Need advice for simple vaping

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.......................................Hey man !.

Get her a handful of automatic cig-a-likes. Won't have a problem with constant charging or refilling. Just switch when one runs out. It's the only solution !. You're going to need a minimum of three to cover the charging time of the used ones. But the more you have means less use of each will preserve the life of the batteries

When i used cig-a-likes i accumulated 16 in total. A cool 10cm long in a chrome finish. I've still got them knocking about in a box with all my other vaping stuff.

Hmm ok, that's first hand experience. Thanks for that. But i have to bypass all these crap in the market. Therefore i have got many good advices from you all. That is why i signed in this big community!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 6, 2013
Brampton, Canada wife wants to quit smoking cigarettes and now it's up to me, to get a simple but good e-cig for her. My devices are not small enough and they are too difficult for her. I hope you can give me an advice...

Most new quitters would have difficulty with Mods, especially a lady. And for the initial days/months there'd just be no need for a 3rd generation e-Cig device (aka "Mods/APV")... a 1st generation cig-a-like is good enough, OR at best a 2nd generation one (the "Pen Styles"). That's b'coz of ease of use/refill, portability, inconspicuous vaping, similarity to the old habit of dangling the device between our lips or fingers etc. And being not used to gushing heavy smokes (no cigarette does, hoping s/he wasn't a Hookah/Sheesha smoker) - a Mod could be an 'overkill', IMHO.

That said, if cig-a-likes r the way to go, we need to tread that path cautiously. B'coz many in the market r duds, vis-a-vis vape-time on the battery, TH, construction of their PCCs, overall satisfaction of intake AND especially their 'after-sales-service' (believe me, u'd need it). B'coz, if the first selection is wrong, it'd be difficult to 'quit' altogether.

Many of the opinions/choices/selections offered by posters here (reg. a nice cig-a-like) is true & correct. However, being there, having done them AND being a considerably serious erstwhile smoker myself (PAD of B&H) I chose the Joyetech eRoll. Needless to say, "I'm more than happy/satisfied and am not looking into a Mod in the near future". And many of us here would vouch for it.

The eRoll is a next-generation cig-a-like. Slim, trim, smart, gives a full-day* and is a "tank system". Pls check PBusardo's Youtube Review on it here and u'd know what I'm talking about.

Think about it!
*Alongwith it's great PCC, the 2nd battery & the extra tanks (all available in the kit).

Where to get: Joyetech's official distributors list in Germany is here.
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New Member
Mar 19, 2013
Thanks so much for all information.



New Member
Mar 20, 2013
A, A
Hi, I'm fairly new to vaping and was looking for something more girly too and went for the Joyetech eRoll, which can be filled with juice. I also went for the Vapor Couture ecig (made by V2), which uses cartomizers, because it had the bling tip thing going on!! My favourite is definitely the eRoll, I love it! I don't want to give up smoking, just didn't want to kill myself doing it! eCigs are the way to go for me!
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