Need help again, getting frustrated.

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Senior Member
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Apr 28, 2013
Fairfax, VA, USA
Ok so everything has been going fine for awhile, But in the last week or so I have noticed im not getting the hit I want, Its not hitting my throat hard enough and not as much vapor. I have not changed anything, Same liguid and same device. I have tried different batteries (I have 4), I have changed the Coil and even used a new Evod clearamizer but still nothing. Here is what I have.

1 x DV eGo CE Starter Kit - 900mah - VV ( have multiples)
1 x Kanger eVod Bottom Coil Clearomizer - Red 1 x Kanger eVod Bottom Coil Clearomizer - Blue
Kanger eVod/Protank Coil Replacement - 1.8 ohms
Using 50/50 12mg liquid

I don't know whats going on but It seems I have to inhale harder and longer to get a decent hit.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2013
Behind you!
Try these troubleshooting tips:

1. Check that batteries have full charge.
2. Take evod apart and unscrew/rescrew the coil in place. (This has happen to me, where just re-screwing it in gets a better connection. It can loosen as you screw tank together
3. If all else fails, add a new coil! Your coil may be bad, going dead or flooded. try a new one while washing that one. Try dry burning also to get any juice gunk out
4. Change the voltage. It could be too low
5. Make sure everything is tight and seals are good. If even one seal has a break in it you will get more air/ and or flooding causing this problem

Other things to try:
Evod have 3 airholes at the bottom. As you take a pull, cover one. It gives you a tighter draw but more vapor. Careful though because this can cause your coil to get hot faster.
Another thing to note that Ive noticed is that after my ecig has been sitting for awhile without using it, it takes several toots to warm up the coil. During this time you get very little vapor or throat hit

You said you tried some of these before, but try them again.

Post script:
Check to see if you have the 2 top wicks on top of the coil. Flooding will cause this and if the wicks are not there as a control, that could be the problem
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 16, 2013
If I had to guess anything I'd say the air holes are plugged up. Happened to me and I didn't even notice until my jaw started hurting from sucking so hard.
Cover the holes as you draw a hit and see if anything changes or just get something that will poke through the holes. The odds on all of your batteries having the same low voltage issue at the same time are pretty high.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 28, 2013
Behind you!
I dont think you need a new rig... Very unlikely that you would have multiple failure of components all at one time. Try using a new/different juice as said above. Have you been vaping 12mg for awhile? (Is that your go to nicotine) You can always get a little higher nicotine in your juice but thats probably not the best solution here.
When putting the tank on, try leaving it a little loose. (1/4 turn maybe) See if that helps the airflow


Vaping Master
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Jul 7, 2013
Mood can play a role here as well as stuff like too much caffeine. Another possibility is that you're becoming used to the throat hit because of how often you're vaping. If I've been vaping steadily I'll barely notice the throat hit from 35 mg/ml liquid but if I put it down and don't vape for 3-4 hours the amount of throat hit from 18 mg/ml is incredible. If you switch up to a higher nicotine, you might vape less often and get more of a throat hit when you do vape.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
Austin, TX
Ok so everything has been going fine for awhile, But in the last week or so I have noticed im not getting the hit I want, Its not hitting my throat hard enough and not as much vapor. I have not changed anything, Same liguid and same device. I have tried different batteries (I have 4), I have changed the Coil and even used a new Evod clearamizer but still nothing. Here is what I have.

1 x DV eGo CE Starter Kit - 900mah - VV ( have multiples)
1 x Kanger eVod Bottom Coil Clearomizer - Red 1 x Kanger eVod Bottom Coil Clearomizer - Blue
Kanger eVod/Protank Coil Replacement - 1.8 ohms
Using 50/50 12mg liquid

I don't know whats going on but It seems I have to inhale harder and longer to get a decent hit.

One thing I have noticed is that when I start geting "Tight" draws it's counter productive to suck harder.... Try taking longer gentle draws to keep the air flowing instead of pulling through the coil....
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