My Review On Flavors

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
I recently ordered some of the Carnival Apple and the Taboo flavoring for mixing. I made 12 mls of each using Bare 36 and cutting down to 8 mgs. I used a little less than 3 mls of bare, a little over 4 mls of flavoring, and I used 4 mls of PG and 1 ml of VG. Here is my opinion:

I did not like the carnival apple at all. Yuk. Not for me. I can't even explain it, but I did not like the flavor or taste to it.

I mixed the Taboo the exact way I mixed the Carnival apple. I LOVE THE TABOO. It's way smoother than RY4 without the nasty bite that ry4 has. It's smooth, has a nice sweet taste to it and I really like it.

My opinion also on these juices is that I wish the flavorings were priced a little lower because it really defeats the purpose to cut juices and add flavoring back in when the flavoring is as much as juice with nic in it. You also have to add 50 to 60% of the flavoring back in to get it to taste good.

Those are my opinions. To me trying to buy the flavoring that costs as much as juices and mix your own is not saving any money at all and I really wish it was more cost effective.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Oh I totally agree. These flavorings and doing this yourself makes them way more expensive. There is no reason these flavorings have to be priced that high when you have to add so much of it. HOWEVER, most of the ry4's I've tried are too strong and have a bite to them. The Taboo is the BEST I have tasted yet. So it puts you stuck between a rock and a hard place. No RY4 that I have tried has this good sweet taste to it but creamy and smooth as the Taboo does. It's really good. The cool rush flavoring is good also, but again, too expensive for how much you need to add, so I might move to the menthol drops to add stuff back in that another company sells because I feel that will be more cost effective.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
I'm not kidding, I'm still vaping this Taboo, and it seriously is some of the best I've tasted out there ever yet. I'm a menthol vaper too and I am loving this stuff. I just have a problem with the pricing and how much you have to use of it on the flavorings. It really isn't cost effective to me and I'm bummed. This is GOOD stuff.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Simply put, it costs the same as our other liquids because it costs me the same, and we at liquidxpress feel we have very good pricing within the market. That will be the last statement I make about our pricing.

Rob, you don't have to get mad nor defensive about it, I understand, but as a customer, I am just stating my opinion and you said you wanted honest opinions. It's unfortunate it has to be this way because you do have to use so much of the flavoring and it's true that it doesn't make it that cost effective. That is just my feelings on it. You always said for us to say the truth. I understand your standpoint, but understand ours as a customer.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Taken what back to the manufacturer? Yes, Rob, I'm ONLY being honest and stating my feelings, not trying to be rude or hurt anyone. I have given you many compliments on what I feel is good and I will also say the truth on what I don't like and/or state my opinion. What you are doing is great and I'm not complaining about all your prices on your stuff, I'm just trying to say that the flavorings can not be cost effective because of how much you have to use. But, honestly, MAN that TABOO is just AWESOME. Seriously. It's so smooth and good and not a nasty bite. Good job on it!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
I definitely have to say cuz I'm a menthol person, that there have been very, very few other juices I have really liked or flipped out over, and I've tried a lot. There was a good Mocha from another place that I loved, but they changed the formula, but this Taboo is the only thing that has knocked my sox off since my Mocha flip out. lol I just cannot explain how good it is. See I have a love hate relationship with RY4's typically. Many just aren't smooth enough and have a nasty bite to them. The Taboo is just unreal. I could vape this all day and I'm a menthol vaper.


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 10, 2009
I mean I've taken the idea of lowering prices back to the manufacturer. Sorry you don't like the Caramel Apple, some people like it, different strokes for different folks!

We're always working on more so keep an eye out!

ps, put a little menthol in your atty on top of the taboo and try that :) I use to vape menthol taboo myself till I got on this menthol grape kick.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
I'm just sooooooooooo loving the Taboo alone. I don't want it to taste ANY different. I'm so amazed at how good it is. I must have mixed it just right lol. Yes, it really would be helpful if the flavorings weren't as much as the juices. I understand business and I understand where you are coming from, and I do hope you see my perspective also as a consumer. I realize zero nic juice costs the same as 36 mg nic juice so that's why prices are all the same with them, so I see why you have to do what you have to do.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 14, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I find his prices excellent. Depending on the flavour it requires 20% up to 40% with most coming in at between 25-30% to get a nice strong taste. So a 30ml bottle of 555 at 19 bucks gives me 120ml of juice. The nic content for me is 12mg so I use:

40 ml of nic juice
50 ml VG
30 ml 555
(a bit of distilled water)

cost is 40 bucks for 120 ml of excellent juice that I have total control over the flavour. I don't know where you get your juice from but that is an excellent price.

You really should check your math before you post.

BTW..if you find a place too expensive, you always have the option of not buying.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 8, 2009
Uh nuck, you need 50 to 60% flavoring added into make the juices taste decent. Ask Walrus, he says the same. So I don't believe your math is correct either. So stop your spewing at me. I realize you love to pot stir, it's known all over this forum. Trust me it is NOT cost effective to pay the same amount for these flavorings as nic juice when you have to add so much in and you are starting from BARE. You might be starting from a flavored nic juice to start with. I'm talking starting from BARE. You need to add 50 to 60% of flavoring. So keep YOUR facts straight also. And you're right, I'll spend my money where I feel like it and you do the same bud.
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