New Atomizers - Factory prime?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2009
St. Paul MN, USA
I'm anxiously awaiting my first ever e-cig to arrive in the mail...

One thing I've seen repeatedly on these forums is references to the "factory prime" on new atomizers. The consenus seems to be that the prime doesn't taste all that good, etc.

Is there something that needs to be done to a new atomizer before use? Or, not necessarily "needs" to be done, but something (draining, whatever) that you experienced folks do that you would recommend to a virgin user?

Or do I just assemble the sucker and vape away?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
Blow into your atomizer from the side with the little hole (battery side), I usually get a drip or two to come out. Then, if you can, drop some more liquid right on the steel wool bridge. If you don't have liquid don't worry about it.

Then put the fresh cartridge on.

In any case I would recommend _not_ inhaling the first several puffs. Do smoke rings, whatever you want, just don't inhale it.

Above all else, if you hate the taste, DON'T GIVE UP. There are plenty of flavors available, and things can grow on you once your taster starts working again. The carts that come with your kit are often the nastiest tasting things in the world. (And hey, sometimes they are the best flavor to you and you can never find them again!)

So definitely have your bottle of liquid there to top off your carts.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2009
Oklahoma City, Ok. U.S.A
I'm anxiously awaiting my first ever e-cig to arrive in the mail...

One thing I've seen repeatedly on these forums is references to the "factory prime" on new atomizers. The consenus seems to be that the prime doesn't taste all that good, etc.

Is there something that needs to be done to a new atomizer before use? Or, not necessarily "needs" to be done, but something (draining, whatever) that you experienced folks do that you would recommend to a virgin user?

Or do I just assemble the sucker and vape away?

I personally didn't have much of an issue with this. yeah it wasn't all that great but it didn't really kill the joy of epuffing for me. 2 maybe 3 good solid puffs into it and it starts to go away and then into the digital flavor country.

You've come a long way baby.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2009
I find the "teste" of factory prime quite disgusting and have wondered what they use since it is nothing like standard carts/juice.
Before using a new atomizer I wash it out in warm water held in a cup by repeatedly sucking water, from both ends (spitting out the foul tasting water into the sink) untill the atomizer runs clean. I then blow through to get out most of the retained water and leave the atomizer to dry out overnight. Prime with 4 drops of juice directly onto the bridge and off I go with no foul primer taste to concern me.
I treat my atomizers to the same simple cleaning method on a weekly basis and find it keeps them sweet tasting and seems to prolong life.
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