New experimenter/user need Guidance Please

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Jan 16, 2013
I quit a 20 year smoking habit 8 years ago but in the last 6 moths starting again by an innocent cigar that lead me back to camel cigs.

Never used e-CIGS

I ordered a vapage premium vmod 2.0 though their customer service said I should start with the Vapige titan pro kit.

Did I make a mistake as a new not taking their advice.

What would be better for me? A pack of normal cigarettes lasts me maybe 3 days.

Thanks yall for your attention and guidance.

This stuff is confusing...


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May 4, 2010
Georgia, USA
i have no experience with it but i say if it works for you when you get it then it is a good buy! if that mod interested you over what they recommended then that's ok b/c if it's more interesting then the chances of working for you are greater. play with it and if you feel it is lacking in some area we can help you decide on your next then you might just be hooked! :p


Senior Member
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Jan 16, 2013
Thank you so much for the response!

Right now I'm using one of the blucig disposable until my shipment arrives. Terrible flavor imo but the is subjective.

So I know there is a learning curve with the vmod but I wanted to jump in with both feet so to speak. I just hope it's a better choice than the Vapige titan pro????


Vaping Master
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Nov 2, 2009
Try it, it may work great, it may not, but at least you tried!
As it's a 510 connection there are a lot of things out there to try on the battery, and if it doesn't work out, 510 is the most common connection so you can switch out the battery and still use the things you've bought and tried in different ways!
Good luck and don't be afraid to ask questions, we try as best we can to help!
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