Need help responding to Ban

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CASAA Activist
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
Thanks for the press release info Vocalek. Strange thing is they mention carcinogens in ecigs however they will continue to sell analogs that contain at the very least much more deadly sludge.. We should report good findings to that medwatch link :) MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program

If you ever come across that ejuice testing information please let us know. I think it was mentioned most are waiting for REAL evidence (Toxicology report) Problem I see is that all ejuice manufacturers would have to certify and their juice etc. not sure if that will happen.

You can link to a number of lab reports on the CASAA web site. It's under Resources/Lab Reports - This links to the page

I would recommend that you NOT report anything to MedWatch. It is designed to collect problem reports. Given FDA's behavior in other facets of this matter, would you trust them not to spin the information the wrong way?

If they received 50 reports and every single one said something positive, nothing negative, their press release could read, "FDA's MedWatch system, designed to track adverse events/reactions to medications, drug products or medical devices, has received 50 reports on electronic cigarettes."
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