My Saber Story...

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Ok guys and gals, here goes...

I was almost a pack a day smoker up to the end of last year. A buddy of mine was a "part-time smoker" only when he was drinking. So if he wasn't drinking and we were hanging out he always complained about how I smelled. He said that I should try an electronic cigarette. I'd heard about them, but had never tried one so I was obviously skeptical. I tried his eGo and it was aight, but nothing to write home about.

A couple of weeks later I went with him to a gun show here in town. There seems to be a gun show just about every weekend since I live in Texas (for now...soon to be Hawaii!!) and we all "love God and our guns" here. lol Luckily for me there was a booth at the show that was selling e-cigs. I tried it again, and was tired of his ....*ing so I spent almost $90 on, what I now know was, a silly little auto 510 and a 10mil bottle of juice. The lady running the booth was very informative and it was from the info that she gave me that I decided that from that point on I knew that I would never go back to analogs!

I started to do the research. I read everything I could find (yes I am that big of a nerd!!) online and anytime I saw someone with an e-cig I would talk with them about it. It was only a couple of weeks after my impulse purchase of the "baby one" as I like to think of her now, before I bought an eGo T. The really cool thing was that in the mean time I was able to get my wife (ie...The Boss) on board with e-cigs.

The eGo T came in and WE LOVED first. It was a HUGE step up from what we were using before! So I kept on researching, reading and talking with people. It came up often that "mods are the way to go for the best experience." So, in my nerdy awesomeness, I started researching. Box Mods, Tube Mods, Big Mods, Tiny Mods, Concealable Mods, Flashy Mods, Battery options, Charger options, Atomizers, Cartomizers, Tanks, Drip Tips....AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I was lost in the world of vaping.

So the nerd in me kept researching, after a copious number of adult beverages! Days passed and it was now down to just a handful of mods. I knew that I didn't want a box mod (at least for my first), and I wanted something that would do what it was supposed to do with very few issues as well as look NICE. My wife and I live a very simple lifestyle, but when we get something...we get the best! So, we might not have as many "toys" as other people, but what we have is more or less top of the line!!

So after more research, and finding ECF, I found a "vape shop" as my wife likes to call it. We were finally able to talk with someone face to face about what vaping is all about. (We would have talked with my buddy who introduced me to e-cigs, but at this point I knew more about them than he did!) I got a bottle of juice from them, which is still going, but still not what we are looking for. So, I have started to get into DIY juices (I've been told I'm a good cook and I don't really see much of a difference between that and making my own juices). Sorry...I got a little off track (insert adult beverage)! We were able to try one of the mods I was considering, and it ROCKED!!!! It was night and day from the eGo T (we had also in the mean time purchased an eGo C since you now know I am a nerd, and replacing a $5 atomizer is WAY cheaper than a $15 eGo T atomizer...with the same benefit of the tank.)

So I was sold on the mod thing! I want something that everyone else has, or do I want something that says, "The Wolfman?" I could have purchased the one that I tried, and to be honest I probably would have enjoyed the experience. But, as I mentioned before, when I want something it has to be the best! So, the decision was made!

That same night, Sir Lawrence made the post for the possibility of a free ST. I jumped on that like a duck on a June Bug!! The whole time I was convincing my wife that we should spend the extra money on a "cigarette". So I entered my "dream saber" and was SUPER stoked. I was going to get an awesome vaping experience FOR FREE! Then all of the other entries started happening, and Sir Lawrence had some health issues. (I really hope that you are feeling better SL!!!). The...contest...dragged...on...and...on. (which is understandable under the circumstances!!!) I didn't want to place an order with the possibility of my "Dream Saber" being just sent to me! So I waited...did more research...talked w/more people...convinced "The Boss"...convinced my Brother-In-Law...and wouldn't tell my buddy what I was doing until I got mine so he would be jealous (I know...I'm a bad friend, but he said something about my mom!! lol...Love ya John!)

So the night finally came when the winner was going to be chosen. And needless to say...It wasn't me! :mad: I did get over that really quickly because about 15 mins after the winner was chosen, congrats again Par292!!!, I placed my order. Not only did I place mine, but my brother-in-law placed his, too. Apparently we are among "over 200" others.

So this brings us to right now. I have been dreaming about my Custom (5v reg, Dormant Blue, w/Racing Stripes, HP, Brass End Caps w/drip well, No Threads) just about every night! I can't wait for it to get here (SL...Take your time brotha!! I'll be around when it gets here! You just take your time and make everyone else's dreams come true until it is my turn...then WORK YOUR MAGIC!!)!!!

I will, of course, post pics when she comes in and then I want pics of YOUR tears when she is prettier than yours (lol)! And that is my Saber Story...


Vaping Master
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Dec 20, 2010
New Mexico
Nice Story Wolfman ! I entered the contest too... Except I actually also bought one on the 8th.... knowing that with my luck.... I would never win ! Alas, I have not received it yet... Which is in a sense bothering the heck out of me... my patience is wearing off... it's been 18 days :(

I have one day on you.. 19 days. My patience isn't very good, I order one mod, and while I'm waiting I haven't gotten my new gadget fix so I order another, and another, lol, and I can't really afford any of them.
Trust me, when you have your Sabers in your hands, it will be all worth it :w00t: 19 days isn't long in the MOD game, I've had my run in's with a vendor that said 10day's, and it took 2 MONTHS(twice with the same vendor!!!):facepalm:
Sir_Lawrence is Good about his times(for 5 different Sabers I've ordered to date!), its just the stuff that came up is what I'm thinking:)
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Wow! I found someone who writes more long-winded posts than I do. Good story :) I sure the following chapter will be even better. I'm patiently waiting on my SaberTouch too.... I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

Yea yea yea...I can get long winded at times, but in this case I really couldn't help myself! I just had so much to say, and while typing it all "The Boss" kept feeding me adult beverages. (between us...I think she wanted me to clean or something because I'm always more apt to clean if I've got a little buzz. lol)

Thanks for reading the whole thing! I will, as promised, post pics and a follow up when she gets here. I'm not holding my breath because more than 200 ppl ordered ST's during or very shortly after the contest. Until then...eGo is the name of the game and dreams of the future of course!

What are you getting?
Wow! I found someone who writes more long-winded posts than I do. Good story :) I sure the following chapter will be even better. I'm patiently waiting on my SaberTouch too.... I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

Yea yea yea...I can get long winded at times, but in this case I really couldn't help myself! I just had so much to say, and while typing it all "The Boss" kept feeding me adult beverages. (between us...I think she wanted me to clean or something because I'm always more apt to clean if I've got a little buzz. lol)

Thanks for reading the whole thing! I will, as promised, post pics and a follow up when she gets here. I'm not holding my breath because more than 200 ppl ordered ST's during or very shortly after the contest. Until then...eGo is the name of the game and dreams of the future of course!

What are you getting?
Nice Story Wolfman ! I entered the contest too... Except I actually also bought one on the 8th.... knowing that with my luck.... I would never win ! Alas, I have not received it yet... Which is in a sense bothering the heck out of me... my patience is wearing off... it's been 18 days :(

Thanks for reading/liking the story. I promise...every single detail can be backed up by at least 3ppl! I went back and forth over ordering before the contest ended since, I too, do not have the best of luck. And knowing that, if I had placed an order then I would have 2 of the exact same ST's! I guess that wouldn't have been all bad, but my next one will be even more BA than this one is. Then I'll be able to be a Jedi, as well as Sith (the one I ordered is the Jedi one btw. lol) depending on my mood that day.

Just hang in there with the rest of us because, if it is only 1/2 as good as my dreams then we will all be in "Vapehalla" in no time! And I don't think there is another Moder out there who cares as much as SL!!
Trust me, when you have your Sabers in your hands, it will be all worth it :w00t: 19 days isn't long in the MOD game, I've had my run in's with a vendor that said 10day's, and it took 2 MONTHS(twice with the same vendor!!!):facepalm:
Sir_Lawrence is Good about his times(for 5 different Sabers I've ordered to date!), its just the stuff that came up is what I'm thinking:)

That is really good to know! (thanks for the like btw Tat!) I would understand if it takes him longer than usual with the issues then the huge influx of orders, but I really hope that it doesn't take him that long. My feelings are twofold...1) If it doesn't take that long that means SL is feeling better! and 2) We will all have our Sabers!!!


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Oct 1, 2011
Wolfman. You have been bitten by and infected by the Saber BUG. Fortunatly for you there is no known cure for this condition.Three weeks ago my custom Saber vv with HP and rounded brass caps in a gold vein color came in. I am now a permanent resident in vaping Heaven.Sir Lawerence is second to none in the vaping community. He cares about every one of his customers and will always go the extra mile to insure your total satisfaction with his products. Welcome to the Saber Touch family.
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Super Member
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Oct 23, 2011
California, USA
What are you getting?

I'm getting the SaberTouch VV, with high power, Texta Thunder Blue, nickel turned caps, and racing stripes.

I also have ordered a sandblasted blue custom "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" themed Phiniac tank to go with it. It will probably take even longer since the art has to be created in addition to normal production time.

At least I'm not limited to an ego, I have a Precise Plus 18350 which is my "on the go" mod, and a Rio Mini that was an experiment with bottom feeding and atty's. I find I don't really care for bottom feeding nor attys so the Rio is probably going back on the classifieds. I'll stick with my cartos and tanks thank you very much!

I already sold my IPro and miss having a variable voltage mod at hand.
I'm getting the SaberTouch VV, with high power, Texta Thunder Blue, nickel turned caps, and racing stripes.

I also have ordered a sandblasted blue custom "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" themed Phiniac tank to go with it. It will probably take even longer since the art has to be created in addition to normal production time.

At least I'm not limited to an ego, I have a Precise Plus 18350 which is my "on the go" mod, and a Rio Mini that was an experiment with bottom feeding and atty's. I find I don't really care for bottom feeding nor attys so the Rio is probably going back on the classifieds. I'll stick with my cartos and tanks thank you very much!

I already sold my IPro and miss having a variable voltage mod at hand.

Looks like we have very similar tastes! I also ordered the racing stripes and mine is blue too. I got brass end caps (I have a degree in music performance on Bass Trombone so I thought that the brass end caps would kinda be a throw back to those days!) and a little different color blue (Dormant Blue from Powder Buy The Pound). I will of course post pics when she comes in (either Saturday 3/17 (my 10 year anniversary) or Monday 3/19. I can't wait!! My wife's and brother-in-law's should be coming in at the same we will be vaping together on our Sabers in no time!!! (BTW...we are all moving to Maui in May so get in good with us and there is a free place to stay/vape in Maui for you!!)

I want to know more about your custom tank!!! Since I've already gone all in with the Saber, I want to make sure that I have "the best!" Please feel free to pm me anytime...I check in several times/day and will not be long in getting back to you. I've looked at the Phiniac website, but didn't notice the custom part! I have some very meaningful ideas, that if they can pull off, would mean the world to me!! PLEASE HIT ME UP with that info!!! A ""Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" themed tank would simply...ROCK!!!
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