My review of the new Janty Dura C manual battery's

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2009
Hello Everyone, I'm new to vapping but have been a smoker for years. Been doing RYO for some time and just wanted to get away from smoking normal smokes, my family doctor give me the ok to start vapping, and to use high nicotine for 6 months or so.

I ordered my Janty Dura C from, ordered early in the morning and got it the next day great service. First things it was not very heavy and felt kind of high techy, if not for what it cost I would of taking it for a toy I'm sure. At any rate my guess is most of them feel techy and toy like, at first I was careful not to push to hard or anything.

Getting past that I seen it was high techist way more then toyist, I got RY4# high carts with my kit that seems like a mild sweet tobcco. It grows on you after a bit though, the flavor stays awhile and kind of lets you play with it some. At first I draw on it like a joint, even felt kind of a buzz going on but that settled down after a bit.

Many newbies will want to know will it really be a replacement for their normal cig habit, that the reason I'm starting to vape and putting out the funds to get started. That a hard one but if you had to call me on it, I would say yes it will replace normal smoking. I noticed while wanting to smoke a normal smoke, I forgot about that while vapping.

I did not feel the need to smoke a normal smoke, and at the same time did feel the need to get more from vapping. It seemed very much like ok I could get use to this pretty easy, it would just take putting off smoking a few hours. Then only vapping stornger throat hitting juice, that sweet was nice but did not hit as hard as I would of liked.

The cart seemed to run out pretty fast as well, the janty dura C seems like a great ecig. Nice and steady as she goes, I just wanted more and feel sure better tobcco juice with some hit will work great. I will add if you don't want to stop smoking normal smokes, it's unlikely you will be ok with anything but normal smokes.

The manual button is great that really takes control of it, all in all it's a great ecig and I like it but I'm sure I will like a modded one much better. As it stands now I'm wanting more control, and not worry as much about battery's and carts. Having a modded one will put me in control of them, but I'm sure I will also used my janty dura c as well. And from the looks of it the dura C cart, will be a very easy drip cart very sweet.

I'll grade this on a scale of 1 bad to 10 the best thing ever, usage 8 and like able 8 as well and like normal cig 7 I would say. Keep in mind different tobcco juice and a modded ecig, could change the grades very easy for anyone I'm sure. Your milage will very that a fact, I'm pretty sure with some work, I can like it as much if not more then normal smoking.

As a starter kit the Janty Dura C gets a 10 from me, not because everything is the best it can be. But because it has me up and running, and works steady and gets me to be 110% sure vapping is worth it. It's everything it should be for a starter kit and then some, I'm sure I like vapping and will keep using the dura c. And I'm sure I want a modded one as well, I read the dura c is a work horse and I must agree 110% with that. :thumb:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 26, 2009
bologna, ITALY
great review Tims,
this is my first post,
i've been starting vaping with a titan 510 (that is the same model of dura c i believe?) from about a week.
i've been smoking analogs for 18 years and i can't believe i don't miss them at all now. It took about 3-4 days before i learned how to vape properly, i read the forum a lot, it was very helpful.
so, this starter kit worked great for what it was meant to do: quitting analogs!
i think i'll move to a janty stick sooner or later, it seems a great device.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 24, 2009
Great review tims! I too was doing RYO for the last year or so. My MD approves also and I'm sure my lung DR will be happy when he hears about it.
I was having breathing issues which are now gone completely. It took me a little more than a month to go completely off the analogs. I just bought another yeti today so I should have no problems having enough equipment to keep me going.

Welcome to the e-cig world!



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
West Texas
Welcome to the club! Nice review also. I was a heavy smoker and found that vaping a high nic concentration is what finally did it for me. I don't even think about analogs anymore. The carts that came with my Dura were 18mg? Way too weak if you were more than a pack a day smoker. Move up to 36mg and add a little plain PG to it if it is a bit too strong. Soon you will find your groove!


Ultra Member
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Verified Member
Mar 29, 2009
The carts that came with my Dura were 18mg? Way too weak if you were more than a pack a day smoker. Move up to 36mg and add a little plain PG to it if it is a bit too strong. Soon you will find your groove!

I smoked 2-3 packs per day lights 100's and I can't vape anything higher than 18 mg. Even one drag makes me nauseous and gives me headaches.

I vaped 18 mg til I got my first manual switch e-cig. Then the throat hit was so awesome I had to go down in nic (currently at 12 mg) so I wouldn't get that intense throat punch.

But, alas, I find myself vaping more now. Going on vaping 2-1/2 months now and analogs seem like a distant memory. So I'm good.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 9, 2009
West Texas
Most excellent, mamu. I guess that for some the nic mgs work for them at lower levels. 18mg for me didn't satisfy my craving for nicotine, but I don't usually vape constantly except for a couple hours after I get home from work. I'll admit that I have to put down the 510 for a good 10 minutes at a stretch when torqueing on the 36mg. :) Totally satisfied, however....


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ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
2+ packs a day of home rolled here also... smoked for 40 yrs. Recently had surgery for the dreaded C inside my nose. No choice but to find an alternate to analogs.

Had I started with the 510 instead of a 401, I would have met that goal over a month ago. Had 1 analog this morning and that's been it. It's not that I have to have one now.. it's more like, I think I'll have one. I'm not on any timetable and I can't overvape because my nose runs (skin grafts in there). Once I can vape at will, it will satisfy all my cravings.

Give me another week on this thing and I'll be good to go. I can't ever see going back to analogs. The smell, the taste, etc. It's so nice to draw a smooth clean flavor vaping, rather than dry ashes.

The thing I love about the 510 is it's reliable. No fussing and swapping out parts to track down the dud factor. Hit the button and it works...everytime.

For someone trying to quit, that is a MANDATORY requirement of an e-cig = reliability. The 510 does the job.

ps - i need to lurk on the e-juice forum for formulas to cut down my 36 juice, because my head will swim from vaping it. liquidxpress was nice enough to send me some free (including shipping) flavoring to add flavor back after cutting down my 36mg taboo and artisan that I ordered.

I haven't had much luck cutting juice down and find myself grabbing the 36mg straight.

Kreel you mentioned adding a little PG to the 36. That's all I need to add? I was doing vg/mineral water, pg and basically never got a great consistency. I prefer not to use VG, because it smooths it out too much, loses flavor and tastes wet.

a formula to cut it down without losing the nice bite of 36 would be great.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2009
I use PG if I want to cut it. Bought a big bottle of the stuff. VG and glycerin (back in my DIY days) seemed to gum up my attys more. Now I stay with the 36mg straight and vape a little less.

PG is what comes in the juices...just stick with it, IMHO.

thx kreel. I'll try that when I do my next mix and leave out the VG and MW.

appreciate it


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Jul 9, 2009
I've spent way too much this month but in some ways it was worth it though in others... I'll just say that the 3rd of the month can't come soon enough for me this time.

I bought the Janty Dura-C e-cig starter kit that came with the wall charger (which I hate... why couldn't Janty give us a choice of a wall charger, USB charger, or one of those pack charger things?), 2 batteries, 2 atomizers only just 1 is warrantied the other isn't, and a pack of 5 cartridges that I think were 18mg b/c while the tobacco taste is nice, it is nowhere near strong enough. I was/am a pack to a pack and a half-2pack a day smoker of analogs. I'd dropped to about a pack and a half b/c of the increase in cost of cigarettes, which did not make Paisley a happy woman. When I'm going into nic withdrawal, I can be a real witch (just replace the w with a capital B then multiply that by infinity and you will have some idea as to how out of control and irritable I get w/o my cigs)... Oh, I did get a 10ml bottle of 24mg Cherry e-liquid from Janty too but I've found while it's great when alternating it's not that great all the time. I bought a separate 10ml of coffee and one of rose at 24mg elsewhere with 3 of the 5-pack refill cartridges and a USB charger then finally a 36mg bottle of Virginia flue cured tobacco from Midwest Vapor (they were really nice and helpful). I'm all spent out now though....

Problem I'm having is my batteries that come with the Janty are getting really really hot after only 3 to 6 puffs. I read after I bought the Janty that the batteries can get hot but this is making me wonder if they will get so hot it will make them stop working!

Do the 510 Joye batteries get hot like this? I know I can't afford to buy them this month or maybe even next but I've read that the 510 Joye and the Janty Dura are the same units only with different names. If the batteries from the 510s don't get hot, perhaps in August or possibly September I can get a couple of 510 batteries so I don't have to worry about the heat messing up my e-cig so much.

I wouldn't be so concerned except since this e-cig came in the mail on June 7th and I began using it, DH and I are not arguing about my smoking. He's argued nearly every day for the last several years about my smoking in the house. I get angry with him because I pay the freaking mortgage since I'm on SSDI and it comes in regularly at the same time so I can draft out the mortgage so it's never late. However, now we can't afford the arguing. Dh had a mild then massive heart attack in January 09 that nearly killed him. He also had a stroke and had to undergo a quadruple bypass that left him on a vent and a heart/lung(s) bypass machine so the machine could work for his heart and lungs to let them heal from the massive amount of damage. He's also a juvenile diabetic and his diabetes has been almost impossible to control since the heart attacks and stroke w/ surgery. The doc says this is normal but also says he cannot return to work - ever. I'm fighting SSA to get him disability but it's like fighting a lion with no protection and no whip or chair. I can't afford him to go back to fighting if I have to return to analogs because it could very well trigger another heart attack and this time it could kill him. He's already having chest pain/tightness that is really beginning to scare me. He's upset because we have to rely on my SSDI and he's always been the breadwinner. I tell him that he took care of me through the retinal disease, the nerve damage (right arm ulnar neuropathy; inoperable) that led to the right set of tests that discovered I have lupus (SLE) and Sjogren's disease in the mod to severe stages. It saved my life b/c I was able to go on the medications that are able to slow the diseases, not cure them but at least keep them from damaging my vital organs as long as possible. I'm already beating the odds. I've been diagnosed 8-9 years now and the mortality rate for someone in my stages is 10 years yet I have NO vital organ involvement except for my vision, which can't be verified because of the retinal disease and problems with my optic nerves.

So, I'm in somewhat of a fix. If anyone has any ideas on how to keep these batteries cooler so they don't ruin my e-cig kit, I'd be extremely thankful.

Please forgive my long post but I felt it was kind of important to explain why it is so important to make these batteries last as long as possible. I should have enough e-liquid to last me through but I can't afford to lose the batteries. I'm not sure if they're under warranty or not but even if they are, then there's the wait for Janty to ship new ones not to mention the general wait time for me to ship back the defective ones before they'll ship out the new ones.

Again, I'd truly appreciate any ideas. If the 510s run cooler and are truly adaptable to the Janty Dura-C, then perhaps I can buy a couple of them in August or rather more likely September. BTW, I didn't know the batteries had a tendency to run hot until a few days after the kit arrived and I had already begun to use it and was cutting way back on my analogs.

Thanks a lot for any assistance...


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 13, 2009
The Mother Lode, California
This is by far the strangest thread I have ever seen here. Very suspect. I say that as I ((accidentially) posted here about the Dura-C a bit back and it was deleted right away.

Now, most of us know the Dura then reworked Dura-C are the first of it's kind. The Joye 510 is a copy, along with the others that many say are the same. I beg to differ, knowing my experience with the Dura-C, and then seeing others experience here on the forums with the copies.

I find this thread to be very, very suspect as to it's purpose. I am frankly baffled as to why others do not also. I am really wondering why the first post has not been deleted as so many before it have been.

My best guess, is that is is meant to play out different in the end. That is if someone as myself were not here to question it.

I am totally expecting this post to be deleted. But, I am seeing thru this already and wanted to say so.
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