need some help

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Full Member
Feb 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I've been using my e cig for nearly 2 months now, tried many different kits/cartomizers etc but I still can't find the perfect setup for me. I have the Volcano Inferno battery which i'm happy with but I can't find the perfect cartomizer.

I've tried Boges- work well but only seem to last a day or two before they start tasting funky. Volcano clearomizers- they also only last a day or two and always end up with the burnt taste even when topped up regularly, volcano tubetank- I havn't got along with this type atall, normally get a burnt taste within the first 20 minutes of using it so now I have drilled an extra hole so I will see how that goes, volcano clear cartomizers- these seem ok but not perfect.

Please could someone suggest something else to try, I live in the UK so Uk sites would be better (I cant post in the UK forum for some reason :/)

Thanks in advance.


Full Member
Feb 15, 2013
United Kingdom
.................Hey man !.

...................................Kanger T3 clearomizer from "liberty flights uk" . Easy to use inexpensive bottom coil clearomizer 2.5 - 3.0 ml e liquid capacity, Replaceable coil bases are inexpensive too and i'd suggest getting some because one is not enough. Easy to find in a lot of uk sites but seem to be out of stock in a few. A tip would be to change coil base before refilling if you are using vegetable glycerine. That and only half fill to avoid thickening, burning e liquid. To clean just leave base in hot water for a few hours then rinse under the tap and let dry for a few more hours.
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Full Member
Feb 15, 2013
United Kingdom
.................Hey man !.

...................................Kanger T3 clearomizer from "liberty flights uk" . Easy to use inexpensive bottom coil clearomizer 2.5 - 3.0 ml e liquid capacity, Replaceable coil bases are inexpensive too and i'd suggest getting some because one is not enough. Easy to find in a lot of uk sites but seem to be out of stock in a few. A tip would be to change coil base before refilling if you are using vegetable glycerine. That and only half fill to avoid thickening, burning e liquid. To clean just leave base in hot water for a few hours then rinse under the tap and let dry for a few more hours.

I was looking at them, do they have a different connection? I've just ordered the vivi nova so i'll give that a go, next one I will try will be the Kangers. Thanks.

Have you guys tried the Boge cartos? I like them but they die so quickly, I can't wait til someone designs the perfect carto.


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Feb 23, 2013
I use low res Altsmoke and Madvapes cartos. Their great on high note flavors. Since your rocking a standard battery, the low res cartos should vape well. The draw back is maintenance. Cartos tend to work well for 4 days or so and start to feel plugged due to over-saturation of the medium(juice). The remedy is to have a clean zip lock bag, a dirt zip lock bag and about 20+ cartos. Vape cartos until they start feeling plugged and then simply throw them into your dirt bag. Collect about 7+ dirty cartos and boil them in water. Sir them around while boiling. Use a strainer and clear the cartos of water, then let them air dry for 24hrs. After that put them in your clean bag. If they taste burnt or leak then notch it up for a loss. If they work great again then that's what your aiming for.

Now for new people I don't recommend cartos. I would point out that Vision makes a vivi nova ver3 that is allot less headache. Think their called slims or neptunes. Since you have a standard battery, 1.8 ohms is the wick you want. Make sure to pick up 5+ extra wicks when you purchase any wick style replaceable carto.

Gl with it and happy vaping


Full Member
Feb 15, 2013
United Kingdom
I Second the vivi nova's one thing i do though is rebuild the heads so i take the 2.4 and 2.8 and scrap the coil and wick and rebuild it low like the 1.8. I like the taste from the lower ohms.

thanks for the reply, i'm a bit confused about the whole ohms thing.. is there a recommended setup for the inferno battery? I've just received my vivi nova and love it so far, using the 1.8 head and it seems good enough for me. The only thing is that its so big, the mini one has just came in stock so I think ill get one of them..
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