New guy here :-) menthol advice appreciated!

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New Member
Dec 6, 2011
I love the Ice Menthol from Smokeless Image. I also smoked a very strong menthol cigarette and the Ice Menthol is perfect for me. I started at 12mg, but it was too strong for me, but I didn't smoke all that heavy. My husband started within the 18mg and jumped down to 12mg in two weeks. Hope that helps. Good Luck.

I love, love, love my Volt!! It is so easy and for both my husband and I we only have to switch batteries once a day. vape one, charge one....that seemed to be the motto when I was researching.

I quit on Black Friday. Did not intend to quit, just to vape when I couldn't smoke. Since vaping I have no desire at all to pick up a cigarette.

Good Luck!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 21, 2011
Hi! Fellow Buckeye & congrats on just thinking of quitting! I'm an ex menthol analog smoker of 43 years.....analog free for 24 days....yeaaaa! I counld NOT have done this without my e-cig!!! never have been able to quit for even 6 hours prior to me getting an e-cig. My newbie advice: Get yourself some menthol crystals(very cheap and mix with some PG, I did a 1 gram of crystals to 20ml of PG-prophylene Glycol or you couls use something like everclear, but harder on your equipment). Whala! You can adjust the strengh of the menthol in your regular tobacco-juice. It took me about 2 weeks w/trial and err to figure thiss one out. All the menthol tobacco e-juices I bought were always too weak in the satifaction of that analog flavor. Remember be patient abecause you'll have to learn how best YOU vape any e-cig. Oh....always get some LR(low resitant)carts(cartomizers and atty(atomizers) with wahtever, kit you buy. The low rresitance will help give you a better throat hit and seems to make my vaping experiance ALOT! more satisfing. Wish someone would have told me that one....I almost went back to my nasty coffin nails before I ordered some LR(low resitance carts & attys.
Start vaping and watching alot! of U-tube how-to's on e-cigs and search this forum. So much help in our vaping community! You'll never look back!!! I didn't realize JUST HOW BAD! I felt, till I stated vaping and was able to become an ex-analog smoker, I feel like a new human being now!. So, do the research buy an e-cig and start a new hobby and save your life! The possibilities are endless with Vaping!!!(I need to quit buying stuff,LOL). See you in the VapeHaze....VapoVamp :vapor:

I was stalking around this site for quite some time today. I'm (as you already guessed) new to e-cigs and trying to quit! While browsing I found tons of information; so much that my heads spinning! (Or maybe because I need to smoke :p) All jokes aside I believe i'm going to be ordering a K808 starter kit. How ever from where i'm not sure. I'm a menthol smoker, and currently smoke Maverick (i'm sure you know, but just in case they are made by Newport and have a very strong menthol). How much I smoke varies day by day, sometimes a whole pack in a day usually a pack every 2 days give or take however. I've seen many posts about menthol liquids and would like some input :). I googled (and found) Electronic Cigarettes Reviews | Best E-Cigs & E Cigarettes Brands is this legitimate? If so have any of you purchased from their #1 rated V2 Cigs Electronic Cigarettes :: America's Best Brand of E-Cigarette? Any help would be appreciated! Also; congratulations to all you ex-smokers =)!! I'm hitting the hay, but i'll be up bright and early to check up! Thanks in advance!!

Soon to be ex-smoker,

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Full Member
Jan 4, 2012
Thanks for the info VapoVamp! I think i'll mess around with some of the premade juices before I go on and start making my own ;-). My orders been completed for a little bit today!

I got:

Build Your Own Kit! (2 Complete T-Rex - eGo Style)
(Mouthpiece: 510/901 Delrin Drip Tips - Type C, Heating Element: SmokTech 510 LR 1.5 ohm Single Coil Cartomizers - 5 pack, Color: Black, Battery Size: 1100 mAh)

IKV 510 LR Atomizer 1.8ohms

SmokTech 510 LR 1.5 ohm XL Single Coil Cartomizer (Steel) - 5 pack

70ML of NuPort/NewBay liquid 24MG

I got the stronger MG because I feel like I'd rather be over nicotine'd then under :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 21, 2011
You are so welcome. Looks like your on the road to the Vape Haze! Always LR and yes the nic juice has to be high when you first lay down your I'm vaping 36mg and have an easier time of it...but I know I'll have to cut down...I'm up half the night.....the nic buzz is there ;) See ya in the Vape Haze:vapor:

Thanks for the info VapoVamp! I think i'll mess around with some of the premade juices before I go on and start making my own ;-). My orders been completed for a little bit today!

I got:

Build Your Own Kit! (2 Complete T-Rex - eGo Style)
(Mouthpiece: 510/901 Delrin Drip Tips - Type C, Heating Element: SmokTech 510 LR 1.5 ohm Single Coil Cartomizers - 5 pack, Color: Black, Battery Size: 1100 mAh)

IKV 510 LR Atomizer 1.8ohms

SmokTech 510 LR 1.5 ohm XL Single Coil Cartomizer (Steel) - 5 pack

70ML of NuPort/NewBay liquid 24MG

I got the stronger MG because I feel like I'd rather be over nicotine'd then under :)


Ultra Member
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Feb 3, 2010
Boulder, CO

From where? And how do you like it?

Im STILL looking for a good menthol vape. Not all menthol, but a tobacco menthol

Minnesota Menthol from Vermillion is great, but i lose the flavor half way through the day and have to put it away... If I had another menthol/tobacco juice for the other half of the day I'd be ecstatic!



Full Member
Jan 4, 2012

From where? And how do you like it?

Im STILL looking for a good menthol vape. Not all menthol, but a tobacco menthol

Minnesota Menthol from Vermillion is great, but i lose the flavor half way through the day and have to put it away... If I had another menthol/tobacco juice for the other half of the day I'd be ecstatic!


Nuport Liquid I have high hopes for it based on reviews. Good luck on your menthol hunt! Let me know any good ones you find!
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