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Apr 5, 2013
While a short, simplified version of the rules would be most welcome, after over 15 years of being an admin/moderator on some site or another personal experience shows that the short and sweet ones just don't cut it. There is always someone who will take the staff to task over a perceived exploit in the rules and then play the drama queen in the forums when smacked on the nose for something. As time goes on, those "simple" rules get added to because someone declared they could do "X" because it wasn't spelled out.

Drama queens are bad for forums. Especially when they get like minded individuals to step in behind them and then all holy hell breaks loose. All because a rule wasn't spelled out to the letter and they think they were "punished" unfairly. This is why a lot of forum rules get longer and longer for sites that have been online for a long time. Same with ECF. We've had something happen which causes us to include it in the rules.

Personally, I'd prefer to show the trouble maker out via the goal posts in cases like that. But here at ECF, even the staff has a standard and set of rules we have to follow. And for some, that's a good thing. Otherwise they'd have been shown the door ages ago. :D


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Feb 23, 2010
Roly added that one a couple of years ago.

Some people thought ECF was running those Best of XXX's instead of members.

One more question--since we're discussing rules.
19. Linking to low-quality websites
a. No links to low-quality websites are allowed. This means sites that are banned by search engines to a greater or lesser degree; websites that are rated poorly by safe-surf organizations; and sites that we rate as being of low quality. Such sites include but are not limited to those listed in banned sig links (see below).
b. Posting live links [1] to propaganda against e-cigarettes, low-quality unresearched or slanted press articles, or materials containing deliberate attacks on e-cigarettes unsupportable by independent evidence, is not allowed. Links should be broken by placing spaces in the domain part of the URL, or any other method that prevents browsers or search engines seeing a link [2].
c. Links to propaganda are allowed when the link is to a government or similar official resource AND the link is approved by ECF Officials.

#19b. There was a time when we were all very good about breaking those URLs, but not so much lately. Have we abandoned the idea of breaking links to junk? It's still on the books, but nobody's doing it anymore--or so it seems to me. So, to break or not to break? What's the latest?


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Apr 5, 2013
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ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
This brings up another point regarding the staff. There's really just a few of us at this point, and we're all busy with real life stuff as well.

If you think you have what it takes and have a fairly clean record on ECF you can apply here:



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Apr 5, 2013
Prior experience isn't a firm requirement as we do have a training program. We actually do quite a bit of work behind the scenes. Your first few days as a new mod are spent reading up on what we do. Then I connect with you via Skype to do the actual hands on training.


ECF Guru
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Feb 23, 2010
Thank you...:) while I certainly have the time, I don't think I could meet all of the criteria...;)

Go for it, yiddle baby! :)
Anyone think that I should?

An enthusiastic thumbs up from me. :thumb:
Having never been a moderator before it looks like a non starter for me ( actually I believe I was one years ago, vlc forum, when I was active coding

Go Mark! I'll write you a letter. :D

I think I've derailed this one enough to where it needs to get back on track with the original topic. :lol:

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