New E- Smoker, kinda

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Full Member
Jan 11, 2014
Chicago Area
I've been a smoker for 35 + years and am giving this vaping thing a try. I bought BLU last week, gave it a try, within a day caught a chest cold but also wonder if the darn BLU cartridges were bad or dry. They tasted terrible, felt like I was inhaling smoke from a burning piece of cardboard. And heck, I wanted to try the e - cig to get away from the nasty chest colds that no doubt cigarettes help cause.

I ordered a Joye 510 kit today and some e juice so am going to try again. Is BLU that bad, dry carts?


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Jan 1, 2014
oklahoma city ok usa
Yes, although some people like them, I don't think they "taste" that good. I also got a Blu starter kit to start out. It worked well enough to let me know that the e cigarette thing would work for me. But I had no patience with the tiny batteries that needed to be charged every hour and half or so.

I quickly came to this forum and realized I needed a proper kit if I was going to be successful with this. I went to local vape shop and got an ego kit and several flavors. It has worked so well. I am amazed how painless this process has been for the last couple of weeks.

I was a heavy smoker for over 40 years, so this seems amazing to me.

I'm saving the Blu kit for when I go someplace where large, strange looking devices in your mouth might cause funny looks. Kidding, but not really. I am an older lady, and so many of my friends quit smoking years and years ago. They know nothing about vaping, and think it is just a "fad" for young people with lots of tattoos!:)
I have known someone who mentioned the same thing, but I personally believe that getting a cold is just a coincidence. You will enjoy your kit that you ordered much better than Blu. Also, when you first quit smoking, you will cough much more than before. It is the body's way of getting rid of all the tar build-up in your lungs. This may take several weeks, but will subside. If they don't clear-up within a month or so I would recommend seeing a Dr. Best of luck to you.


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Jan 20, 2012
I used Blu for quite a while as an out & about ecig (it's small & convenient). But I could never use their cartridges. I can't do high VG juices so they killed my throat after a short time using them. If you bought a kit you can maybe try & get some blank cartridges & fill them with your own juice & still use the kit. That's what I ended up doing & it worked well for me.

I hope you like the new kit you got though. Hope it works well for you. :)


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Dec 29, 2013
Buffalo, NY
I too started with a blu starter kit. Bought cartridges at the store and they were dry and burnt tasting so I ordered some directly from blu. Same problem, I would have used them much longer if they were any good. Upgraded quickly after that. Now have a couple of mods a few ego batts and 7 tanks. Everything gets used. Vaping has changed my life.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2014
Chicago Area
Thanks for all the encouragement. My goal is to give up tobacco but I know I still need to have the nicotine but being able to keep the puffing going will be a huge help.

I had thought about the e-cig thing for a while but while out doing karaoke a week ago a woman was smoking one, she talked me into giving it a try. I should have asked more questions, not sure what kind of kit she was smoking.

Mark Anthony

Vaping Master
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Oct 4, 2013
Scranton, Pa USA
I've been a smoker for 35 + years and am giving this vaping thing a try. I bought BLU last week, gave it a try, within a day caught a chest cold but also wonder if the darn BLU cartridges were bad or dry. They tasted terrible, felt like I was inhaling smoke from a burning piece of cardboard. And heck, I wanted to try the e - cig to get away from the nasty chest colds that no doubt cigarettes help cause.

I ordered a Joye 510 kit today and some e juice so am going to try again. Is BLU that bad, dry carts?

I started with Blu's but quickly knew that I wanted better.... Within a week from vaping my first Blu I bought my MVP 2 and have never looked back. I still have my Blu Starter Kit for nostalgic reasons.... they kick started my getting off of analogs. Good luck with your new kit!! :toast:
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