My Riva510 arrived! Newbie Review!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2011
Got my Riva this afternoon. :)

Unboxed, instructions read, plugged in one of my batts, hooked up my PT. Got really, really ready by taking another shower, brushing my teeth again, etc. I wanted nothing to interfere, especially analog funk of any kind.

It took me a few minutes to get myself familiar with all of the parts. No matter how many videos you watch, it's just not the same as having the unit in front of you.

(Uh, does that plastic cap go back on the end of the cartridge after I fill? No hole in the cap. I didn't think it would taste good to have the atty burn through. That's my only "Ummmmm" moment that's hanging on.)

Popped the cap on a cart, filled it up with VG, screwed on the atty and primed it with a drop or two of VG, stuck in the cart, screwed on the (super-duper) cone/adaptor and took my first drag.


I didn't expect it to "feel" like an analog on the throat or the chest in any way. It did.

I didn't expect it to satisfy that quick, panicky, awful "I want a cigarette" pang. It did.

I didn't expect it to be very easy or too terribly enjoyable. It is.

I'm a tough customer. I'm hard to crack. While waiting for the Riva to arrive from LibertyFlights, I had almost convinced myself that this may not really work as well as I'd expected, partly as a way to soothe any disappointment, and partly because I'm a skeptical sort. No need for skepticism. After years and years of struggling to quit smoking analogs, bleeding skin from the patches, sores all over my mouth from nico gum and such, and still feeling tortured and punished (does that make sense?) for quitting ... I truly think I am free. Twenty-six years, I'm free, and I know it. Thank God.

And, as expected, Charlie the African Grey was stoked. Momma got a pen! WOW! A lighty-up pen! A lighty-up pen that she puts in her mouth and it makes fluffy clouds! WHEE! I had to make him his own "Parrot vape", which is an empty plastic pen with all of the stuffings taken out - basically, a hard plastic tube. It's working pretty well for the pee-wee.

So, he's on his playstand chewin' his Special Vape, and I'm sitting here enjoying my Riva. :w00t:

The kids were excited, too. They think I'm going to be buying them 0 nic e-juice and they're going to be using my spare batts, attys, and carts. You know what they can kiss, right? :myamplebutt!: LOL

Thank you so much, all of you, for your fabulous suggestions, endless patience, encouragement, and very quick responses to my questions.

Take a deep drag for me! Cheers!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 1, 2011
Manchester, CT
Got my Riva this afternoon. :)

Unboxed, instructions read, plugged in one of my batts, hooked up my PT. Got really, really ready by taking another shower, brushing my teeth again, etc. I wanted nothing to interfere, especially analog funk of any kind.

It took me a few minutes to get myself familiar with all of the parts. No matter how many videos you watch, it's just not the same as having the unit in front of you.

(Uh, does that plastic cap go back on the end of the cartridge after I fill? No hole in the cap. I didn't think it would taste good to have the atty burn through. That's my only "Ummmmm" moment that's hanging on.)

Popped the cap on a cart, filled it up with VG, screwed on the atty and primed it with a drop or two of VG, stuck in the cart, screwed on the (super-duper) cone/adaptor and took my first drag.


I didn't expect it to "feel" like an analog on the throat or the chest in any way. It did.

I didn't expect it to satisfy that quick, panicky, awful "I want a cigarette" pang. It did.

I didn't expect it to be very easy or too terribly enjoyable. It is.

I'm a tough customer. I'm hard to crack. While waiting for the Riva to arrive from LibertyFlights, I had almost convinced myself that this may not really work as well as I'd expected, partly as a way to soothe any disappointment, and partly because I'm a skeptical sort. No need for skepticism. After years and years of struggling to quit smoking analogs, bleeding skin from the patches, sores all over my mouth from nico gum and such, and still feeling tortured and punished (does that make sense?) for quitting ... I truly think I am free. Twenty-six years, I'm free, and I know it. Thank God.

And, as expected, Charlie the African Grey was stoked. Momma got a pen! WOW! A lighty-up pen! A lighty-up pen that she puts in her mouth and it makes fluffy clouds! WHEE! I had to make him his own "Parrot Vape", which is an empty plastic pen with all of the stuffings taken out - basically, a hard plastic tube. It's working pretty well for the pee-wee.

So, he's on his playstand chewin' his Special Vape, and I'm sitting here enjoying my Riva. :w00t:

The kids were excited, too. They think I'm going to be buying them 0 nic e-juice and they're going to be using my spare batts, attys, and carts. You know what they can kiss, right? :myamplebutt!: LOL

Thank you so much, all of you, for your fabulous suggestions, endless patience, encouragement, and very quick responses to my questions.

Take a deep drag for me! Cheers!

What day did you order from Liberty Flights?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2011
I'm guessing I was correct in letting the cart cap off. :blush:

My kids are 18, 18 and 20, so they can legally make that smoking decision. But, seeing me struggle with it has - thankfully - turned them off. They do like to hookah, and this is very similar - that's where they first saw the e-cig being used- but they have to BUY THEIR OWN! HA! :)


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2011
... Yes you can't put the cart into the atomizer with the little plastic cap on. That's just so you can fill a cart and carry it with you for on-the-go.

So, I did it right! :) I'll give myself awhile to really get comfortable with the ordering and timing with different vendors, pay attention to the amounts and levels I need and use, and then I'll go look at ... oh, I don't know ... mods and cool batteries and drip cones and ...

Seeing as I spin yarn and knit, maybe I'll knit myself a cute little e-Juice/cart carrier.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2010
Jville, AL
been there done that.........and still hearing every new story of success is still so cool. 3 months for me. No matter how much you like your new Riva, there will be some moments that require willpower on your part; some more severe than others. The end result is worth it though........sleep better, breathe easier, taste and smell things once forgotten.....the list goes oon.

Happy Vaping to ya!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 30, 2011
I've been grinning like a fool all afternoon and evening, ByStander1. I simply cannot believe this. My cheeks hurt, but my lungs don't. *confetti! more confetti!*

Almost 12 hours without an analog and I'm not panicky or anxious, itchy or rashy, and - if I may say so - I smell FABULOUS!

I hadn't heard about e-cigs before except on TV a couple of years ago. It was an ad with two guys in a car. One whips out what looks like a cigarette. The driver scolds him and says he thought he quit smoking, and then the pitch starts. The commercial was on a handful of times, then was gone. No more mention.

Smokers are treated like pariahs, the social scourge du jour. Made to feel like weak, yet malicious, idiots. I told one person they should be thanking me for keeping down their state taxes, fercrissakes. I've yet to read about a smoker beating their spouse due to nicotine intoxication, or leaving their families to live in a gutter and smoke out of a brown paper bag. Haven't heard of one kid hit by a nicotine-crazed driver. Yet, the drunk gets to drink in comfort, and the smoker is publically humiliated.

And then, when we try to quit, insurance companies refuse to pay for Zyban, or for Chantix, or the patch - whatever might work. An item like the e-Cig, with good success with at least dramatically cutting down analog use, if not fully arresting it, is kept out of the public spotlight, villified (I've read some of "those" articles - pure pap!), and shushed. I think I know what's going on, here.

The states and the feds are addicited to smokers. I think it's high time they quit cold turkey.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 5, 2010
Jville, AL
I've been grinning like a fool all afternoon and evening, ByStander1. I simply cannot believe this. My cheeks hurt, but my lungs don't. *confetti! more confetti!*

Almost 12 hours without an analog and I'm not panicky or anxious, itchy or rashy, and - if I may say so - I smell FABULOUS!

I hadn't heard about e-cigs before except on TV a couple of years ago. It was an ad with two guys in a car. One whips out what looks like a cigarette. The driver scolds him and says he thought he quit smoking, and then the pitch starts. The commercial was on a handful of times, then was gone. No more mention.

Smokers are treated like pariahs, the social scourge du jour. Made to feel like weak, yet malicious, idiots. I told one person they should be thanking me for keeping down their state taxes, fercrissakes. I've yet to read about a smoker beating their spouse due to nicotine intoxication, or leaving their families to live in a gutter and smoke out of a brown paper bag. Haven't heard of one kid hit by a nicotine-crazed driver. Yet, the drunk gets to drink in comfort, and the smoker is publically humiliated.

And then, when we try to quit, insurance companies refuse to pay for Zyban, or for Chantix, or the patch - whatever might work. An item like the e-Cig, with good success with at least dramatically cutting down analog use, if not fully arresting it, is kept out of the public spotlight, villified (I've read some of "those" articles - pure pap!), and shushed. I think I know what's going on, here.

The states and the feds are addicited to smokers. I think it's high time they quit cold turkey.


Agree totally......the only reason that ecigs arent totally mainstream is lack of big tobacco/big pharma are seeing loss of profit and big govt will be loosing tax revenue. Really reminds me of the Petrolium industry...........80mpg carbuerated engine in the 70s?.......yes, there was one.........what happened to it? The oil companies couldn't afford it. A handful of cars in the late 80s got 40+mpg............20 yrs later auto dealers promote 40mpg like it is the holy grail of gas mileage.......REALLY??????......has every technology in the world improved tenfold EXCEPT fuel economy? Another rant entirely there; so done for now.
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