette. I was quite surprised to see that several of your members had generally negative to mixed feelings about the Blu disposables, seeming as so far I am loving it. Note though that I am not a regular smoker of traditional cigarettes, I've only ever smoked about 5 cigarettes in my life (usually at social gatherings where everyone goes outside for a smoke break), so that may have something to do with it.

Vaping forums do not represent the majority of vapors. The forums tend to attract new vapors with questions; people who don't feel e-cigs are working for them, but want to keep trying; people having problems with their gear and hobbyists.

Why we seem down on Blus is primarily because we are offering advice to people who aren't able to quit by using them. If they were satisfied with the device, they wouldn't have come here looking for alternatives.

Another reason is the expense.

...they had a deal going where they were $8.99 individually or 2 for $15.

Some general questions I have about e-cigarettes:

- How long should my battery /cartridge last? I'm a light smoker and probably will take 10-15 puffs a day.

"Blu Original – 80mAH and Premium100 – 226mAH" Ooookay. 100 mAh is technically equal to 1 hour of continuous use. however vapers have found in our application it is less than that. In your case, I can't say, since even if you just use it socially, I don't know how much you actual vape, as opposed to just holding it. It's best you look at the mAh and judge for yourself.

Cartridges are very hard to predict, since not only does it depend on how many puffs you take, but as soon as you open the package they begin drying out. That seems to be something common in disposable/convenience store cig-a-likes. Many of the juices are pg only, but they still shouldn't dry out as fast as they do. It might be something in the filler material. It wouldn't surprise me, since people having to buy more cartridges increases profits. I like to take things apart, so I opened what I thought were spent/burned out cartridges. What found was either they had just dried out or burned because they had dried out. Regardless of how you use them, they will not last as long as a pack of cigarettes.

Just for reference, you can pop the top off the cartridges and add juice to them. A syringe or a bottle with a needle tip cap works best for the size. You don't want to get any down the center hole or over fill it, since the battery isn't sealed.

- What is generally considered the best disposable (in the range of $5-$15)?
- Which brand offers the widest variety of flavored disposables? I'd be more likely to enjoy fruity flavors or strong flavors like coffee or mint.

Please no! Please no! Please!!!! I know you aren't a regular smoker, but that is an outrageous price and you are supporting Big Tobacco.

This is an authentic Joyetech 510 kit. It's the same size. The whole kit is $29.99 to $33.99 (depending on battery size selection) plus shipping. It isn't disposable, so you don't throw it away and kill nature and stuff. It comes with empty cartridges for you to put in your own juice, but you can also get pre-filled cartridges from a variety of vendors. Just look for "510" threaded cartridges. If you find it isn't lasting long enough for you, you can add to it. There are little tanks the same diameter that are quite cool and there is a PCC (Personal Charging Case) that has a battery in it, so you can charge on the go. You carry it in your pocket, it's about the size of a pack of cigarettes.

Joye 510 Starter Kit

Please don't support Big Tobacco. They are trying to control vaping. Even if you don't care about me and others like me, think of the trees and squirrels.


Anyone have any experience with Citizen E-Cigars? The clerk was trying to hard-sell me on one today when I got the Blu,

Never heard of it. Clerks who sell Blus and are trying to get you to buy something else overpriced are suspect. Pushing is a good description.

it looked interesting but I didn't want to drop $30 on my first purchase, especially a brand I'd never heard of.


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Super Member
Sep 2, 2014
Amarillo, TX
All hail Ocelot! She's seriously giving you good advice.

Look, I'm not down on Blu. I have tons of friends...okay one or two...who swear by them and it has helped them quit smoking. I actually started vaping with a Blu but I quickly changed to a cigalike (Halo G6) with mini tanks. I did this because Blu was super expensive (cough*8.99*cough) compared to 4.99-5.99 for a bottle of eliquid.

If you like Blu, keep using them! When it comes to vaping it's whatever works for you! I'm just saying if you're willing to drop $30 on eCigar you can easily buy Joyetech 510 kit and buy cigar like/sweet fruit e juice that you're looking for.
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