MyVape Party Room: Chat, Play, Win!

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
Games A Go!!!

(Game started 5/2 @ 10:50 AM)

As of Monday 5/2 @ 10:50 AM Eastern

"iJust Wanna Win!" :D -- Round #1 (at this time)

You can pick 2 number(s) every 30 minutes between 1 & 1000

(We reserve the right to change to a new round with a new number of pickins, pickin range and/or pickin time at ANY time :D)


JUST TWO number(s) per half hour
(Time is calculated from initial post...neeners don't count against you ;))

Reset resets the pick time too :D

Check the board for available numbers: HOWEVER....we would HIGHLY suggest that you check the thread for numbers already claimed and not yet marked. DO NOT rely entirely on looking at the board for available numbers. Neeners may come MUCH later than normal and we would hate for you to miss a neener ;)

Link to Gotvapes Game Board!

Colored cells are taken.

Winning number(s) are chosen via at game end.

The Prize: eleaf iJust 2 Kit

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A 'liked' post does not mean you've got that number (or that you yourself are even liked). The first person to pick a number gets that number whether it's marked on the board or not. When we 'Like' your picks that means one of the five helpers are marking them on the board. If there are any mistakes/conflicts, we will reply to your post. So check back a while after you pick to see if we noted any problems.

Please do not edit your pick posts.
If someone already took your number, or an error was made, please wait for a helper to post the error. Please "Reply" to the helper's post with your new pick.


Please do not click on the game board.

The game ends sometime Friday. We then announce the winning pick.

ALL Birthday Poopies will get additional picks on their ECF listed Birthday :w00t: (1 birthday per year please :D)

Theses aren't rules (but they really are). They are guidance (that must be followed). And they may change at any time. Without prior notice. Maybe even without ensuing notice.

Link to old thread: GotVapes Playground: New Prize EVERY week. Come Play With Us!
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2012
Washington State
A little over a month ago my cousin's family lost their dog while out on a hike. After weeks of searching they'd giving up and didn't think they'd ever see her again.

This afternoon some rangers came across her and she's home!

32 days on her own in the woods and the vet said that aside from a little weight loss, she's perfectly healthy!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 1, 2014
What a surprise! Wasn't able to get on most of the day due to work then doing more stuff trying to get the new place set up. Now I'm gonna have vapemail coming to the new address.

Thanks for the Grats everyone!

Big thanks to Gotvapes for the contest and prizes and really of course a really big thanks to the helpers!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2012
Washington State
I had an interesting weekend...

Sunday came around again and being my only day off from both jobs there are two things we traditionally do. Dog day and french fry day. We take the dog out for a car ride and a trip into his favorite store or to the beach, and we get my wife her weekly fix of McDonalds fries.

Hit the drive through at Micky-D's and as I go to have my debit card out it catches on the window frame and goes flying. After uttering a few curses I pop the door and look down. No card in sight.

A few more curses and I squeeze out the door, close it and get down on all fours in the drive through and look under the car. Still can't see it.

I go around the other side to see if it's behind a tire or something. No dice.
Check inside the car (though I was sure it had fallen outside) and it's not there either. There is no sign of my card anywhere.

On a whim I peek into the narrow little slot where people can drop their change to donate to Ronald McDonald House though I knew there was NO WAY it could have slipped through there on the fly.

I see the corner of my debit card waaaaaaay down in the bottom of the bin with all the change.

More curses follow.

The cashier says the donations are locked so she'll have to call the manager. Manager comes and lets me know that they don't even have a key. Someone from the bank that runs the charity for the area comes and empties it every few days so there's no way they can get into it.

Many more intricate curses follow.

After a few minutes I'm surrounded by about a half dozen junior MacGyvers in McDonald's uniforms trying to rig up a way to fish out my debit card from the bottom of a bin being a narrow slot.

Then winner ended up being a grill brush with double sided tape wrapped around the end.

I got my card back, my wife got her fries and KB got to go shopping for charcoal mint dog treats. Everyone was happy.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2012
Washington State
When I do post processing of a photo of someone else, I always feel that I have to do a lot to soften lines, hide wrinkles and things like that. I think I like self portraits because I don't really feel the need to do that. I'm proud of the way my face shows the mileage I've put on.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 17, 2012
Norman, Ok
I seldom do portrait shots of folks ( and even the ones I have of myself others took ).... when I post process it's almost always to make the shot as close as I can to how I saw it. Life has it's own beauty, no matter how many lines may be in it.. although I'll crop for content without any concern

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