Need help with battery safety!

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New Member
Nov 17, 2014
United States
Hey everybody! As a new-intermediate vaper, I've done research on battery and resistance safety. I'm planning on picking up a Sigeli 100W Box Mod here soon, and I need to know what batteries I should choose to use with it. I prefer to vape around .5-1 ohm. I currently use Efest IMR 18650 2500 mAh batteries in my Hana Modz DNA 30, usually vaping around .6 ohms. However I feel like these batteries won't cut it/could be unsafe for a 100 W mod. Any recommendations would be helpful, I would like to not blow off my hand in the future! Thanks. :D


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Apr 11, 2014
Lansdale, PA, USA
Keep in mind that the sigelei, and other high wattage regulated devices, uses the batteries in series. There are more potential problems with batteries in series.

The 2, or in some cases 3, cells must match. If one cell is weaker it will be called on to do more work and weaken it further, a vicious circle. You should buy the batteries as a set, keep them together, and rotate where they are in the device.

I would never charge batteries in series, the Sigelei does not have a charger but the IPV does. Take the batteries out and use your normal charger.

Occasionaly check the voltage when you take them out and after you charge them. If the voltage in the 2 batteries is not the same get a new pair and only use the old ones alone, or in parallel.

The R/C hobby uses Li batteries in series but they use $100 chargers that monitor the batteries as they are being charged. They also do not hold them next to their face while using them.
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