Need help mixing concentrates together....

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 15, 2014
north lincolnshire
how would i mix a concentrate together and then add to the liquid... the concentrate i am trying to replicate is;

Apple juice(10%), Orange juice(10%), Pineapple juice (10%), Passionfruit Juice (4%), Mango juice (2%)

i have bought all the above flavors from capella but i now wish to mould them together at these percentages into a single concentrate to just then add to my mix

any ideas anyone?



Super Member
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Dec 31, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Your numbers add to 36. That is 36% of what? The total mix? If that is so, what amount do you plan to wind up with? And, if that is so, that seems to me to be a whole lot of concentrated flavorings - 36%.

Post your whole recipe and we can offer more assistance.

PS - I add the different flavorings to my base mix individually (one at a time) and then mix, mix, mix.


Vaping Master
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Dec 13, 2013
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Easy -
You have
Apple 10
Orange 10
Pineapple 10
Passion 4
Mango 2
Total 36

So Apple, Orange and Pineapple are each 10/36 = .28 or 28% of the total concentrate mix
Passionfruit is 4/36 = .11 or 11 % of the total concentrate mix.
Mango is 2/36 = .05 or 5% of the total concentrate mix.
(.28+.28+.28+.11+.05 = 1)
Do note that the numbers are rounded up/down to 2 decimal points(except for the mango) you can take them out further if you can measure at that level. Here are the numbers to a lot more decimal points.

So now say you want to make 10 ml of the concentrate mix
Apple = 10 ml * .28 = 2.8 ml
Orange = 10 ml * .28 = 2.8 ml
Pineapple = 10ml * .28 = 2.8 ml
Passionfruit = 10ml * .11=1.1ml
Mango = 10ml * .05=.5 ml
2.8+2.8+2.8+1.1+.5 = 10 ml

Then add the mixed concentrate to your base at the desired % - you gave 36% as your total flavor %. If you are making 10 mls total you would use 3.6 ml of flavor concentrate and 6.4 ml of your pg/vg/nic base.

Folks - did I get my math right today - it's been a rough one.


Vaping Master
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Dec 13, 2013
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Just saw Rowdyplace's post. Good ?s.
I do have some mixes with 5 or 6 flavors that I make frequently that I do mix up the flavoring 1st in a 20 ml batch then use that to make the final mix - for some it is just easier. I also like to premix of flavors when the flavor ratios are right but I want to raise or lower the total flavor % to taste without messing with very small measuring adjustments.


ECF DIY E-Liquid Guru
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Apr 12, 2013
New Jersey
The math is correct but that is a lot of flavor (36% total flavor). I would blend the concentrates together in those calculated concentrations but would then add half that total combined amount (Instead of 3.6ml start with 1.8ml (18%)) and adjust from there. In fact 18% total flavor is even a lot to start out with maybe try 9% or less to start with.
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Super Member
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Dec 31, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
Just saw Rowdyplace's post. Good ?s.
I do have some mixes with 5 or 6 flavors that I make frequently that I do mix up the flavoring 1st in a 20 ml batch then use that to make the final mix - for some it is just easier. I also like to premix of flavors when the flavor ratios are right but I want to raise or lower the total flavor % to taste without messing with very small measuring adjustments.

The more I think about your "combined" way, the more sense it makes. I rarely use more than 3 flavorings. But, if I did try your way, I could make a larger batch of "flavor" to use later on... Makes sense...

Flt Simulation

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 26, 2014
10% . . . . Apple Juice

10% . . . . Orange Juice

10% . . . . Pineapple Juice

.4% . . . . Passion Fruit Juice

.2% . . . . Mango Juice

That's 36% flavoring !

I would cut down the flavoring to 19% of the total amount of juice your making ..... something like this:

5% . . . . Apple Juice

5% . . . . Orange Juice

5% . . . . Pineapple Juice

2% . . . . Passion Fruit Juice

2% . . . . Mango Juice

If you were to make a total of 30 ml of this juice, the amount of ingredients would look like this:

24.3 ml . . .. Unflavored PG / VG Base

,1.5 ml . . . . Apple Juice

,1.5 ml . . . . Orange Juice

,1.5 ml . . . . Pineapple Juice

,0.6 ml . . . . Passion Fruit Juice

,0.6 ml . . . . Mango Juice
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