New here and just wanted to say hi.

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Fear the Beard...
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Apr 17, 2012
Louisville, Ky
No I didn't know. I do anyway but why do you have to drink plenty of water?

Depending on your mixture and how new you are to vaping, it can dry your throat out and irritate you a bit. When I first started I had a few days of it during the transition, that and I was using a 100% PG for my first. Even now, with 80/20 I sometimes go back to the 100% and within minutes can feel the throat irritation coming back. Staying hydrated can help alleviate this.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 27, 2012
Oh I see. I think I'm doing ok in that area. My issues I think were the cheap gas station brand ones tasted like metal and were very bad. I really had to work with them, fill them, charge all the time, and just hated them. I'm lucky I saw the potential and found a much better one to use. I think I am going to be very happy.

Depending on your mixture and how new you are to vaping, it can dry your throat out and irritate you a bit. When I first started I had a few days of it during the transition, that and I was using a 100% PG for my first. Even now, with 80/20 I sometimes go back to the 100% and within minutes can feel the throat irritation coming back. Staying hydrated can help alleviate this.


Full Member
Apr 28, 2012
chapel hill nc
hi! i think you're REALLY going to like the x2s! i started with v2 stick batteries and after a few weeks had to upgrade... now i have 4 x2s and don't feel the need to buy new hardware anytime soon!

i started with 100% PG in 12 and 18mg, and i know i needed that throat hit to make me feel like i was doing something similar to smoking... still looking for my favorite juices, but it's a fun journey! congrats on making awesome choices so far!


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Welcome to ECF buddy!. I will say the waiting game for your gear to turn up is always the daunting part of it all, BUT once you get it, unbox it, charge it and then.... finally vape it you will LOVE every minuite of it!!!.
I have been on the stinkies for the last 4 months and I am glad to pick my gear back up and use it. Plus funily enough E-Juice tastes better with age! :2cool: which I did not expect. All The best anyway and I am sure If you have any qs there are plenty of very helpful people on here!.

Yes it does!! :D

To the OP, welcome to the boards.

I use Aroma Ejuice, for my juices, they have a good selection, and I have yet to find one that dosen't "do it" for me.


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Apr 24, 2012
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